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A Sad Ending

This is a fanfiction based on the last episode of Digimon but I changed it a little. I thought that Palmon part was so sad.

When they found out that they did not need a crest they went back. All their Digimon Digivolved. Mimi was with Lilymon, Matt was with Metalgarurumon, Tai was with Wargreymon, Sora was with Garudamon, Joe was with Zudomon, Izzy was with Mega Kabuterimon, T.K. was with Magnaangemon while Kari was with Angewoman. Apocalymon or whatever you call him was about to hit Mimi with those chains but Matt's Digimon destroyed it. When they all destroyed all the chains Apocalymon was about to do total annihilation there crest drawing things on their chests started glowing and started beaming so it could make a box. The box stopped the explosion. When they got back they started to think that they could stay there in the Digiworld for over 100 years because that is how long the summer will be there because of the different time. When Jedi said that they have to go back home because the portal to go back will close in 2 hours. Mimi started crying and fell in Matt's arms. Matt felt weird and when Mimi got up she started looking at Matt's eyes and then she ran to get Palmon. Sora said to Biyomon that she thanks the bird Digimon for showing how much her mom loves her. Izzy said to Tentomon that he loves him. Tentomon almost fainted. Tai was thinking about the memories, T.K and Patamon were crying so bad. Kari gave her whistle and Matt played the harmonica. Mimi was crying and looking for Palmon. Matt heard her and said to Gabumon to stay and wait. Matt came to Mimi. Mimi said," Oh Matt Have you seen Palmon anywhere. Matt said No. Mimi hugged Matt and said thank you for helping but I have a secret to tell you. Matt said what is it. Mimi just shouted I love you. Matt said I do too. After the kissed in the lips. The Geckomon found Palmon and said what are you doing here Princess is finding you. Palmon just said its because if I stay away I won't need to say bye. Everyone went back to the bus where tbey could fly to the portal. Everyone said bye. Mimi was crying and Matt was hugging her so she could feel better. When they flew Palmon ran after the bus and said bye Mimi I will never forget you bye. Mimi said the same thing. Mimi,s hat flew away. The other digimon ran with Palmon. Mimi won't stay sad now that she and Matt knows that they love each other. Now you know what happened to them. When they found out that they did not need a crest they went back. All their Digimon Digivolved. Mimi was with Lilymon, Matt was with Metalgarurumon, Tai was with Wargreymon, Sora was with Garudamon, Joe was with Zudomon, Izzy was with Mega Kabuterimon, T.K. was with Magnaangemon while Kari was with Angewoman. Apocalymon or whatever you call him was about to hit Mimi with those chains but Matt's Digimon destroyed it. When they all destroyed all the chains Apocalymon was about to do total annihilation there crest drawing things on their chests started glowing and started beaming so it could make a box. The box stopped the explosion. When they got back they started to think that they could stay there in the Digiworld for over 100 years because that is how long the summer will be there because of the different time. When Jedi said that they have to go back home because the portal to go back will close in 2 hours. Mimi started crying and fell in Matt's arms. Matt felt weird and when Mimi got up she started looking at Matt's eyes and then she ran to get Palmon. Sora said to Biyomon that she thanks the bird Digimon for showing how much her mom loves her. Izzy said to Tentomon that he loves him. Tentomon almost fainted. Tai was thinking about the memories, T.K and Patamon were crying so bad. Kari gave her whistle and Matt played the harmonica. Mimi was crying and looking for Palmon. Matt heard her and said to Gabumon to stay and wait. Matt came to Mimi. Mimi said," Oh Matt Have you seen Palmon anywhere. Matt said No. Mimi hugged Matt and said thank you for helping but I have a secret to tell you. Matt said what is it. Mimi just shouted I love you. Matt said I do too. After the kissed in the lips. The Geckomon found Palmon and said what are you doing here Princess is finding you. Palmon just said its because if I stay away I won't need to say bye. Everyone went back to the bus where tbey could fly to the portal. Everyone said bye. Mimi was crying and Matt was hugging her so she could feel better. When they flew Palmon ran after the bus and said bye Mimi I will never forget you bye. Mimi said the same thing. Mimi,s hat flew away. The other digimon ran with Palmon. Mimi won't stay sad now that she and Matt knows that they love each other. Now you know what happened to them.