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This I Promise You

A song Digimon Fic by Crystal Yumi

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon or the song "This I Promise You" by *NSYNC I’m just a fan!

Author’s Note: I do not know Rosemon’s attack so don’t flame me because of that! (Please!)


When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes

<Mimi looks ahead to see Lilymon fighting Myotismon alongside WareGarurumon, and losing, badly>

And all that surrounds you are secrets and lies

<She then looks to the right to see Patamon and DemiDevimon fighting, TK standing near by, and remembers all the lies DemiDevimon told>

I’ll be your strength

<Mimi looks to the left and sees Matt is standing by himself, silently cheering WareGarurumon on>

I’ll give you hope

<She looks ahead and sees Lilymon revert back to Palmon and fall unconscious. Mimi runs to her and picks up her fainted body and places Palmon in her lap>

Keeping the faith when it’s gone

<Myotismon fires at Mimi and Palmon. Matt notices and calls to them. Mimi looks up but is frozen in fear at the Crimson Lightning rushing towards her and her digi-friend>

The one you should call

<Matt runs and pushes Mimi and Palmon out of the way of the shot>

Standing here all alone

<Matt jumps into the air, the shot missing him, and lands on a stunned Mimi>

And I will take you in my arms

<Matt gets off of Mimi, blushing. She gets up and gives him a thank you hug, while blushing also>

And hold you right where you belong

<Mimi starts crying. She says how scared she is and how she wants to go home. Matt hugs her closer, trying to comfort her>

Till the day my life is through, this I promise you

<Matt starts to stroke her soft hair while Mimi buries her head into his chest, still crying>

I’ve loved you forever

<Myotismon shoots at Matt, Mimi and the unconscious Palmon, still in Mimi’s lap>

And lifetimes before

<WareGarurumon blocks the shot but is badly injured>

And I promise you never

<He reverts back to Gabumon>
Will you hurt anymore

<Agumon and Tai jump into action, Agumon digivolving to Greymon and MetalGreymon>

I give you my word

<Matt lets go of Mimi, making her cry even more. Matt runs to Gabumon and picks up his unconscious body>

I give you my heart

< MetalGreymon is hurt and reverts back to Agumon>

This is a battle we’ve won

<Matt goes back to comfort Mimi, carrying Gabumon with him and placing him next to him and Mimi. This time, instead of just hugging Mimi, Matt knelt down to pick her up in his arms, and he gave her a kiss on the forehead>

And with this vow, forever has no begun

<The kiss moves towards their mouths. Their crests start lightly glowing>

Just hold you right, each loving day

And know this feeling won’t go away, no

<The kiss becomes for passionate and urgent>

Till the day my life is through, this I promise you

<Their crests start glowing even brighter>

For every moment I fall

When I hear you call

<Gabumon and Palmon wake up. They stand up, looking better then they did before their battle with Myotismon>

Without you in my life, baby

<"Gabumon warp digivolve to… MetalGarurumon">

I just wouldn’t be living at all

<"Palmon warp digivovle to… Rosemon>

And I will take you in my arms

<Two mega digimon appear against Myotismon>

And hold you right where you belong

<Matt puts down Mimi and they stop kissing and stare up in awe at their digimon companions>

Till the day my life is through, This I promise you

<One digimon is a giant wolf, covered with metal and weapons on its body. The other is a fairy creature with a rose mask and rose petal clothing>

Just hold you right each loving day

<The two megas start attacking Myotismon with "Metal Wolf Claw’s" and "Rose Petal Wave’s">

And know this feeling won’t go away, no

<Myotismon is hurt, and starts disintegrating>

Every word I say is true

<The six other digimon and digidestined start celebrating>

This I promise you

This I promise you

<MetalGarurumon and Rosemon revert to Tsunomon and Tanemon falling asleep instantly. Matt and Mimi start celebrating in a different way then the other digidestined, by kissing>

Every word I say is true

<The kiss turns into passionate kisses. Mimi breaks the kiss and says, "I love you Matt">

This I promise you!

<"I love you too Mimi">

The End! I hope you guys liked it! This is my first song fic so please send any comments, good or bad to Crystal Thanks!