
Sesshomaru is the older, full youkai half brother of Inuyasha, and my lands is he sexy! He is a very calm, easy going character who just happens to hate his brother, all humans, and...just about everything else. He comes off as being elegant but very haughty as well. Sesshomaru is a very strong fighter, quite a match for Inuyasha. One has never really beaten the other.

A bit later in the series, it appears Sess develops a soft side. He uses his sword, Tenseiga, which saves people from death to bring back a little girl named Rin who was killed by wolves. Rin continues to follow him everywhere, and he allows it. Sess is also followed by the reject Kermit the Frog, Jaken, who usually ends up being something for Sess to take his frustration out on.

Piccie is from Sengoku Jidai