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I'll tell you something, my Tenchi. You know the Carnival comes and goes. If you wait for a while, It'll always come back to you Tenchi.
I guess you're right Ryoko...I guess you're right.
Ryoko and Tenchi. Who doesn't want them to hook up for good? Really though, Ayeka needs to step aside(or she can die, whatever)and let Ryoko and Tenchi be together. They are perfect for each other. Ryoko cares deeply for Tenchi.(More than that snotty Ayeka could EVER hope to care) And also, I don't see Tenchi wanting to go out w/ Ayeka. But Ryoko was meant for Tenchi. Now, let me get one thing straight. I don't HATE Ayeka....well....yes I do, but, I wouldn't mind her if she would GROW UP and stuff. She doesn't realize how much Ryoko loves Tenchi.
Ryoko risked her life for Tenchi when she took him down past the Galaxy Police and everything else to Planet Jurai. All Ayeka wanted was to get down Tenchi's pants. That's all she wants. In Ryoko's Alternate world, her perfect dream was to be with Tenchi and adventure with him, and to be CLOSES and have some FUN. In Ayeka's world, she was Tenchi's BITCHY Fiancee and a very demanding one at that. It just shows how much Ryoko really does care about Tenchi. Ayeka is a really jealous bitch and wants anything she CANT HAVE(tenchi) and everything Ryoko DOES HAVE(tenchi).

OK. Ryoko. She doesn't show her emotions all that well. But when she assimilated with Zero(OAV ep. ZERO RYOKO) You could clearly see that all her emotions were towards Tenchi. She likes to flaunt, too. But, you can see that little ordeal from OAV ep. MIHOSHI FALLS TO THE LAND OF STARS for yourself, or check out my WHO GETS TENCHI???? Page.

Well, that's all for now. I know there are tons more reasons why Ryoko and Tenchi belong together, but I really don't think you need ME to post them ALL up for you, do you? Sayonara!!