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~Matt's Bio~

Name: Yamato (Matt) Ishida
Japanese name: Ishida Yamato
Voice: Michael Riesz
Japanese Voice:
Grade: 5th
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Tsunomon, Gabumon, Garurumon, WereGarurumon, MetalGarurumon
Fav Color: Blue or green
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde and Spiky
Nickname: Cool Guy
Crest: Friendship

The other's think of Matt as "the cool guy". Matt tends to hide his feelings from the rest of the digidestined, making him the rebellious, lone wolf. The only one Matt will open up to is either to his little brother T.K, or his rival Tai. *Why, I don't know!:P*

Matt tries to keep himself distant from each of the other kids, but truly cares about each one of them.

Matt is an emotional, caring, young man, but just has trouble showing it to others. Matt's attitude reflects on the fact that his parents divorced when he was very young. :*(

Matt and Tai tend to get into little tiffs, mainly about the welfare of the group. Tai doesn't like how Matt slows the group from traveling more, and Matt doesn't like how Tai rushes into things without thinking how the others would handle it.

You could say he's like a timebomb waiting to explode, being set off by the smallest things, mainly Tai's insensivity to others. Like in Playing Games, everyone watched as Mimi made memorials for their lost friends, and Tai was angered because it was a waste of time. Matt, * And ONLY Matt* becomes raged at this, saying things like, not all of us have ice running through our veins like you do! *He was the only one defending Mimi. I thought that was sweet, in a way!^_^*

But! Whenever feels stressed, he'll either let it out on Tai, or relax himself by playing the harmonica.
