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Anime The Joukai Way

Rini Rap Sailor Moon's "Finest Sailor Scout" is on trial in this mischievious parody.

SURPRISE! UNLEADER-LIKE of you! Yet...funny as hell. A must for Sailor Moon haters.

Ai No Senshi A decent song from Sailor Moon.

I Love Mr. Piccolo Gohan sings a ballad in Japanese which made my juice come out my nose when I listened to it for the first time.

Gundam Instrumental A pretty violin and flute instrumental from Gundam Wing.

Gundam Vocal/Music You have Trowa, Catherine and Quatra rambling about something with music in the background. ((Trowa's voice is the same as Van's from Escaflowne!))

AH! My Goddess! The FULL version of Your Heart My Heart, the opening to Ah! My Goddess! Warning: gets stuck in your head VERY easily!

Tenchi Universe This is a very large (24 MB) MPEG file of the opening to Tenchi Universe. VERY good quality and worth the DL time.

DBZ-  (1.71 MB)  GOKU'S A PUNK!  Provided by

Sounds-  A couple wavs we like to use as our startup....IkeIkeChan uses one of them for her IM annoying.  -_-        (1.09 MB)