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Status: Current Main Leader/Chief, Current High Elder
Abilities: Greatest to Least
Ability to heal another being at any time he is awake
Ability to encase another being in a confinement shield
Ability to shield self and/or other being(s) at the same time
Ability to share powers through touch with chosen others (Other UNRULY Members)
Ability to use ArtisAE's Shadow book and all it's knowledge (Given to Psyconias before Artis passed on)
Ability to cast spells of protection, peace or destruction
Ability to bring peace or destruction of mind
Ability to help control or stabilize other UNRULY Members powers and/or abilities
Powers: Greatest to Least
Power to use the Shadow Book given by ArtisAE at any time when awake
Power to summon other spirits
Power to bring pain, comfort or pleasure to another being by mere touch
Power of manipulation of mind
Power to levitate small to medium sized objects
Power to use the Dark Crystal
Power of knowledge

Favorite Weapons:
Changeling Sword, passed on to Psyconias by ArtisAE, which is now kept in a display case.
Long Sword
Broad Sword
Shadow Book, given to by ArtisAE
The Dark Crystal, given to by ArtisAE. The Crystal draws in any evil soul on command. Only Psyconias knows the verbal command.
Favorite Attacks:
Confusion, Psychic Attack
Altered Gravity, Levitation Attack
Altered Reality, Psychic Attack
Mind Share, Psychic link/attack, where knowledge is shared between a temporary link of minds
Crushing Blow, Physical attack using levitation powers in which the being's insides are crushed by mere touch on the skin
Shield Smash, Strength/Levitation attack where any shield -save for a Soul Shield, or Shield of the Soul- can be broken
Mind Bender, Knowledge attack in which the enemy is temporarily throw off/surprised/caught off guard by too much knowledge. In some cases too much kills the enemy or permanently alters the enemy's mind

-Current Position: Main Chief, current Eldest member (3yrs), First Leader/Founder/Chief, Head Committee, Main e-mail Response.
-Current Status: Husband to Selana, Main informative active/voting member.
-Current Projects: Member Profiles and keeping the members together.
-Privileges Earned: 7

ArtisAE | Trista