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Cat Fight 3

Cat Fight Theme

By: MattlovesMimi

One day Mimi was in her house. She was combing her hair. As she looked out her widow she saw a lady in a white dress. It was Sora. She turned around and rubbed her eyes. As she looked back at the window Sora disappeared. The next day Kari was looking at her mirror. Sora was behind him. She pulled out something out of her dress. It was black. The black thing was actually a PP7. She held it up and shot the mirror. Kari turned around when she saw Sora’s reflection.

Kari: Sora what are you doing. You suppose to be dead.

Sora: Well well well! You don’t know. The girl that you saw buried was really a friend of that was already dead. It was hard to escape the execution in the gas chamber but as soon as the gas blocked the surveillance I put a hidden gas mask on. My friends that I paid to switched my friend’s dead body and me. The police did not know it was my friend because of the make up. It was hard to make it stay permanent. Now that I am finish tell me where Matt is. I want to talk to him. I especially want to see Mimi.

Kari: Why should I?

Sora: If you don’t the next time you see Tai you will be in heaven!

Kari: You bitch! You are just a slut. All you think is sex.

Sora: That is it! I will give you one more chance to spare you.

Kari: O.K. Matt lives next door to Tai’s place.

Sora: That is it! I expected it to be far away.

Sora: I will get you if you tell about our little secret.

Mimi was combing her hair. Kari came in and said that Sora is alive. She also told about what she said what might happen if she told. Mimi was scared that someone would die. Kari went to her house. When she went through the door 2 people grabbed her arms. There was someone by the window. It was too dark to see who it was. The woman said.

Woman: How dare you? You told Mimi about the secret! Now it is time to die.

Kari: Get away!

Kari was freed from the 2 men. As she ran to the door a bullet went through her heart. She collapsed to the ground and died. Blood flowed out of her chest. It was gross.

Sora: Never mess with me never. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Tai went to Kari’s house with some sushi. As soon Tai saw Kari he screamed! (Not like a girl) The sushi fell on Kari’s blood. Tai called the police. Mimi heard and said that it was Sora. She told what Kari said. Everyone was in shock. Sora came out of the window and said.

Sora: Let’s play a game! I will count to 10 and you all run. I will go around killing people until there is on left O.K. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Ready or not hear I come. Mimi ran downstairs with Matt and Tai. They ran to the door but 2 men were guarding it. Sora came and shot at the door one of the guards died. The other one tried to kill Sora but Sora killed him too. Tai ran to the door but Sora shot him. 3 people were lying there lifeless. Matt went to the elevator and Mimi went downstairs to the parking lot. Sora came. Just when Sora held it up Mimi kicked it. Mimi jumped on Sora and slapped her. They were on the ground. Sora and Mimi were choking each other. Mimi tried to get the gun except it slid away. Matt came down and took the gun and shot at Sora except it missed. Then he shot again and killed Sora. The blood stained the white dress and Mimi’s pink nightgown. This time they never saw Sora again.

A few months later.

Mimi was in the hospital. The doctors told her to push so the baby could come out. Mimi was breathing loudly.

2 minutes or so.

The baby came out. It was a girl. She had shiny blond hair and brown eyes.

The couple lived a happy life until they had 3 more kids.