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By Crystal Yumi


Disclaimer: You know the drill………………

Author’s Note: Mostly Mimato with a little Taiora at the end! Just pretend though, that in this story that Apocolymon didn’t distroy their tags and crests. ‘K? ^_^;;


Dearest Yamato,

Every inch of spare time I have is spent thinking of you and the others. How I miss all of you. Sometimes I think that I’m still in Japan and when I go to school the next day, I’ll see you. But always my dream is not real. The people in America are mean. English is a hard language to learn, and I struggle, causing the people here to make fun of me. One girl even tricked me into dying my hair pink! I mean, pink is my favorite color, but not as a hair color. It looks just awful. I have all but one friend here who is another girl from Japan, and she just doesn’t understand me. I end this letter with my fondest wishes. Tell Takeru and the others that I said hi and that I miss you all! I hope to see you all very soon.


Mimi Tachikawa


Dearest Mimi,

Everyone misses you too, especially me. And guess what? I gave Takeru your letter, to have him try to read it, and he actually did! He was able to read the whole thing! I told him that you’d be very proud of him. Plus, it made him cry. He said that it was very sweet and that he hopes too see you soon. Mimi, I constantly think about you, all the time you’re on my mind. I miss you so much and I keep your picture with me always. I can’t believe that girl made you dye your hair pink! I’m so sorry! I never realized how awful America could really be! But, I still can’t believe that you, Mimi, queen of popularity, only has one friend. I just know that once you can speak english better you’ll have tons of friends. Because anyone as special, and beautiful as you, deserves the world! Oh yeah, Taichi said that he finds it ironic that you love pink and that you hate your hair. But, don’t worry, I punched him for ya! See ya soon!


Yamato Ishida

To my loving Yamato,

Takeru read?!?! That’s wonderful! Tell him that I am very proud of him too! Thank you though, now I feel bad for making him cry. Tell him that I love him, and that there is no use crying over something that can’t be changed. Yamato, I hope the picture that you keep of me is not the one when I was in the middle of eating. That one is horrible! If it is, tell me and I’ll send you another one. I have the one of you when you were posing with Gabumon while he was wearing your crest. It’s an awesome picture! The girl that made me dye my hair is named ‘Amanda’ She’s a jerk, and really mean. She constantly picks on my friend and I, whose name is Carrie. But Yamato, Carrie is pressuring me about telling her about my crest, since I always wear it on my neck, to remind me Palmon. I don’t know if I should tell her about the digiworld. I mean, she might think that I’m crazy and then I’ll lose the only friend I have in America. Oh yeah, and tell Taichi that I’m gonna tell Sora something personal about him in our letters if he makes fun of me one more time, he’ll know what I’m talking about! I miss you terribly, and I think of you always.


Mimi Tachikawa

My wonderful Mimi,

Takeru says thank you for caring about him, and that he loves you too and Taichi said ‘You better not!’ What are you guys talking about? And don’t worry Mimi, I have that picture of you when you were posing like a model. A very cute picture! Mimi, do yourself a favor and don’t tell Carrie about your crest. Each of us told one person about the digiworld, and it spread throughout the whole school. Now we’re the least popular people in school, people think we’re crazy! Now, the only friends we have are each other! It really sucks! Please get back to me soon, since your letters always brighten my days. I miss you and I just want to say one thing, Are we gonna see each other again before we’re both old and gray? Just kidding! See ya!

Love forever and always,

Yamato Ishida

Dear Yamato,

I am now officially freaked. The day after I sent you my last letter, Carrie came in to school and said to me, "That’s the crest of sincerity! You’re a digidestined!" She knew Yamato! She knew! Can you believe it? I didn’t even tell anyone! It’s totally weird. Although, it made me feel a little better to have someone to talk of the digiworld with, she’s not as good a friend as you are! So, you’re telling me that now, you, Yamato Ishida, have only Taichi Kamiya, Jyou Kido, Koushiro Izumi, Sora Takenouchi, Takeru Takaishi, and Hikari Kamiya as friends? And Takeru is your own brother? I never thought I’d live to see the day! And Yamato, I have a really funny feeling we’re gonna be seeing each other pretty soon, and personally, that doesn’t make me too unhappy!

Love always,

Mimi Tachikawa

PS. Okay, if you promise not to tell, I’ll tell you what Taichi and I are talking about. Okay, Taichi chose me to confide in that…He likes Sora! Don’t tell! Or else……… Just Kidding!

My Dear Mimi,

She knew about your crest? That’s a little too freaky. I think you should be a little careful around her. Are you telling me that you told her everything?!?! You cannot tell her anything else! If she is a spy, then giving her too much information could be lethal. Yes, the others are my only friends, beside you of course! And, why can’t I have my little brother as a friend? Taichi has Hikari as a friend and you don’t make fun of him! Or, do you? I miss you so much Mimi! Why did you have to move to America? Why? Taichi likes Sora? I knew it! It’s so obvious! You know what Mimi? I have a funny feeling that we’ll see each other soon too. Isn’t that weird?

