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Asaba Hideaki

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NameAsaba Hideaki
Name Kanji
Name TranslationBright Beauty of a Wet Nurse
SeiyuuKisaichi Atsushi
CharacterHideaki's family situation is quite different from Souichirou's. Hideaki lives alone, because of his dislike for his family. When his family planned to move, Hideaki stayed behind, studied hard, and got into Hokuei High School to make a better life for himself than his parents would have provided him with. He has had an infatuation with girls since childhood, which is quite noticible, and this further fueled the battle between him and his father. He becomes Souichirou's self-proclaimed best friend, and at first he hates Yukino for soaking up all of Souichirou's attention. However, they become friends when Souichirou straightens him out.