'Bout Me

Oi there minna-chan, this is your favorite lovable, procrastinating, Inu-Yasha-obsessed college webmistress. *bows* Call me Kaycee, considering that's my name n' all, anything else would be a bit awkward. Yes, as you can see I'm into Inu-Yasha a LOT. ^_^

I first read it about three years ago when my friend Kai-sama let me borrow one of the graphic novels. I was hooked pretty quick. I loved everything about it, the art style, the overflowing of Bishonen and squeezable doggie ears included! It's very rare when I find a series where all of the characters are likable, but in Inu-Yasha, I really do like all of them. Inu-kun of course is deffinately my favorite, followed very closely by Sango.

Aside from that, I'm a history major in a tiny lil' college in a tiny lil' town in Southeastern Ohio. I think I may want to be a teacher some day if I ever graduate and pay off my loans. I'm currently the secretary of my school's Student Programming Board, meaning aside from that, I don't have much of a life.

My (ha!) free time hobbies are RP, writing, drawing, and lounging in front of the tv. I of course love anime; my obsession for the moment being Gensomaden Saiyuki. It's another one of those shows where you actually get to like all of the characters. *ponders* Anything else? I like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, Mountain Dew, and steak. Send me these things and I'll produce more work. ^_^ And--

*grabs a megaphone*

I'll be turning 20 on May 13!!! Send presents! XD

Get thee away from this place