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The Prophecy By Crystal Yumi

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon! I have never or will never own digimon or anything it’s associated with! So don’t sue me! (Please!)

Authors Note: The beginning of this story starts when they’re fighting Pidemon. Note, it is different from when they were actually fighting him.

“Go Agumon!” “Agumon, warp-digivolve to… Wargreymon!” “You too Gabumon!” “Gabumon, warp-digivolve to… Metalgarurumon!” “Ha ha ha ha ha! You’ll never defeat me! I’m am not a pushover like Metalseadramon, Puppetmon, or Machinedramon! You cannot win!” yelled Pidemon. “We’ll see about that, let’s get them Metalgarurumon!” “Right, Metal Wolf Claw!” yelled Metalgarurumon. “Terra Force!” agreed Wargreymon, also firing his attack. “Ha! Is that all you got!” answered Pidemon, deflecting both their attacks. “Trump’s Sword!” “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” yelled out both Metalgarurumon and Wargreymon. “Metalgarurumon/Wargreymon!” yelled out Matt and Tai, both worried about their digimon companions. They both shrank back to their in-training stages, Tsnomon and Koromon. Matt and Tai rushed to get to their digimon. “Koromon, are you okay?” “Tsnomon, speak to me buddy” “Tai, Matt watch out!” yelled Sora. “Huh?” they both said. Too late. Pidemon threw his handkerchief on them and their digimon, entrapping them within. They starting struggling but suddenly it looked as if they disappeared. “Matt/Tai?” TK and Kari questioned, worried about their brothers. “That’s improbable!” yelled out Izzy “They totally disappeared!” “Ah, but no, they didn’t”, Pidemon said lifting up the handkerchief reveling four keychains, “They’re right here!” They kechains were Matt, Tai, Tsnomon, and Koromon! “No,” yelled out Mimi “Matt…” “You wanna join you little friends?” asked Pidemon, turning towards Mimi. “No way, not if I can I help it!” yelled Togemon. “Togemon digivolve to… Lilymon!” “Flower Cannon!” she yelled. “I don’t think so! Trump’s Sword!” “No! Lilymon!” yelled Mimi. It was too late. Lilymon got hit and reverted back to Tanemon. “See ya!” yelled Pidemon to the trembling Mimi and the helpless Tanemon, getting ready to throw his handkerchief. “Mimi, No!” yelled Izzy and Joe together. They ran toward her and Tanemon, Gomomon and Tentamon hot on their trail, both trying to push her out of the way. Unfortunately they only got caught in the crossfire and disappeared under the handkerchief along with Mimi and Tanemon. Pidemon picked up his 6 new keychains. “Guys, run! Get away while you still can!” yelled the Tai doll. “Run!!” yelled Sora, agreeing with the boy she secretly loved. She grabbed TK’s and Kari’s hands and pulled them away. “Don’t think you can get away from me!” yelled Pidemon, hot on their trail. “Biyomon, Digivolve!” commanded Sora. “Biyomon digivolve to… Birdramon!” “Birdramon digivovle to Garudamon!” “Wing Blade!” she yelled, trying to hit Pidemon with her attack. “Nope, Sorry! Trump’s Sword!” Garudamon was hit and reverted back to Yokomon. Again Pidemon threw his handkerchief and got a little Yokomon keychain. Meanwhile Sora went back to try to look for Garudamon only to get captured by him too. “TK, what are we going to do? We can’t win! Sora and Garudamon probably got captured already! Plus Salmon already digivolved to Angewoman and lost! All we have left is Patamon!” Kari exclaimed as she and TK kept running. “I know Kari but we have to have hope!” TK answered hopefully. “Where are you two kiddies going? Hide and Seek is Puppetmon’s game, not