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   Bitch says it all. I'm a smart ass, arrogant, easily angered bitch. I'm practically all those qualities that your parents absolutely hate in one pretty little package. Now, don't get me wrong, I do have a sweet side, but that's rarely shown. Now, if you know me, you prolly know most of this stuff, so there's practically no reason for you to be here, but that's okay. Peace! ^_^


                                  Name:  Christine

                                  Blood Type: heh...right, like I would know that

                                  Age:  16

                                  Likes:  Music(rock), writing, anime, my friends, etc.

                                  Dislikes: Parents, music that sux, physical activity

                                  Combat Style:  Bitch slap...figures huh?

                                  Job:  Putting pretty pics on the Joukai page.   ^_^

KISS THE STICKER!!   RIGHT NOW!  Okay, so its not the best pic of me, but its funny as hell as far as I'm concerned. There's a whole story behind this, but I'm not getting into details. All you need to know is that we were at Hershey Park and I wasn't having a good hair day, but it all worked out in the end.

My insane associate, Ekisama

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