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my updates.... be sure to come in here often to see my newest features. This area has been put back up due to the minor errors with my earlier updates link.... thank you for your great patience!!

Newest Updates

  1. I am so close to finishing my ultra profiles. stay tuned to recieve the date of its completion.
  2. The most kick-butt thing to my website..... i got voice ch@!!!!!!
  3. I am now doing sneek peeks at the new character profiles, e-mail me if you are interested!!!
  4. This area has been put back up
  5. The Character Profile is gonna be down for a while, when its back up it will have many more features and people.
  6. Doomtrain area is added to sidequests
  7. Cactuar section is added to sidequests
  8. My Lil' Bro made a website.... check it out by Clicking here

    Older Updates

    1. Midi is put on site
    2. Fan-Art section is added to site
    3. Odin has been put up in my sidequest area
    4. Side Quests have been added to my site
    5. 3 Fan arts have been put up
    6. Side Quests have been added to my site

    Oldest Updates

    1. Image gallery is added to my website
    2. Most of my links have been put on my site
    3. I got a main image for my home page
    4. neopets banner has been put up
    5. MIDI is put on more areas of my website