mine” Pidemon said as he came around the corner TK and Kari had just ran around. “I won’t let you hurt TK and Kari!” yelled Patamon. “Patamon digivolve to… Angemon!” “Hand of Fate!” Pidemon easily dodged it. “TK, Kari, run!” Angemon yelled. They ran and ran, Angemon holding back Pidemon until they came to a rope, leading into the sky. “Quick TK, Kari, climb the rope!” yelled out Angemon. They did so, Angemon and Pidemon taking their battle to the sky. “Hand of Fate” this time he hit, but he did little damage. It knocked down one of the keychains off Pidemon’s belt. It was Matt! Angemon threw it to TK and he caught it. “Matt!” yelled TK! “Don’t give up hope TK!” encouraged the Matt doll. “I know you can win. The others and I are counting on you. Please!” “Trump’s Sword!” yelled Pidemon The attack hit Angemon and then cut through the rope, leaving TK and Kari no where left to go. Angemon was down. Pidemon went and grabbed Kari’s ankle. “Let her go!” yelled TK. He was mad. Pidemon hurt his brother, his friends, and Angemon. He wasn’t gonna let Pidemon hurt Kari. “I believe we’ll get through this Kari! Don’t give up hope!” TK said addressing Kari, “I won’t let you get her Pidemon! I WON’T!!!!!!!!!!!!” Suddenly a golden glow escaped his shirt. “Huh?” asked TK. “What is that infernal glow?” asked an enraged Pidemon. Suddenly you heard “Angemon digivolve to… MagnaAngemon!” “What?!?!” yelled Pidemon and TK. “I won’t let you hurt my friends anymore! Heaven’s Regenerator! (Author’s Note: Okay, so I forgot the attack that MagnaAngemon uses to heal everyone else and return the kids and digimon to normal. So sue me! Please no flames for this mistake!) Suddenly a faint glow came from Pidemon’s belt. All the keychains floated off and returned to normal. “What? When did Angemon digivolve?” asked Tentamon. “It’s a long story, we’ll explain later”, answered Salamon. “Now Pidemon, the digiworld has had enough of your troubles! As you said, see ya!” said MagnaAngemon. “Ring of Destiny!” (Authors Note: Is that attack right?) Suddenly a blue ring enclosed on Pidemon, trapping him inside. It closed and he disintegrated. But not before saying, “Your troubles are not over digidestined! There is one more challenge for you to face! One that you will not survive!” “Ugghhhh” uttered MagnaAngemon as he shrank back into Tokomon. “Tokomon! Are you okay buddy? You saved the day, again!” exclaimed TK. Izzy was immediately on his computer. “Izzy, what are you doing now?” asked Tai, a little annoyed. “We just beat the Dark Masters! We should be celebrating, not working!” “But Tai, didn’t you hear? Pidemon said we have another challenge. I’m trying to find out what that is. I’m gonna e-mail Gennai”. Okay, whatever…” Tai answered “Hey Gennai already e-mailed us!” Izzy exclaimed. “About what?” asked Matt. He and the others had gathered around the computer. “Yeah, what’s it about?” agreed Mimi. They were next to each other and enjoying every minute of it. “Okay, here we go, the subject is ‘The Prophecy’”. “You mean like the one that helped us beat VenomMyotismon?” inquired Joe. “Probably. I bet th-”. “WILL ALL OF YOU STOP YAPPING AND JUST OPEN THE E-MAIL?” interrupted Tai. “Gee, Tai, impatient much?” asked Sora sarcastically. Tai cast her an evil glance before Gennai’s voice interrupted him. Izzy must have clicked on the e-mail. “Hello digidestined! Congratulations on defeating the Dark Masters! But I’m afraid your victory will be short lived. I have come across a new prophecy that you will not like! It goes: The digidestined will work together to defeat the dark masters,

