
The BioA lecherous, conning Buddist priest, Miroku also bears a curse handed down through the males in his family from the demon Naraku. His right hand is inflicted with a small, but extremely powerful black hole--only kept sealed by a gauntlet and prayer beads. Often using this cursed power when he attacks, he calls it the Kaze Ana (air void/wind tunnel). From time to time, he also attacks with his monk staff, or ofuda.

He travels with the group hoping to kill Naraku and be freed from his curse. In case he fails to do so, he will often approach beautiful women with the phrase "Will you bear my child?" He wants a son to carry on his mission if he dies beforehand.

Miroku's father died when he was very young (I'd guess around 7 years old), and he was raised by a kind, but also a drunk and probably perverted older monk named Mushin. This is the man who taught Miroku all of his dirty habits. He also seems to be able to give temporary treatments to the hole in Miroku's hand. Eventually Miroku left the monastary he was raised in and traveled around Japan until he met up with Inuyasha and Kagome. As the series moves on, he seems to develop more and more of an attachment for Sango, even to the point that he would die for her. This, however, doesn't stop the occasional grope every now and then.

My opinion:The normally steady, level headed member of the group with a few comic faults, as well as a vast wealth of information, it seems. Miroku really knows his stuff...He's rarely confused. He tries to set Inuyasha straight on the ways of his romance with Kagome, and tends to either scold him or smack him when he does something stupid. He cares about the other members of the group, but many a time has he ruined a cute, possibly romantic moment with Sango with a grope. Baka. A loveable baka, though.

Piccie is from Sengoku Jidai