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Dear Diary By Crystal Yumi

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any of the characters (unfortunately). They are owned by Saban, not me. Also in this story make believe that they never split up after the whole Wargreymon vs. Metalgarurumon thing. So anyway, enjoy the story!

“Daddy, Daddy, tell us the story of how you and Mommy confessed you love for one another again! Please!!” my children yelled out. “Well you heard it so many times….” “So! We love to hear all about your digimon adventures. Especially this one!” “Yeah Matt, tell them how you confessed your love for her”, said Gabumon. We stayed together after all these years. What a faithful friend. Maybe that’s why I got the crest of friendship. Because of Gabumon. “Go ahead Matt, tell them again. You know they love to hear about us in the digiworld”, said my lovely and wonderful wife, Mimi. “Okay, here goes…………..”

We were walking again. That’s all we ever do, walk. We didn’t even know where we were going. We were just going. I was in back. Usually I’m up front with Tai and Sora, but the last encounter with an evil digimon, I forgot who, we’ve seen so many already, left me with a sprain of my left ankle that is making me limp. A lot. So anyway I was in back with Gabumon and I was really bored. Mimi was in front if me talking quietly to Palmon. She was blushing and that left me wondering what they were talking about. All of a sudden I saw her, along with Palmon, glance back at Gabumon and I. They saw how bored we were and she slowed down so we could catch up with them. That was really nice of them. In fact, everything about Mimi in nice. She’s beautiful, kind, considerate, and so much more I can’t even name. So anyway, this is how the conversation went:

“Hey Matt, why so glum?”

“No reason Mimi. I’m just tired, hungry, and my ankle hurts”

“Stop! You’re staring to sound like me Matt!” That made me smile. Mimi and I talked for the rest of the walk while Gabumon and Palmon chatted about what they thought Palmon’s mega form is gonna be. “I think I’ll be Queenlilymon!” “That sounds really cool! Do you think you’d have a crown?” And the conversation went on like that for a while. That’s when Tai ruined our moment. “Hey Matt, flirting with Mimi I see. Is she your new girlfriend?” he said in a sarcastic tone. At that moment I was about ready to burst. What I didn’t notice at the time was that Mimi was blushing like mad. When I realize that now, it makes me smile. But anyway, Tai started up again. “Matt and Mimi sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love-“ “Enough Tai. That’s not nice”, Sora said, breaking him off. “You know what Tai?” I said finally catching up with him, “I’ve had enough with you” With that I punched him square in the nose. “Matt, stop!” said Mimi running over to me. She tried to hold me back but I struggled so much that a little pink book fell out of her pocket book. No one noticed it, yet. I broke away from Mimi and started to run towards Tai, my fist raised, but he ran off. He ran and ran, and I ran and ran. I finally caught up with him, though my ankle was throbbing. I started to punch and punch him and he did the same to me. Finally we tired ourselves out, apologized and went back to camp. By that time the book was already picked up. We walked back to camp and I sat down, separating myself from the others so I could think about today’s events. ‘Do you think Mimi really likes me? She sure was acting like it’, I thought “Hey Matt”, said Gabumon, breaking my thoughts, “What’s this?” He held out a little pink book. “I don’t know Gabumon, let’s take a look” I took the book and flipped it open. “May 9, 2000 Dear Diary” It was a diary, and it had yesterday’s date!! I knew I shouldn’t have read it. But I did anyway.

Dear Diary,

We were walking all day today and my feet hurt so much. Tai says have to find Pidemon’s hideout before he finds us. I agree with Matt though. We have to prepare before just going into battle. Matt is so smart. And cute, and nice, and charming, and sensitive, and cool, and so much more! Do you think he likes me, diary? I hope so. He sorta acts like it. But, I just don’t know. Oh no! Tai is calling me. Everyone started walking already. I gotta go catch up to everyone. Bye!

