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Cat Fight 2

Cat Fight Theme

After a few years later Matt and Mimi got married. Mimi had new friends like Christina, Anne, Jessica, and Lily. One stormy night Lily was putting makeup and all those stuff. She got a phone call. The guy said,"Lily hello I know where you are and what are you doing" in a scary voice. Lily freaked out so she ran to the front door but when she got to the front door a person with a knife stabbed her once. She ran and ran upstairs and locked herself in the bedroom. Lily tried to get out through the window but the killer caught up and stabbed her again and she fell out of the window and slammed on to the ground. It was horrible. The next day Mimi found out from the news. She told Matt," What if they did not execute Sora properly and is trying to get revenge." Matt just said," but we saw her funeral how could she be alive." Mimi said," You're right." Mimi and Matt went to a party in an expensive restaurant because it was their 2nd anniversary. While they ate all the lights turned off. When it went back on they saw the killer. Everybody ran except the 6 digidestines and Mimi's friends but they saw someone dead too. The killer ran after. Jessica needed to throw up so she went to the washroom. Jessica went to the toilet and bent down to throw up. The killer was behind Jessica and stabbed her in the back. Jessica's head dropped in the water. Mimi, Christina and Anne went to check Jessica. What they saw made them scream. Matt left the 4 digidestines. Matt went in the girls' washroom and saw Mimi and Christina watching as the killer stabs Anne's neck. Everyone freaked out and ran. They saw Izzy dead on the floor. Tai, Kari and Christina split up with the rest. Christina said that she was hungry so she went to the place where they cooked. Christina opened the fridge. Tai and Kari were waiting outside the door. Christina was stabbed on the head 3 times by the killer. Christina was taking so long so they looked inside. Kari wanted ice cream because she did not get to eat dessert. She looked in the freezer and screamed. Tai and Kari looked shocked when they saw Christina frozen squeezed in the freezer. They found a phone and called the police. When the police came they guarded the restaurant in case the killer comes out. One of them went in. He went to the kitchen and saw Tai and Kari. Right when he was going to get them the policeman was stabbed and the killer ran. Tai picked up the gun. They went out to the dining room and found the others. The killer came out and tried to attack Mimi but she ran to Matt. The killer missed. Tai got his gun and shot the killer. They pulled the mask and saw that it was Sora's lame cousin. He was buried a few days later. Christina, Anne, Lily, Jessica, and Izzy were buried too. Everyone else they lived happily ever after. The next year Sora's mom died but one-day Mimi got a call. The guy said that he knows where Mimi is and what she was doing. Could there be another killing. No! It was just T.K. joking around. Matt and Mimi lived a happy life.
