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            I think the best way to describe myself would be "Poisonous Social Butterfly."  Its not my fault that some people like poison better than sugar...::blinks in Christine's direction::  -_-        I don't have much else to say except that I'll give a dollar and a cookie to the person who rids the world of my English teacher, My Humanities teacher (and all his videos!!!!!!!), and the hicks.  Its a large task... I know...  so if you do it in the next 10 minutes, I'll throw in a pair of socks.



          Yeah, not my most recent pic, but its one of my favorites.  I like reading and writing, comp/video games, anime (of course!) and listening to a select group of songs.  My favorite anime you ask?  Why...none other than DBZ!  (Yeah yeah yeah...I'll get the page up soon ok?)  I thank my wonderful cousin for introducing me to the wonders of cartoon network when I was at a young, impressionable age.  I'm looking at some career in computer science.....and I want to get either a Siamese or a simple black cat.  ^_^    I handle all the technical stuff on the site, mostly the general appearance and user friendlyness, and I do a couple pages every once and a while.



 My Personality Things Of Mere Importance

I don't necessarily agree with every single one.


My Spirit Animal is the Dragon!

Cycle of Power: Varies

Aspects: Magick, Shapeshifting, Element Kinship

The Aspects of the dragon vary by elemental alignment. Click here to discover your spirit animal!

This test made by Celtic_Shamanes

You are Sailor Pluto! You are mysterious, and powerful. You are the keeper of time, and though you posses the power to stop time... if you did, it would kill you. Quite a responsibilty. You're probably rather fond of garnet.
You fight with the power of death and time!

Take the Which Sailor Are You? Quiz!
...created by Kenzie.

*spanks* I took the "What FFVIII Character Am I Most Like" Quiz here!

You're just a girl; you tend to get frustrated easily, you daydream quite a bit, and you try to avoid making trouble, though curiosity always gets the better of you. Even under tight circumstances, however, you put aside (some of) your fear and figure out what's the best thing to do. You want a better understanding of your world.

My anthem is "Bliss", by Michal.
When something bad happens, I remind myself that the end of something good means the beginning of something better. I try as hard as I can to be a peaceful person, no matter what the cost. But at least I'm not ignoring the problem itself.
Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE!

god, you're so manly. take the quiz

Go Faeries!!
Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!
This quiz was made by lia


What obscure animal are you?

I'm A Knight! Take the 'What Quake monster am I?' test!

 You're the Nightmare Before Christmas!

 Dash Over to Ikeike-chan's Place