But then a dark mist will settle upon them.

It will then consume the soul of the bearer of the crest of friendship along with his digimon,

Bringing out the evil within.

He will then turn on his friends,

Hurting them one by one,

Until only the bearer of the crest of sincerity and her digimon remains.

Then true love will show itself, And a miracle will happen.

Please always recycle!”

Gennai finished. Everyone was horrified. Mimi and Matt looked at each other and Mimi broke down crying, leaning on Matt for support. “It’s okay Mimi. I’ll fight the mist. I’ll fight it as hard as I can!” Matt declared, clenching his fists while holding Mimi in his warm embrace. Izzy shut off his computer. Not blinking but staring straight ahead frightened. “Um… Guys? It…It’s coming…” stammered Izzy. “Huh?” they all said. They looked to where Izzy was looking and saw it, a dark mist, coming steadily towards them. “Matt, run!” yelled Tai. “No, I can’t let it hurt you guys! I won’t! Tsnomon, digivolve and attack!” “Tsnomon digivolve to… Tsno, nevermind” “Matt, I’m sorry, I’m too tired!” Tsnomon exclaimed. By that time the mist was almost right on top of them. “Matt go!” ordered Mimi. “Mimi…I…” Just go!” she ordered. Hot tears were springing to her eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you… or the others!” Mimi finished. Matt picked up Tsnomon and started running. While he ran he thought of what Mimi had just said, how she hesitated after saying, “I won’t let anything happen to you” ‘Do you think she really cares? As much as I care?’ He ran and ran until he heard a blood-curdling scream that interrupted his thoughts. He turned back only to see Mimi running towards him, followed by the others “Matt! It was a trick! Keep running!” Tai yelled. But, It was too late. The mist was on top of him, seeping into his body, along with Tsnomon’s. There was another blood-curdling scream. But this time, it was Matt’s.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” Matt screamed. He could hear Tsnomon screaming beside him. He could also hear Mimi, along with the others, sobbing uncontrollably. “You cannot fight it Yamato. I am the evil within your soul. You can’t fight your soul”, a raspy voice said inside his head. “No…I can’t let you hurt TK… or…Mimi… or the others…” Matt said against the pain. “Ah, but you will”. And with that Matt lost the fight. He blacked out. The mist going completely inside of him, releasing the evil…