Hugs and Kisses,

Yamato Ishida

To my Yamato,

This might be the last letter that I ever write to you, or any of the others. For at this very moment, my "friend" Carrie is chasing me, where you will never believe. In the digiworld! For "Carrie" is in fact an evil digimon named "Transformnomon". She discovered that in fact, I was a digidestined and that we had killed her father, who is Apocolymon! Transformnomon tricked me into showing her my digivice. She then held it out and we were sucked into the digiworld! There she showed me her true form and now she’s chasing me. I never got your last letter, I wish I had though. I hope to see you again sometime Yamato. And, there is one thing I’ve never told you before. I-

The letter ended there. "Mi…Mimi!" yelled Yamato. He quickly ran to his phone and dialed Koushiro’s number. "Hello?" he asked as he picked up the phone. "Koushiro! I got a letter from Mimi! You know that girl that knew about her crest?" "Yeah," "Well it turns out she’s an evil digimon and she kidnapped Mimi into the digiworld!" "WHAT?!?!?!?!" yelled Koushiro. "We have to get back to the digiworld! We have to save her!" yelled Yamato. "But how?" "She wrote in her letter that the digimon held out her digivice and they were sucked in. The same thing might happen to us!" "Right. I’ll call Taichi and Hikari. You call Takeru, Sora, and Jyou. Fill them in and have them meet me at my house. Tell them to bring their digivices and crests, we might need them!" "Got it!" Yamato quickly hung up with Koushiro and dialed Sora’s number. "Hello?" she answered. Yamato quickly filled her in on the story and she answered basically the same way as Koushiro, "WHAT?!?!?!" She volunteered to call Jyou, so Yamato can hurry to Koushiro’s house. They hung up and Yamato grabbed his crest and digivice and called Takeru. "Hello?" their mom answered. "Hi Mom! I was wondering if you can give Takeru and I a ride to Koushiro’s house?" "Sure honey", she answered. "Um…Mom, let me speak to Takeru for a minute?" Yamato’s mom put down the phone for a minute until Takeru picked up. "Hello?" "TK!" he yelled, calling his little brother by his nickname. "What’s wrong?" he asked, knowing that Yamato only called him by his nickname when something’s wrong. "Well, Mimi was kidnapped by an evil digimon named Transformnomon and she was taken to the digiworld, to make a long story short!" "WHAT?!?!?! We have to save her!" "That’s exactly what we’re doing! Grab your digivice and crest! Mom is driving us to Koushiro’s house!" Yamato then hung up and ran out the door. He waited for five minutes before Takeru and their mom came speeding around the corner. Yamato got in the car and in a few mere minutes they arrived at Koushiro’s house. Yamato and Takeru ran out of the car and, without knocking, ran into Koushiro’s house. The others were already there. "I’m glad you guys are finally here. Now we can go. Now, remember everyone, when we get to the digiworld, we’ll be separated so we won’t be there unprotected. Which means-" "That’ll we’ll meet up with our digimon!" exclaimed Taichi, interrupting Koushiro’s explanation. "Precisely. So, before we save Mimi, we’ll have to find each other! Now, we can go outside. I think my parents would appreciate it if we didn’t blow the roof off". So, all seven digidestined, minus Mimi, went outside to Koushiro’s backyard. Koushiro took out his computer and started to press a few buttons. After about five minutes he closed his computer, strapped it on his back, and said, "Okay. Now we’re ready. What I need you all to do is stand in a circle. Hold out your digivices and we should soon depart for the digiworld, to-" "Save Mimi!" said Yamato, interrupting Koushiro. "Exactly". So, they all stood in a circle and held out their digivices. Suddenly a huge wave appeared and they were sucked in. "Surfing USA!" yelled Taichi, as he floated up, up, and up into the air, along with the others. They all started to separate until they disappeared from each other’s sites.


