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   Full Name:   
   Heero Yuy


    Beam Saber, Buster Rifle   

   Special Abilities:   
   Can transform into a jet

Heero, being the main hero((isn't that cheesy?)), of the Gundam Wing series is of course to be exceptionally better at fighting than all the rest. Sure, he's dark, cold, and way to serious for my taste, but hell! Heero can pull out guns, laptops, and other stuff out of the spandex pants! I wonder what else he's got hidden in there!::smirks::

   Full Name:   
   Duo Maxwell   


    Beam Scythe;  

   Special Abilities:   
   Thievery skills   

Figures that my favorite character in the series would be Duo. He's excellant when it comes to sneaking in without being detected, though how well he can get back out is another story. Duo's quick, funny, and cutie all over. He has that big, blue-eyed gaze that the Japanese have a bad habit of putting on my favorite characters.

   Full Name:   
   Quatre Raberba Winner


    Two sickles;  

   Special Abilities:   
   None that I can remember   

    Gundam Pic   
    Not Availible   

Rich, cute, and musical, Quatre is another favorite. He's the baby doll of the squad and the least amount of trouble if you ask me. Don't get me wrong, he can fight when its needed, but I'm a lover, not a fighter. I'd prefer being tucked away in a cozy room and listening to him play his violin.