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* ** *** ****
Pathetic Senshi Yawning. Average

Meets The Standards


Name:    Serena
Scout:   Moon Ekisama Rating:


Element: None

(She has...



     A true blue ditz to the core.  That's Serena for you.  This moron, this dumb blonde, happens to be the leader of the sailor scouts.  This glutton who is NO role model for schoolwork, supposedly saves the day and is the hero in every stinking episode.  What lesson do we learn from Sailor Moon?  Stupidity and annoyance will get you a great boyfriend, and a high position in the world.


Name:   Lita
Scout:   Jupiter Ekisama Rating:


Element:  Thunder

    Lita is a fine addition to the scouts.  Unlike the rest of them, she can actually FIGHT without a tiara on her head.  Funny how everyone "looks like my old boyfriend!" and yet she can't shake her feelings for another certain Sailor Scout.  Lita is strong, and yet she doesn't carry a tough guy kind of attitude.  Hey, the girl's color is green, she fights, she's even got a decent element, making Lita one of the few likable Sailor Senshi.


Name:   Mina
Scout:   Venus Ekisama Rating:


Element:  Love (Is

Love an element?)

    Mina is the beauty in the group.  (Big surprise when you are the representitive of a planet named after the goddess of beauty and your element is love.)  She's much like Serena, but she isn't quite as stupid.  She loves to play nurse, and face it....NOBODY likes a BLONDE to touch 'em when they aren't feeling 100%.  I don't know, but something in "LOVE CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" doesn't really intimidate me much.  She's a cutesy addition, but hardly realistic.


Name:   Rei
Scout:   Mars Ekisama Rating:


Element:   Fire

    Rei has an attitude which is "fired" by her element.  This gutsy girl will always find a way to piss off Serena or will challenge her authority.  (Personally, I say more power to her!)  Rei has to put up with Serena's nonsense, as well as frequent visions of the future.  She lives with her grandfather at a local temple, where she basically cleans and cares for the place.  Just like the flames she invokes, her spirit is too hot to handle, and she has enough spice in her to make you steam in her presence.


Name:  Ami
Scout:  Mercury Ekisama Rating:


Element:  Water

    Ami is one of my favorites.  (Until they changed her voice anyway.)  She is exceptionally smart, and she carries a computer with her that can pinpoint almost anything.  She has a very sweet manner about her, and she is very kind to everybody she meets.  However, there are some things which detract from her personality.  She at times can be quite SICKENINGLY sweet.  Also, she only has attacks which support the team or cause partial damage to the enemy.  (Bubbles wouldn't stop ME much, but hey....this is the cartoon world we are talking about!)  Overall, Ami is the most level-headed of all the sailor scouts.


Name:   Michiru
Scout:  Neptune Ekisama Rating:


Element:  Water

    Michiru is Uranus's partner in crime.  They first appear in the sage with the heart snatchers, and for a time are believed to be enemies of the Sailor Scouts.  They seek 3 pure hearts (which Neptune and Uranus each have but don't realize it) in order to save the world.  Though this seems like a noble cause, 3 people must die for the pure hearts to be obtained.  For this reason, the Sailor Squad will do whatever it takes to stop them.  Michiru has a very subtle way about her, and she seems to get her wisdom from Uranus.  Both have a very dull lure in their voice which makes them give an aura of superiority and dominance over all the Sailor Scouts.


Name:   Haruka
Scout:   Uranus Ekisama Rating:


Element:   None

(Planetary Attack)

    Out of all the Sailors, Uranus radiates a very strong and wise feeling.  There is wisdom behind every one of her actions (HINT HINT SERENA!!!) and handles complex situations with quick and decisive commands.  She dresses more like a man, but she is very feminine at heart (errr....we hope.)  She is the only COLLECTED one in the group, so she is certainly my true favorite.


Name:   Rini
Scout:  Chibi (Mini) Moon Ekisama Rating:


Element:   None

(She has invincible 

stardust like her dummy


    Rini is a very good likeness of her mother.  She comes to meet the scouts in the present day, from her home in the future so that she may save her mother, Sailor Moon.  She has a very aggravating attack in which she rings a little bell to call a big horse with wings to come and save her.  This winged horse, known as Pegasus, eventually becomes the father of her child.  Now, it is MY opinion that human beings should only have children with those of the same species.  (But with pink hair like can we be sure the little brat is even human?)


Name:   Darien
Scout:  He's no scout...

He's Tuxedo Mask!

Ekisama Rating:


Element:   He has no 

element....but he uses a 

lot of roses.  Ouch...

how expensive!

     Darien is a dork.  He picks Serena, out of all the hot girls which he "works" with, just because of some STUPID legend which makes no sense at all.  In the early episodes, he explains that he grew up on Earth, from CHILDHOOD.  But how could he, if he was sent to Earth from the moon as a grown man?  Psh!  The only reason I give this windbag two stars is because he has a cute little anime face.  He has some of the stupidest attacks I ever heard of besides Sailor Moon and Rini's, plus I think he looks like a bunny or something with that crazy get up of his.


Name:   Meiou Setsuna
Scout:   Pluto Ekisama Rating:


Element:   Time

    Sailor Pluto only shows up during the Rini Saga in the beginning.  Her attitude is similar to that of Uranus and Neptune, but it has a more compassionate side toward Rini.  She acts like Rini's nanny and advisor, and she can be a little cruel at times.  (This is what earns her that 3 star rating.)  She guards the gate of time, (for some reason her name means "King of Dead") and yet her dream in life is to be a fashion designer.  THIS SHOW HAS TOO MANY PROBLEMS, I SWEAR......A BLONDE MADE THIS THING UP!


Name:   Hotaru
Scout:   Saturn Ekisama Rating


Element:   Darkness



    Hotaru pushes it, but she JUST manages to hang onto a 4 star rating.  Being Rini's friend is a minus, but hell....being the DESTRUCTION scout kicks ASS!!!!  I'm not fond of the whole predestined crap, I mean you'll find it in every anime.  "MY FATHER WAS THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE SO I HAVE INHERITED HIS POWERS!" That kind of nonsense is so repetitive.  Can't the Japanese come up with anything original?  Anyway, Sailor Saturn is really awesome, even though she does have a corny history and storyline.


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