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Mimi died on April 14,2000 at the age of 106. Hard to believe But people say that it was because she kept on whining about taking care of her body. She has a few daughters but today we are talking about one of them. Her name is Audrey, Audrey Hepburn. The youngest of the daughters. Audrey found Mimi's diary. It said something about going to the Titanic. She brought it to her study buddy who is now a researcher Robert .D. Ballard. He read it and it said,

April 12, 1912

Dear Diary,

My mother is always so pushy. All she does is try to find a husband for me. Now that I have found one whose name is Jack I feel like I am tied up in chains. Just because he is one of the most eligible men I don't need to marry him. My hand hurts already. He is so bossy to the servants. When we ate dinner Jack ate 10 plates of roast beef. He did not even gain 1 pound. I wanted to throw up so I went out. My feet still hurt from that long walk. This boy Matt came and said,"eww what are you doing?' I just said,"mind your own business and anyway this is my part of the ship." Anyway I had this queasy feeling when I saw his neatly and shiny combed hair and his blue eyes. I thought it was my hair turning all poodly gross. The way he looked at me and the way I looked at him was love. We slowly kissed. I had a great time tonight! Owww! My hand hurts better stop!

Finished Diary

Audrey: Wow things never change and my mom cheated on her own boyfriend!

Robert: Audrey how could you be 20 years old if your mom is 106 years old. It must have been hard to take care of you!

Audrey: Well I have sisters who are 80 or something! Some of them died! Now keep reading all these talking is giving me a headache.

Robert: Okay! Okay! Okay!

April 13, 1912

Dear Diary,

Today was great! Matt and I went to see his room in 3rd class. We danced and danced all night but one of the servants that were trying to look for me caught me. It was sad when I had to go. It was sad for Matt to sleep in an uncomfortable bed. The servant told what happened. Jack was mad. So he said that he would have to marry me on the 15th of April. He gave me an engagement ring that had a big diamond but not as big as the heart of the ocean on the necklace he gave me.

Finish Diary

Audrey: Is the diamond famous?

Robert: Yes! It is worth over $20,000,000. Here is a picture of it.

Audrey: Wow! Let's read more!

Robert: Sure!

April 14,1912

Dear Diary,

Today Matt and I went in front of the ship. He was so romantic. He told me to stand on the railing. I did as he had told me. Then Matt held my arms up. We saw the view. It was nice. After awhile we kissed. We ran to my room and Matt played his Harmonica. When Matt finished a song I took off Matt's shirt. As Matt kissed me he took off my dress. I pulled his pants and took off my tight shirt. My big pink hat that had flowers on it fell on the floor. We fell on the bed. For hours we held our bodies together. Body to body and Lip to lip. After we put our clothes back on we went up on deck. As we looked up at the stars we saw a huge black thing. We heard a bell. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ice Berg right ahead we heard. As we went we almost hit the ice berg but it hit us. We felt shaking and heard scraping. The Titanic froze afterwards. Ice fell on deck but people thought that it would not sink just because they said that it was unsinkable. People used the ice as footballs and thought that this was all just a fun game! We ran back in the ship. People were putting on life jackets and people were curious. We went in my room scared. I did not want to be because my hair might get messed up or something and my feet hurt and I want something to eat or drink. O god this sucks. So I took a rest and wrote this. Oh No got to run I have to escape this bloody ship!

April 15,1912

Dear Diary,

It is 2:00pm. I have escaped the ship. After I finished my last entry I put on my life jacket on. I went with Matt to save people in 3rd class. When we went down people were drowning and the gate was locked. We pulled out a bench and smashed the gate. The water went up the stairs. A lot of children drowned. The water flooded the floor and not many survived. When we went to the Grand Staircase (a wooden staircase with carved statues and drawings and with a clock and it also has a large dome) Jack caught us. He had a gun. We ran downstairs. He almost shot me but I escaped. It was not long until we went to the flooded part. Jack gave up because of the cold and freezing waters. We went to find another way up stairs. It is freezing cold here and I am scared that my skin will turn blue. Noooooooooooooooo! Why does this have to happen to me? As we went through the hallway the light bulbs were flashing. I had little space to breathe. When we went upstairs we saw a door leaking. So we ran and ran and ran as fast as we can. A big wave came and almost caught us. We went up on deck. There were fireworks so other ships can see them and come. People were going on lifeboats. The owner of the ship sneaked into one of the lifeboats even though it was women and children first. Men jumped into the freezing waters just to swim into another lifeboat.

1 hour later

The dome in the grand staircase blew up. The ship's stern was rising. And my hat my beautiful hat fell into the cold waters. The ship finally broke into and metal scraped my beautiful skin. Why me! Why could not it have been Molly Brown? Matt told me to go on the railing on the stern. As the stern sank Matt and I held our breath. In the water Matt found a door or something floating in the water. The both of us could not fit. I went and Matt held on to my hand. Matt told me to promise to survive and not to die in this night and told me to die an old woman. I said that I promised and that I will never let go. Matt said,"gee too bad I did not put any gel on." With that I looked into his eyes and kissed one last time. It was a long kiss. It was a kiss to remember. I cried really badly afterwards.

20 minutes later

Matt was frozen. Our tears looked like crystals. They shined in the moonlight. I moved Matt and said," Matt wake up. Please don't go. I need you. I love you!" He did not wake up I let go of him and he sank to the bottom of the ocean. I shouted Matt and a lifeboat heard me. They saved. I cried all night. When the Carpathia saved us I saw Jack. I hid away so I won't marry him. My god my feet are killing me. Oh I just remembered I am still wearing the necklace and ring. I did not see Mr. Ishida ever since. They did not even find his body. I will never forget Matt. He saved my life you know. I thought Titanic was a ship of torture now I think of it as the ship of dreams. I will always miss you Matt.

April15, 1915

Dear Diary,

Today I just married William Hepburn. I had so much fun. You should have seen those big hats. I wore a vale. After the wedding we ate caviar and drank champagne. I still remember Jack. We would have married on the same day in 1912. Well at least I kept my bloody promise. My name is not Mimi Tachikawa anymore it is Mrs. William Hepburn

Mimi's Hospital Room.

Audrey: Look there is the ring and necklace. How come I did not notice that before.

Robert: Well I don't know!

Pulled out a ring and bent down.

Robert: Audrey we have been study buddies for the Titanic for 2 years now well.

Audrey: What?

Robert: The ring is not as big as Mimi's is but will you marry me?

Audrey: Yes! Yes! Of course!

With that they kissed.

July 18, 2000

Dear Diary,

We had a great time in our wedding. We ate a variety of foods like caviar and the cake. We especially drank champagne. My friend Jennifer caught the flowers and Dylan caught the garter belt. It was so fun. I know my mom would be really happy.

Mrs. Robert Ballard