”Matt! No!!” yelled Mimi and TK together. Mimi ran over to him and felt for a pulse. TK tried to run too but Sora held him back. “Shh, let them be TK. Let them be”, she said “There’s a pulse, but it’s faint!” Mimi called out to the others. She picked up the limp body of Matt and held it close to her body, not caring what the others were thinking. “Mimi, Get away from him! He’s evil now! He’ll hurt you!” yelled out a concerned Sora. “No! Matt would never!” declared Mimi. She then felt Matt twitch. “Matt?” she asked. He slowly opened his eyes, but something was wrong. Instead of the lovely blue eyes that Mimi loved to glaze into his eyes were a glowing red. Mimi felt him getting his strength back, quickly. “Get off me girl!” he ordered. He twitched his left eye and Mimi was sent flying into the air, hurling towards a tree when she was caught by Palmon’s Poison Ivy. “Thanks Palmon I appr-“ but Mimi was cut off. Tsnomon was awake, and he too had an evil glint in his eyes. “Tsnomon, digivolve. Let’s put an end to these bothersome kids ” commanded Matt, coldly. “Tsnomon digivolve to… DarkGabumon” “Huh?” said Tai. “Oh no! It’s DarkGabumon. He’s a rookie like us but he has the power of an Ultimate. In other words he’s a Gabumon gone bad”, explained Tentamon, the living digi-analyzer. “Got that right!” exclaimed DarkGabumon. “Black Blaster!” He hit Tentamon, and he immediately reverted back to Motimon and fell down unconscious. “Motimon!” yelled Izzy. “Matt! Get a hold of yourself! Fight it! I know it’s hard but try!” yelled Tai “No Tai, I won’t”, declared Matt coldly. “Huh? You…You won’t? That’s it!” Tai charged at Matt, only to be flung into the air and knocked unconscious. He had 3 broken ribs, a broken arm and a broken leg. He also had a sprained ankle. “Tai!” yelled out Agumon and Sora. “That’s it!” yelled Agumon. “Agumon digivovle to…Greymon!” Matt sighed. “I thought it would be a little harder then this”, he said, yawning. “Oh yeah? Nova Blast!” yelled Greymon, aiming it at Matt. DarkGabumon jumped in front of him and said “DarkGabumon digivolve to… EvilGarurumon!” “Howling Ray Gun Blaster!” He yelled. Greymon was immediately unconscious, Now only Palmon, Mimi, Izzy, Joe, Gomomon, Sora, Biyomon, Kari, Gatomon, TK, and Patamon remained. Matt then started walking towards Izzy, ready to kill him when a “Harpoon Torpedo” flung him into the air! EvilGarurumon caught him. “Thanks Dude”, said Matt, addressing EvilGarurumon. “Hmmm, Joe, reliable Joe. Tell me Joe, can I rely to die a painful and slow death?” “Howling Ray Gun Blaster!” yelled EvilGarurumon. The attack his Ikkakumon and Joe, who was riding him dead on. Ikkakumon was reverted back into Bukomon and Joe was knocked unconscious. He had 20 broken bones in various places. Matt then turned back towards Izzy again. “So Izzy? How’s the computer work going? Did your computer crash yet? Maybe I can help it” And with that Matt picked up Izzy’s computer and smashed it to the floor, breaking it into millions of pieces. “No!” yelled out Izzy. “Don’t like that huh? Well maybe you can join your computer in hell!” Matt opened his eyes wide and they started glowing an even brighter red. Izzy was lifted into the air and thrown about 100 feet away before crashing into a tree and slinking to the floor, dead. “Matt? Why are you doing this? Stop Matt! Stop hurting out friends!” yelled TK, trying to hug Matt and crying at the same time. Trying to hug Matt were the key words. Matt pushed him off himself and said “Look cry baby, I’m getting sick and tired of you always needing me to protect you. When are you going to grow up? ‘Oh Matt! Help Me! I’m such a little baby who can’t do anything right!’ So I gonna do this quick, so I don’t have to hear your complaining. EvilGarurumon, Go! Attack TK” “No!!” yelled out Patamon. But it was too late. TK and Patamon were hit by EvilGarurumon’s attack. Mimi gasped, Kari started crying, and Sora started to get mad. “I…I…I’m sorry TK!” yelled Matt, the real Matt, momentarily escaping the evil. ‘This boy is strong, too strong. I don’t know if I can take him’ the evil thought to itself. It quickly regained control and looked toward Sora, but not before the real Matt could udder, “I’m so sorry Sora. Please forgive me, I’m fighting as hard as I can”. Now the evil Matt said “Sora, sweet, mother-like Sora, I’ll hurt you good” “Matt! No! Please!” yelled Sora before she was tackled by EvilGarurumon and flung into the air, landing on top of Tai, with a sickening crack of her neck. Kari started to cry even harder. “Come on Kari, don’t start being a cry baby like my stupid brother TK. You see what happened to him. That just made Kari cry even harder. “Still crying? Oh well. Tai would’ve killed me for this, if I hadn’t already killed him”. Matt walked over to Kari, who was too scared to run, and picked her up. He then concentrated and threw her, far. She landed about 100 feet away, right on top of Izzy, also dead. Gatomon rat towards him. “Lightning Claw!” she yelled. Matt just lifted up his hands and the “Lightning Claw” was sent right back at Gatomon, but with 10 times it’s normal strength. Gatomon was immediately unconscious. Mimi gasped. Through this whole ordeal she hadn’t moved a muscle. She was too scared. She had kept Palmon with her because she was worried something would happen to her. ‘The prophecy! It’s coming true! That means I’m the only one that can save everyone. How did the prophecy go? True love and a miracle will happen? Does that I have to admit my feelings for Matt? I can’t do that! He’d just laugh’ Mimi thought ‘But I have to! Everyone is counting on me! And I’m sure he loves me too! He has too! For the fate of the world!’ “Matt! Please, before you kill me, I just need to say something, something I’ve been wanting to say for a long time”. “Go ahead, Mimi I love hearing the last pleas of my victims” Matt said in a cold voice. Now, Mimi was really scared. “Matt, I…I…I…I Love You! I’ve loved you since we landed in this stupid world and I won’t let some stupid mist get in my way. You told me once that I have the crest of sincerity because I’m honest, well, I’ve never been so honest!” yelled Mimi Suddenly her crest, as well as Matt’s crest started to glow. “Mimi! I feel strength! I…I think I’m going mega!” yelled Palmon. “Palmon warp-digivolve to… Rosemon!” A beautiful female digimon appeared. She looked kinda like Angewoman except her mask was a beautiful rose. Her outfit was made up entirely of Roses and she had beautiful wings that enabled her to fly. “Matt, I know deep down inside you love Mimi, even more then I do. Find the love Matt. Find it”. Matt’s eyes flicked back to their beautiful blue before flickering back to the red “Noooo! This wasn’t supposed to happen! I have to win! I have to control the digiworld! Nooo!” Matt yelled, except it wasn’t his voice. It was a deep raspy voice of the mist. “EvilGarurumon, Attack!” “Howling Ray Gun Blaster” he yelled, but Rosemon just deflected the attack. “Mimi, go in for the final awakening”, commanded Rosemon, “Huh?” “Just follow your heart!” “Okay…” And with that Mimi walked over to Matt, still commanding EvilGarurumon to attack. She pushed him to the floor and lied down on top of him. “What are you doing girl? You can’t save your friends!” said Matt, his last try at winning. “Well, Matt, that’s where you’re wrong!” And with that Mimi kissed him. Softly at first, since he was not kissing back, then harder, urgently. And Matt kissed back. Mimi felt the evil leave him. She also saw the mist seeping out of his nose and ears. He was returning too normal. She also heard Rosemon go back to Tanemon, all while she was kissing Matt. No, while they were kissing each other. They finally broke the kiss. Mimi opened her eyes to see Matt staring at her, with his beautiful blue eyes. “Oh Matt, I love you! I love you so much!” “I love you too Mimi. I…I…I’m so sorry about the others. I can’t believe I did that” Tears rolling down his cheeks. “It’s not your fault Matt! It was the mist! Not you!” And with that their crests started to glow. The glowed so brightly that Matt and Mimi couldn’t see a thing. When the glowing died down they heard a slight grown. It was Tai! Matt and Mimi quickly got up. Matt checked out Tai, Joe, and TK while Mimi checked out Sora, Izzy, and Kari. “Ugghhhh. Matt, next time you go evil, attack someone else, okay?” said Tai as he sat up, He was physically fine, but he still remembered the pain. TK then got up. “Matt?” he asked. “TK! Oh TK, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, I’ll never want to hurt you-“ said Matt, wrapping TK in a huge hug. “It’s okay Matt! I know you didn’t wanna hurt me!” exclaimed TK. Meanwhile Mimi had gotten all the others up. “Tai!” yelled Kari, wrapping him in a huge hug. “Kari…” Tai said. He was crying tears of joy. Everyone was okay! “Hey guys!” said Izzy, “Look, it’s Gennai, in person!” “Really? Where?” asked Matt. “Um… guys, is anyone else getting a severe case of déjà vu?” asked Mimi “Congratulations Digidestined!” Gennai cut in, finally reaching their destination, “You have defeated all the evil! Prepare to go home! And guess what? I made it possible for you to take your digimon with you! I will miss you all! Good luck in your lives to come. I will keep in touch with you through Izzy’s computer. Good bye!” Gennai then gave everyone a hug, plus he gave Izzy an extra laptop. The huge tidal wave then came out of the sky, just like when they were first transported to the digiworld, and they were all swept in. “Ahhhhhhhhh!” everyone screamed out. Everyone that is, except for Matt and Mimi, who were sharing a passionate kiss. When they landed back in the real world, back in the camp where everything started, Matt and Mimi were still kissing. “Um…Guys,” said Tai, addressing Matt and Mimi, “Did we um… miss something while we were unconscious?” Matt and Mimi both laughed. You don’t know how much you missed”, Matt said. “Including Rosemon, Tanemon’s mega form”, added Mimi. “What?!?!?!” they all said, including Gabumon, who unlike Matt, did not remember being evil. “Well,” they both began. “It all started when Kari was knocked unconscious…”

Finished! Finally! Send any comments or flames to .Thanks everyone!