Love, Mimi Tachikawa

It was Mimi’s diary!!! I couldn’t believe it. She liked me as much as I like her!! I wanted to read more but all of a sudden a shadow took away my light. I looked up and saw no other then at that time, my worst nightmare. Mimi!! She had seen me with her diary! “Matt how could you?” she said, hot tears springing to her eyes. “I trusted you and you invaded my personal space! I thought you were better then that Matt! Why? Why did you do that to me?” “Mimi……I……Mimi” “You just don’t care do you? I should have known…….” And with that, Mimi ran into the forest, sobs escaping her mouth. “Mimi? Where are you going? Mimi? Wait!!” yelled Palmon running after her. “Smart move Matt, now she’ll never like you”, said Gabumon accusingly. “Shut up Gabumon!” I said almost yelling. “Gosh Matt, it was a joke. Calm down.” Said Gabumon walking away obviously annoyed with me. I sighed. ‘Gabumon is right. She’ll never like me now’ I thought. I was really depressed. I pulled out my harmonica and started to play a soft ballad. Meanwhile Mimi was running and running, not caring about the thorns that gave her little cuts, or Palmon, running after her, obviously worried. ‘How could Matt do that to me? I trusted him and he goes and does that. I guess he doesn’t like me after all’ Mimi thought. “Mimi! Watch out!” Palmon yelled. Too late. Mimi tripped over a huge rock and was sent sprawling on the ground. Palmon ran up to her and tried to help her up, but Mimi just fell down again, now crying even more. “Oh Palmon! How could he do that to me? I thought he was such a good guy! Not deceiving like he just showed me he is!” “It’s okay Mimi. I’m sure he’s sorry! Maybe he was just looking to see what it was and he wasn’t reading it!” “You…You think so Palmon?” “I’m sure of it” “Thanks so much Pal-”, said Mimi before she was interrupted by a rumbling in the bushes. “What’s…..What’s that?” asked Mimi. Suddenly Ogremon popped put of the bushes! “It’s Ogremon!” Mimi and Palmon exclaimed. “It’s a digidestened! I’ll have to get you get you back for killing Lord Devimon”, he said. “Not if I can help it” yelled Palmon jumping in front of Mimi. “Palmon digivolve to………. Palmon!” “Palmon you didn’t digivolve!” yelled Mimi, scared out of her mind. “Oh no! I must be to weak. You ran off before breakfast ya know!”

Hhhhheeeeeellllllpppppppppp!!!!” yelled Mimi and Palmon running away. Meanwhile….

I just finished playing my second song when I heard a loud, “Hhhhhhheeeeeellllllllppppppp!!!!” The others came running over. “What was that?, asked Joe. “I think it sounded like someone yelling for help”, said Izzy, trying to sound smart. “No really Izzy!” I said. “Hhhhhheeeeellllllpppppp!” we heard again. “It’s Mimi”, Sora, Biyomon, Tai, and Agumon all yelled. “I gotta go get her!” I yelled, running off, Gabumon running behind me, always trying to keep me safe “Wait Matt, we’ll help you!” yelled out Tai. “No guys! I gotta do this alone. I only need Gabumon. I gotta make it up to her”, I yelled right before I was out of their sight. “What does Matt have to make up to Mimi?” asked TK, my, at the time, annoyingly cute little brother. “I have no idea TK but I think we should let them figure it out on their own”, said Kari, Tai’s little sister who was wise beyond her years. “Should we go after them?” asked Tai. “No Tai, let them be” said Sora. Meanwhile Mimi and Palmon were still running and yelling. “Get back here!” yelled Ogremon. Mimi tripped and Palmon went to help her. Bad choice. “I got you now digidestined!” yelled Ogremon holding Mimi in his arms while Palmon watched in horror as Mimi was slapped and hit buy Ogremon. She was unable to move out of fear. He was getting ready to punch Mimi, knocking her out when Mimi heard a mysterious voice……… “Metal Wolf Claw!” It yelled. “Wait! I know that voice! It’s Metalgarurumon!” yelled Palmon. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh” Ogremon was hit!!! He started disintegrating. “I’ll get you for this digidestined!” were his last words. “Mimi!”, I yelled running over to her as she dropped to the floor, bleeding profusely. “Matt…” she said. I could tell she was very weak. “Mimi, don’t say anything. You’re to weak. I have to say, I’m so sorry I read your diary. It was wrong and I hope you can forgive me-“ Matt…” “Wait Mimi, let me finish. I have to say, I…..I……I love you Mimi. I’ve loved you since the day I met you and I couldn’t forgive myself if you can’t forgive me because of this” “Matt……I love you too. Thank you for making my dream come true”, said Mimi as she fainted. “Mimi!” yelled out Palmon. “Matt, you gotta carry her back to camp!” “Right” I gently lifted her up and placed her on Metalgarurumon’s back. I then helped up Palmon and we raced back to camp. I held Mimi close to me the whole ride checking to see that see was breathing. When we got back Joe and Sora helped to clean up her wounds while I told everyone what happened. When Mimi woke up we finally shared our first kiss. And I must say, it was wonderful!

“I love that story Daddy!” said little Tai. “So do I! It’s so romantic”, agreed little Sora. “I’m glad you do. Because one day, you’re gonna fall in love just like we did. It was so wonderful back then. Remember Mimi?” “Yeah I remember” “We were so young…” “Hey Matt, we still are. And one of us is still beautiful, and nice and sincere-“ “You know what Mimi?”, I said breaking her off before her ego grew to the size of VenomMyotismon, “Some things never change………”

Wow! Finally finished!!! It took me 2 days! Well anyway, I’m open to criticism so if you wanna say anything, good or bad, e-mail me at . Just put “your story” as the subject. Thanks!!!