Higurashi Kagome

The Bio:Kagome is your average Japanese schoolgirl who happens to live in a shrine. In a shrine that has an ancient well. An ancient well that allows one to travel back in time to an era known as Sengoku Jidai. She is first brought to this time by a youkai who wants something called the Shikon Jewel, and Kagome has it. She just isn't aware of this fact quite yet. After wandering alone for a while, she comes across the unconscious Inu-Yasha and before being captured...Wait, why am I retelling all of this? You know the story!

She now works with her friends to piece the Shikon no Tama back together, and finish off Naraku, who has caused everyone misery. Loyal, and in love with Inuyasha, she tends to get jealous thinking about the half demon she loves with her previous incarnation, Kikyou. From time to time, this jealousy can turn violent, resulting in a whole mantra of 'osuwari' for poor Inuyasha.

Though Kagome wasn't really trained in miko ways, her powers inherited from Kikyou are exceptional, as is her use of a bow and arrows, which she worked hard to teach herself. She's also the optimistic member of the group, encouraging to the others.

Opinion:The brave heroine who always has time to help her friends...but just can't seem to understand algebra. Well, no one's perfect, of course. She at least has the common sense to act as a pseudo-leader, since Inuyasha can't really seem to pull that off. In my opinion there aren't many anime female characters as well developed as Kagome is. After reading much of the manga or seeing the anime series, a fan would know what she would do in any situation. She's very stubborn, worried about school, and tries to live a normal life as best she can while traveling through time. Pull off all of that and see if you're still sane.

Piccie is from Sengoku Jidai