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Seiyuu: Kiyokawa Motomu
Character: This is Yukino and Souichirou's teacher who notices that since they've been going out their grades have dropped significantly.

Shibahime Toshiharu

Seiyuu: Yamamoto Hisoku
Character: This is Tsubasa's father, who plans on getting married to Ikeda Hiromi.

Mr. and Mrs. Arima

Seiyuu: Kiyokawa Motomu, Tamura Tagame
Characters: These are the parents of Souichirou. Although Yukino is a little hyper for their taste, they still like her very much.

Ikeda Hiromi

Seiyuu: Tamura Tagame
Character: This woman is the fiancee of Tsubasa's dad, Toshiharu. They met while Tsubasa was in the hospital, because Hiromi is a nurse at that hospital. She tries to be nice to Tsubasa, who does not return her kindness.

Ikeda Kazuma

Seiyuu: Ishida Akira
Character: This is Hiromi's son, who is in a popular underground band. He is about the same age as Tsubasa.

Tonami Takefumi

Seiyuu: Sasaki Nozomu
Character: As a child, he was subject to a lot of teasing. A teacher assigned Sakura Tsubaki to protect him. However, he hated her because she too teased him. He moved to Okinawa in junior high for 3 years. He returns as a completely different person, with revenge sworn on Tsubaki, and although he holds this intense anger for a long time, he finally realizes she frustrated him so much because he loves her.