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When the name Ranma is heard everyone knows to look out for water! Thanks to his father, Ranma turns into a girl when cold water touches him. When they were training in China, Ranma's father ignores the sign((mainly cuz he can't read Chinese)) and they begin to fight. By mishap, his father lands in the Pool of the Drowned Panda and Ranma lands smack into the Pool of Drowned Girl. To make matters worse, Ranma soon finds out he is betrothed to more than one girl! The story is built of passion, hate, honor, and cold water...

The Characters










Having to live with a curse can lead to many curses, as Ranma Saotome shows. He finds out he is betrothed to two girls, thanks to his father, Genma, and by amazon traditions, to yet another. The first and foremost fiancee is Tendo Akane. She is a tom boy, hot tempered, and a horrible cook. Three things that Ranma has a habit of making her show constantly. In spite of hard feelings, there are tender moments between these two in which you feel they are meant for each other...if they don't kill each other first. The next is Ukyou who was betrothed to him with the dowry of her father's cart. When they were young, Ranma had thought Ukyou was a boy, but later discovers that she is all female. The last, but certainly not least, is Shampoo. Put aside the fact that she had wanted to kill him in his female form and her eerie grandmother, Cologne, they would be cute for each other.

Ranma has many who hate him as well as love him. Both Kuno and Kodachi are in love with one of his sides and despising the other. Though they have many oppurtunities to see the two are one, the brother and sister tend to be blind and constantly challenge him.


Being the smallest sister of the family can really suck, especially if you're Akane Tendo. She despises all men and holds a grudge against Ranma since the time she walked in on him naked. She has a cold heart to basically all men, all except Dr. Tofu, who is in love with her eldest sister. Though Akane may be frigid to the male gender, they love her! Every day before school, she must fight her way into the building...

Kuno is among her admirers, torn between her and the pig-tailed girl. Then there is Gosunkugi who takes pictures of her while constantly stalking the poor girl. Ranma may end up with her, that is if they don't kill each other first. Then we can't forget Ryoga, who secretly sleeps with her when he's in P-chan form. They are all out to destroy competition or at least break her engagement with Ranma.

Hehe...notice in both pictures that no matter how Akane is feeling, Ranma has that symbol of being uncomfortable.


She was brought up in an Amazon tribe, strict on tradtions and training. When Shampoo was little, she was beaten by a girl who was passing through the village. From that, Shampoo planned to kill her. Well, years later, she finds the red haired girl and amazingly, the girl is actually a boy! That would be Ranma and he's not too thrilled to be engaged to another girl. But its okay cuz Shampoo has her grandmother, Cologne, to help her.

Well, Shampoo got drowned in the Pool of Drowned Cat and now she's cursed as well. And too bad for her that Ranma is absolutely terrified of cats! But there is one who loves her most devotedly, to her grandmother's dismay. That would be Mousse, whose vision is worse than how he looks with those glasses.


What's better than having the near blind Mousse being in love with you? The duck that Mousse turns into when cold water hits him! Don't you already feel sorry for Shampoo? Well don't bother wasting your pity on her, Cologne makes sure that Mousse will never be able to wed her grandaughter.

Besides, Mousse is a head-strong blind man that is so fouled up by love, he will never give up his love for Shampoo. In case you're wondering why Cologne refuses to see Shampoo wed to Mousse, its not cuz of how stupid he looks with his glasses; its because when they were smaller, Shampoo beat Mousse's weakling ass down...poor man.




Ryoga is lost in love with Akane. Literally lost. He has the worst sense of direction and luck. Since childhood, he has planned to beat Ranma, but kept getting lost and Ranma is not one to stick around too long. When he finally tracks Ranma, Ryoga blames Ranma for making him fall into the Pool of the Drowned Pig.

By pure luck, good or bad, Akane finds him in pig form and names him "P-chan"! With her kind care, Ryoga falls in love with her, making his quest to destroy Ranma ten times more personal than ever before. Until he does, Ryoga is content to sleep by Akane's side at night in P-chan form.


Ranma's dear, loving father. It is totally all his fault Ranma has such a wretched love life! Though Genma is cursed to be a panda as Ranma is to be half female, Genma takes it as it comes. He spends most of his time sleeping and eating in his panda form, someimtes working at Dr. Tofu's. He mainly serves tea or gives smart ass remarks with his renowned signs. Then there is the fact he doesn't understand Chinese...

Though Genma does not worry about lovers, he and Akane's father, Soun, worry about their master who has returned. Happy, or better known as the pervert, wreaks havoc in the house of Tendo and Saotome.









Who ever thought this hideous lady is weak, is wrong. She is Shampoo's grandmother, strict in tradition, and powerful in the fighting technique. Cologne constantly is trying to hook up Ranma and Shampoo, repeatedly calling Ranma, "Son-in-law," as to remind him of what she plans. In trying to train him and prepare him, Cologne just happens to meet Happy...

Though not ones for love, Cologne and Happy have a history together. It does not specify what exactly happened or if there's still attraction, they're still a curious couple. But the big thing is Cologne trying to discourage the man, Mousse, after her granddaughter. That poor man is going have to go through hell before he can call Shampoo his own thanks to Cologne...




Ranma Image Gallery

Ranma   Akane   Shampoo

   Mousse   Ryoga   Genma   Happy   Cologne