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"Was it all just a dream? Or maybe a vision...No! It was real..."

     Escaflowne is an awesome series that is slowly ((hopefully)) making itself popular in the USA((though in Japan it became a hit instantly)). A girl gets sent to another world where the mystery of fantasy is taken to reality. With her talent of sight, Hitomi must help her new-made friends battle the Zaibach Empire. Not only must she aid them in their battles, but battle her feelings in the little love triangle. It wouldn't be anime without the mushy love scenes, right?

Van Fanel

     Van Fanel is the youngest son, only 15, but destined to be king of Fanelia. On first encountering Hitomi, he acted as though she was but luggage that got messed up with his business. Later in the story, he finds importance in her and tender feelings start to pop up; to his childhood friend's, Merle, dismay.He is loyal to his kingdom, showing often in his determination in fighting against the Zaibach. Like his brother, Folkin, Van has wings thanks to their mother's background.

Hitomi Kanzaki

     Hitomi is from our world and is pretty normal as a 15-year-old goes. She's quiet, shy, and a little((no...I take it back, really)) naive. A track star in her school, Hitomi was racing when she gets her first vision. By mishap, she is taken back to Fanelia with Van and now must fight alongside him. She meets Allen and his resemblence to Amano, her Earth crush, is overwhelming. Hitomi is stuck between her interest in both Van and Allen. To make things complete, she is of use to both of them, thanks to her ability to get visions.

Allen Schezar

     Extremely good looking, gallant, and charming, Allen is tied between love and his duty as a knight. Not only one love, but two infautions, Millerna and Hitomi. His past haunts him as well, but that is well hidden under his pretty face. Though the girls on the show like him, he isn't my favorite guy. I like his manners, but he's too damn pretty for my taste...


     Merle is the equivalent of a 13-year-old girl. She loves Van, since she's known him from childhood. Jealousy flies when Hitomi starts taking up his attention instead of her. Merle, in spite of her obnoxiousness, is spontaneous and kind, making her a lively part of the adventure. Her endless mischief with Hitomi's possessions is always amusing when the plot gets too serious.

Millerna Aston

     Youngest daughter and loveliest, Millerna's interest lies not in her princess role, but her medicine. Practically the total opposite of Van in that perspective, but the want to heal people makes up for that. She of course is in love with Allen, with a betrothal to some spineless wimp to back it up. Again, not a favorite of my characters.

Folken Fanel

     Older brother of Van, he disappeared when he was sent to retrieve an energist from a dragon. His right hand is but a skeleton and his wings are hidden underneath the black cloak he wears. The only way to actually tell that he is brother to Van is that Folken also has the angelic wings of their mother. Along with his cold attitude, his genius lies in the stealth cloaks that the Zaibach use almost constantly in battles.

Dilandau Albatou

     Dilandau is insane and gorgeous. Two things I can definately like in a character. His obsession with his looks, his arrogance, and his thirst for blood are things that make him stupid in battles though. He would be a decent fighter if he wasn't always in such a rage. Either way, I think he's okay, considering that anyone more insane than I am is funny.

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