
One of the coolest female main characters of all time in my opinion, Sango is one of Rumiko Takahashi's greatest creations. She is neither too shy, nor too tough, but a perfect blend of two personalities. She's a Taiji-Ya, a youkai exterminator, and a very good one at that. In her first appearance her father comments that she and her younger brother Kohaku are the best in the village. She carries a giant boomerang called "Hiraikotsu" (Boomerang Bone)that can cut a demon in half.

Sango lost her father and brother in an attack planned by Naraku, and for some time was thought to be dead as well. When found to be alive, Naraku convinces her Inuyasha is the enemy, and sends her to kill him. She naturally fails ( can't kill the hero) and discovers Naraku is her true enemy.

When the group goes off to find Naraku, they discover Kohaku is still alive, has lost is memory and is being controlled by Naraku. Sango fights hoping she can free her brother or put him to rest.

Personality-wise, Sango is very stubborn and set in what she believes in. She and Miroku seem to have something going, although it never really seems so. At one point Sango does seem to become extremely jealous when Miroku is flirting with another girl. Ah yes, and Kirara must be mentioned: Sango's one really knows just what he is, but Kirara looks like a two-tailed kitten. He's one of the cutest lil' critters I've ever seen and, oh yeah, he can turn into a viscious youkai-eating monster to help out the group.

Piccie thanks to Sengoku Jidai