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    This is the show that got me into anime, and ironically, its not the typical show. Most have a romance somewhere and the guys are bi or gay; not in this one! Five young men are trying to defeat the dark force of Talpa to rule the world(of course!) by taking their mystical armor. Talpa has four warlords that have armor that is like the Ronin Warriors, but of course the lords are arrogant and never really can defeat the our heros. The story gets semi-complicated, with Ancients and death, so I'm not going into detail about it. If you have never seen this, you really are missing out on a great show.

   Ryo Sanada   

   Armor of Wildfire   

   Twin katanas   

   "Flare up now!"   
   "Rage of Inferno!"   

Ryo is the leader of the group, hot headed, and goes on major guilt trips. Any time a plan goes wrong, he figures it's his fault, which is sweet. It gets annoying though when the group needs his leadership and he feels inadequate. Other than that, Ryo makes a fine leader. In the series, he is the first appeared, with White Blaze at his side. Also, later on, when the five ronins' armor combine, they make the Armor of Inferno and Ryo is the one who gets to play with it.


   Armor of Halo   

   Huge battle sword   

   "Thunderbolt cut!"   

Sage is my favorite ronin! He is the one who thinks before he acts, in contrast to Kento. Sage is practically second in command with his quiet intelligence and seriousness. During battle, Sage's mean side comes out with his wicked sword and speed. Now put all those attributes aside, you have a major hottie on your hands. Another great reason to like Sage! But why did he have to be blonde?!::weeps::

   Rowen Hashiba   

   Armor of Strata   

   Bow & arrows   

   "Arrow shockwave!"   

Second most intelligent warrior would be Rowen. He knows when to act, so he is pretty well balanced in combat. Along with all the good stuff, Rowen has a tendency to be slightly arrogant. But it does him no harm, only improve his character.

   Kento Rei Faun   

   Armor of Hardrock   


   "Iron rock crusher!"   

His armor implies Kento's attitude well enough. He is the kind that attack first and ask questions later, irritating to those who actually think. Unlike my darling, the serious Sage, Kento has a wonderful sense of humor and his impulsive attitude is why it exists.

   Cye Mouri   

   Armor of Torrent   


   "Super wave smasher!"   

Cye is the real sweetie of the group. He listens to the others argue and imputs his own opinion only when its necessary. His passive nature makes him liked by all the members, but there is more to him. His easy going ways make him sometimes humorous when paired with spontaneous Kento, and efficiency in battle can not be ignored.

   Talpa, Evil Dude   


   Armor of Cruelty   



   Armor of Illusion   



   Armor of Darkness/   



   Armor of Venom   


If you want more information on the bad guys, tough break, I don't feel like giving more. I'm only gonna mention that Anubis turns good later on, cuz that part is really important. Lady Kayura isn't mentioned cuz she's not a Warlord, but she's also pretty important too((consdering she's the last of the Ancient line)). But then again, the story is pretty intricate and I'm not going into details.

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