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The following 3 Opipets came from here

Dotti-chan sports the black dot or anti-logo ^-^; If you are against consumerism, and especially brand names like Nike and GAP, this is the opi-pet for you!! Dotti-chan says "Nike can stuff it!"

Heiwa-chan is for pacifists. If you believe that violence should always remain the *final, final final* resort, or even be completely out of the question, Heiwa-chan would be happy at your website! Heiwa is very cheerfull because of all the peace protests lately about Afghanistan. Heiwa-chan says "Violence is learned behavior!"

Aniri-chan stands for Animal Rights. Aniri is against Vivisection, Factory Farms, Furs, etc. Aniri is a good Opi-pet for Vegetarians or Vegans. Aniri says "Animals are people too!"

"SIT, BOY!!!"