"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Transformnomon was still chasing Mimi. She had been running for about half an hour and was starting to tire out. ‘I don’t know how much more I can run! I’m gonna die! I’ll never be able to see the others again! It's just-’ her thoughts were interrupted when a familiar digimon voice rang out, "Mimi!?!?!" It was Gabumon! "Gabumon…Hel…Help me! Tran…Transformnomon…chasing me! Trapped me into coming to…digiworld!" she yelled in between breaths. Sure enough Transformnomon came running through the area, and Mimi, hiding behind Gabumon was spotted instantly. "Oh Mimi! Where are you?" said Transformnomon sarcastically. "You leave Mimi alone!" yelled Gabumon. Transformnomon laughed. "And what are you going to do about it? You aren’t even her digimon! You can’t digivolve without Yamato’s help!" Gabumon paled as Mimi starting sobbing softly. "How…How do you know about Yamato?" "Oh Gabumon! It’s all my fault! I told her!" sobbed Mimi. "You told an evil digimon about Yamato and the others?!?!?!" "Of course she didn’t! Even Mimi isn’t that dumb. I transformed into a human form, and befriended her and tricked her into telling me about her adventures! She’s so gullible!" added Transformnomon. "That’s it! Blue Blaster!" yelled an enraged Gabumon firing his attack. Transformnomon just moved out of the way. "Ha! A mere rookie cannot defeat me! I am a mega digimon! Ha ha ha ha ha Mimi cannot be helped by anyone! You’re worthless as a rookie Gabumon! Without Yamato, you cannot digivolve!" "Maybe I can help", said a mysterious voice, the owner of the voice hidden in the shadows. A bright blue glow escaped from the shadows when suddenly, "Gabumon warp digivolve to…MetalGarurumon!" In place of Gabumon was a wolf twice his size, completely covered in metal, with parts of the metal containing weapons. "What…What…How?" asked a very confused and scared Transformnomon. She was no match for MetalGarurumon in the form she was in now. "Anything is possible when your friends are in trouble", said the mysterious voice again, the owner stepping out of the shadows to reveal the person that both Mimi and Gabumon had been desperate to see a mere minutes ago. "Yamato!" yelled Mimi. He quickly ran over to her, and shielding her body with his own, yelled to MetalGarurumon, "Attack! Make sure Transformnomon never hurts anyone every again!" "No! I will never let you hurt me! Transformno power!" Transformnomon concentrated and started glowing a bright orange color. She started growing and turned orange. Weapons formed all over her body, including a shield on her back, that contained a picture of a certain sun shaped crest… "It’s WarGraymon!" yelled Mimi and Matt together, equally terrified. "Go help them!" yelled another mysterious voice. "You too!" yelled another one. "You can help out too, can’t you?" "If they can go, you can too!" "Let’s get ‘em!" "Gooooooo!" yelled four more mysterious voices, making the total six. Matt smiled to himself as six glowing lights escaped from the forest, each a different color. One was orange, and another was red. Another one was purple, while a different one was gray. The two other lights were yellow and pink. Suddenly WarGraymon, Garudamon, MegaKabuterimon, Zudomon, MagnaAngemon, and Angewoman burst from the trees. "The others are here?" asked Mimi. "You didn’t think that we would all leave you here, did you?" asked Yamato, still protecting Mimi. "Come one guys! You can do it!" yelled Taichi. "Oh yeah, hi Mimi!" he added. Mimi smiled, "Hi Taichi!" "Are we going to stand here all day or help our digimon beat this fiend?" asked Yamato, getting a little jealous. "Right! Go MegaKabuterimon!" yelled Koushiro. "You too Zudomon!" added Jyou. "Horn Buster!" "Vulcan’s Hammer!" The two digimon yelled their attacks but Transformnomon deflected them. "Wing Blade!" yelled Garudamon, but her attack was deflected too. "Gate of Destiny!" "Celestial Arrow!" yelled MagnaAngemon and Angewoman. These attacks hit, but did little damage. "Terra Force!" "Metal Wolf Claw!" yelled the two mega digimon, WarGraymon and MetalGarurumon. These attacks hit, but did little damage also. "Allow me to help!" said another mysterious voice. (A.N. The last one, I promise!) "Flower Cannon!" "Lillymon!" yelled Mimi. "You’ve come to help me!" "Of course I would Mimi! I love you, you’re the one for me to protect, and I would never let you get hurt!" Lillymon’s attack hit, but did no damage at all. "Terra Force!" yelled Transformnomon, still in WarGraymon form. The attack hit all the ultimate digimon and did a lot of damage. Thankfully, they were still able to fight. "I have an idea! Let’s all attack together!" Lillymon yelled. "Right!" yelled all the other digimon. "Flower Cannon!" "Horn Buster!" "Vulcan’s Hammer!" "Wing Blade!" "Gate of Destiny!" "Celestial Arrow!" "Terra Force!" "Metal Wolf Claw!" The attacks were sent flying and combined in the air. "Noooooo! It can’t end like this!" yelled Transformnomon, converting back to her usual form. She started disintegrating. "Noooo! I’m dying! But, there is one last thing I can do to hurt you all! I’ll tell a little secret. Mimi, you told me who