Links to other IY sites and More!

Among Other Adventures ~~ The link to the ML of the Inuyasha RP

~~ A great IY site overall! Has anything and everything you could possibly want dealing with the series!

~~ Another awesome site with loads of pics from the anime plus info.

Wonderland~~ A very very cute site! Lots of info and fun fan stuff!

Two Worlds~~ Has fanstuff, awards, info and more! A well organized site! ^_^

Inu-Yasha's Soup Kitchen for Fanfiction~~ A nice site with fics, pics, challenges and more! Deffinately worth checking out!

Inuyasha Fanfiction~~ Kawaii and a few nice fics too ^_^

Galactic Anime~~ An all anime site with Inuyasha information and fanfiction

Reflection~~ A very, VERY nice site

Left Behind~~ChibiJaime's shrine to Hakkaku and Ginta

Other Neat Sites

The Writings of John: My brother's site for poetry and news articles.

My Other Pages:

BakazaruA shrine to Gensomaden Saiyuki's Son Goku

Want your link to be here? all you have to do is email me below and I'll post it here! ^_^ Just make sure it's related to Inuyasha in some way!

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