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Tenchi has the misfortune is a better word, of being the pimp of this series. He is driven crazy by self-absorbed princesses, a moody space pirate, and other determined women that try to seduce the "poor" guy. Had it been any other guy in Tenchi's shoes, I'm pretty sure they would have taken full advantage of the girls' eagerness.

Okay, so besides the point that Tenchi is constantly surrounded by females and see if there anything under that innocent face of his. He carries a big sword that glows in the dark. I always wanted one of those too!

So we have the elements of a pimp and a swordmaster. In spite of this odd combination, he remains compassionate and kind to the girls, no matter how irritable they are. He is probably one of the more sane characters in the series.

Ayeka is one of those pathetic little hussies you just want to shoot everytime they speak. She's always getting after someone, being the mother hen, and argueing over Tenchi with Ryoko. Ayeka is just plain annoying.

Well, for the sake of arguement, let's put aside the annoying, pestering side of Ayeka and look at her through her actions. She is a princess and yes, is pretty considerate, when it comes down to that. My theory is that she is torn between her love for Tenchi and princess/older sister duties that it makes her totally annoying. At least that sounds better than saying she's pest.

Okay, who can't love Ryoko? She is one of my favorite Tenchi girls because she has that kill-all-who-piss-me-off attitude mixed with a little naivety that makes her a sweet person on the inside. Her determination, arrogance, and rough-and-tumble way of life just making her exciting and fun to watch.

Behind that tough space pirate mask, you know she's a sweet person. She may not have the best of a past, but that's okay. Her kindness shows itself when its most wanted, but it shows up mostly around Tenchi. Notice that it is always Ryoko that goes to aid Tenchi in battles, or save him.

Aww...she's just sooooo cute isn't she? Almost too cute for my taste. She's that perfect kind of sweetness mixed with generosity that could make Tiny Tim look like a thief. But then again, she is Ayeka's little sister and if she isn't annoying one way, she's annoying another. Sasami is a born drama queen with that big, pink-eyed stare that you just want to melt at. Remember, eat too much candy and you will get sick.

Now put those aside and you'll get this nice, little girl who can cook, which is good considering none of the others are any good at it. Sure, they're good at pulling hair and shouting insults, but they suck at cooking. So, Sasami stays put in this family.

Washu is another one of my favorite characters. She's intelligent and even cynical at times. I mean her possibly being one of the three goddesses in the show has absolutely nothing with my opinion! There are so many rumors in that show anyway; like how she is somehow Tenchi's mother. But that would explain her maternal affection for him. Anyway, it doesn't take away from her awesome abilities.

Okay, so Washu is neither annoying nor bitchy. What is her special attribute to her attitude? Her mad scientist thinking and kick ass ideas/weapons. After all, that's the reason she was banished. Let's salute the wickedly intelligent Washu!


She is a blonde. Need I say more?

Okay in more detail, she's a space cop, one of the best. To hang around her, you get some major penalties as seeming that her parnter, Kiyone, has a horrible case of bad luck. She also is in love with Tenchi, but is a ditz and doesn't stand a chance. That much is obvious.

Kiyone is probably the most sane of the girls. In spite of her gift of sanity, she is cursed to work with Mihoshi, the blonde. Supposedly Mihoshi and her were chasing after Ryoko when they landed on Earth. So, Kiyone is both dangerous and cursed. Now put that aside and you find a pretty woman who is a lot more helpful around the house than the others. But in the show, that's mostly all she's good for, other than sneaking into facilities and getting gadgets. She has a crush on Tenchi too, but its passive. Its all good...

Hopefully I can find a better pic of her.

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