you love. And know everyone else will too! Mimi loves-" Transformnomon was cut off when her mouth was deleted into little bits of data. She finished being deleted, and all the digimon shrank to their rookie forms, except WarGraymon and MetalGarurumon, who shrank to their in-training forms due to lack of energy. The kids all called out to their digimon, running to them. "Palmon! I missed you!" "Tsunomon, how are you pal?" "Great job Koromon!" "Biyomon, are you okay?" "Patamon!" "Gatomon!" "Tentomon, how are you feeling?" "Gomamon, stop hugging me, I can’t breathe!" yelled all the children in turn. Then all the kids, after picking up their tired digi-friends, ran to Mimi. "Hi Mimi! How are you?" asked the ever-cheerful Sora. "I’m fine now Sora" she answered. Takeru and Hikari didn’t bother asking questions. They just tackled Mimi with huge bear hugs yelling things like, "Mimi! I missed you so much!" and, "Mimi, your hair isn’t that bad!" Mimi laughed, "Thanks for saving me guys! Without you, I well, I wouldn’t be living right now!" Koushiro smiled, "Anything for a friend!" "Hey Mimi, who is it you love? Transformnomon didn’t get to finish what she was saying!" said Taichi, smirking and winking at Yamato at the same time. "Yeah Mimi, who do you love?" asked Koromon, joining in on the fun. Mimi blushed scarlet. "Well, um…Why do you ask?" "Well, it seems like she really wanted to tell us, and, she was your friend for a while, I think you owe it to her", said Jyou. "Well, I guess you’re right. She was my only friend that is, until she turned evil. But can you all just let me talk, and don’t interrupt me? This is hard enough at it is!" Mimi said, blushing even more. She looked towards the ground and started, "Well, ever since I met him, I knew he cared. He’s sweet and loving, and cool, and just wonderful in every possible way. He’s protected me in my times of need, and he cheered me up when I was sad. He’s a true friend and I love him". Mimi looked up and looked straight at the person of whom she was talking about. "The person who I love is…Yamato". Yamato gasped. ‘She…she loves me? I can’t believe it!’ he thought. "Ya…Yamato?" she asked, ‘I hope he’s not rejecting me! Oh no!’ ‘I hope she doesn’t think I’m rejecting her!’ Yamato had to do something. If Mimi thought he was rejecting her, he would never live forgive himself! Mimi shrank to the ground, thinking she rejected him. Taichi gave Yamato a ‘Do something!’ look. So, Yamato did the only thing he could think of, without getting to mushy. He bent down to where Mimi was softly crying, and lifted her chin. "Yamato?" "Shh", he said as he gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. They kissed for a long time, putting all their passion into it, kissing and kissing until they could hardly breathe. When they finally pulled apart, Yamato said the thing that he had been thinking from the moment he and Mimi first met. "I love you too Mimi! Always and forever". "Oh Yamato!" They kissed again. At this, their friends, digimon and digidestined alike, broke into cheers, loud and cheerful. Yamato and Mimi broke apart again and Yamato whispered to Mimi, "Now, to get Taichi back for making you go through that! There is the thing about him loving Sora…" Mimi giggled. "Perfect", she whispered back. "What are you guys whispering about? It’s rude to keep secrets!" commanded Takeru. "You’re right Takeru, it is rude to keep secrets", said Mimi, winking at Yamato. "Mimi’s right. That’s why we’re gonna let everyone in on another little secret!" added Yamato, winking at Mimi. "Sora, can I talk to you alone?" asked Mimi. "…Sure…" said a very confused Sora. They walked off into the woods. "YAMATO! What is Mimi telling her?!?!" demanded Taichi. "Why would I know what they’re talking about?" asked Yamato, pretending to be innocent, but failing. "That’s it!" said Taichi, advancing on Yamato. "Wasn’t it you who started the whole thing with Mimi?!?!" yelled Yamato, advancing on Taichi. They were right about to go at it, when Sora and Mimi came running from the forest. Mimi winked at Yamato as Sora ran into Taichi’s arms. Then Sora said the words that Taichi had been waiting to hear for so long. "I love you too Taichi!" "Sora!" yelled Taichi, picking her up and twirling her in the air. Then, he settled her down and gave her a huge kiss, right on the lips. She kissed back, tears of happiness rolling down her cheeks. After about five minutes, they finally drew back and, Taichi, letting go of Sora said, "Now, Yamato and I have some unfinished business to attend to!" said Taichi rather harshly, advancing on Yamato. Yamato, who was ready to fight, was rather surprised when Taichi extending his hand, waiting for a handshake. Yamato smiled and grabbed Taichi’s hand, shaking in firmly. "Thank you Yamato". "Your welcome. And, thank you too Taichi". Mimi and Sora just giggled, knowing all to well what they were talking about……………


The End! Hope you guys liked it! I know I enjoyed writing it! This was my 8th fanfic and I hope you guys enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing itself! Once again, I must request that you e-mail me with comments and flames to Thank you!