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F A S T F O R W A R D (We are now speaking of who died and who is injured):

"The total death count," said Tallest Purple, "-is 560. To wherever these Irkens may be, you have done your planet honors beyond honors and the new clutch of Irkens will be named after you. To the families of the deceased: The highest honors to you, there is nothing I can say that would speak of my amazement." The crowd cheered and a few cried.
Purple sighed, "The total number injured: 1,000 even. They are in rehab where they are receiving the highest of help."

He looked out at the crowd, "My people, it pains me to tell you," he swallowed, "that my co-leader and best friend have been lost in the fight. Red and Lindsay Moose shall never walk upon Irken pavement again."
The crowd gasped and it was silent. Suddenly, a figure in the back stood. She was a girl, had dark purple eyes and a grin to rival Nny’s.
"Moose, Moose, Moose," she chanted, voice cracking. Then louder, "MOOSE, MOOSE!" Another stood one with wild magenta eyes and a microphone hooked to giant speakers, "RED, RED, RED!" she shouted. The entire stadium screamed their names. Screamed them until they felt them disappear.
And, just as suddenly as Zix and Kro had started, a Voot crashed into the ground. The glass was cracked and the paint scratched and the stereo was playing in a steady thud of bass boost, "Can’t Fight the Moonlight" by LeAnn Rimes. A hand escaped the wreckage, "Never again, NEVER EVER, do I let you drive!"
"Never again do I let you hold the map!"
"It’s all your fault!"
"OH? Who can’t read a map, then?" snapped a female voice.
"YOU HANDED IT TO ME UPSIDE DOWN, MONKEY!" snapped a male voice. Two antenna popped up and a face accompanied it. A second face appeared and panted as the owner dragged herself up.
"Didya miss us?" asked Lindsay Moose with a crooked grin.
"Say no and die," said Red and grinned. Both stood and stared at the stadium.
Purple cleared his throat, "Final death count, 558. Welcome back from the dead, Lindsay and Red!"
The stadium erupted with the noise. Lindsay grinned and screamed back at the crowd. Red followed her example and the crowd yelled louder.

E P I L O G U E:
"So, you have no idea where Aex and Kao have gone?" asked Purple as he hovered around.
Moose shook her head, "Nope. We got a transmission from them when we were still in the Voot."
"Really?" asked Kro who was signing several papers.
"Yea, what’re those?" asked Red pointing.
Purple grinned and hugged Kro, "She’s my fiancé! We’re gonna get married soon!"
Kro grinned and turned back to Moose, "So? What’d they say?"
"Well, Aex said 'I will come back, Red. For now, I’m gonna enjoy my freedom. AS promised-' he was smiling then, you could tell. Then he told us 'And one day, when we return, all that you know will lie in ruins. There will be nothing sacred to you any longer. Pack up and leave while you’re still ahead.'" Red finished.
Purple sighed, "So, they will come back one day."
"Not for a while is all we can hope," said Kro. "I gotta go now, see ya." She waved and opened the door to find Zix and Nix had been listening. They fell down and laughed nervously before running away.
Moose stared at them, "I don’t wanna know."
Red grinned, "Me neither. Hey, speaking of engagement and marriage-"
"NO." said Moose and began to leave.
"What do you mean 'no'? Don’t you loooooove me?" asked Red chasing after her.
"YEA! Don’t you love me-I mean, him?" said Purple, glancing at his fiancé who was about to shoot him.
"No, I’m gonna stay single for a while!" Moose's voice was getting faint as she ran down the hall. Purple and Kro watched her run with Red after her.
"SINGLE! You are not! What about meeeee?"
"Don’t worry so much! If all else fails, run crying back to Red!" Purple interrupted.
"OH NO, you won’t come crying back to me! I’ll be with Kao!"
"I WOULD...!"
Kro sighed, "Babies! So they’re gone then, Aex and Kao?"
Purple nodded, "Yep, apparently. Who knows when they’ll come back, huh?"

"Operation Impending doom 4!" shouted Red and the crowd yelled. "Step forward, Invader Moose!" Lindsay Moose, or should I say, Invader Moose, walked up. "You have been assigned to Fudge," said Red and handed her the slip.
"Fudge, abbreviated form."
"What’s the long form?"
"Thank you." said Moose and took the scroll. A Voot blasted by her and a short figure in all black leather stepped out.
Moose grinned, "Where’s Kro?"
"Right here!" shouted the purple-eyed fiend. She stood in pure purple and grinned, "Being engaged to an all-purple dude is kinda fun."
"Well, get goin’! I don’t wanna see ya until Fudge is destroyed!" said Red and Lindsay hugged him, "You wouldn’t believe how much homework I have to do because of you." "Does it matter? Think of all the FUN!" he said. She stepped into the Voot and it started taking off. "I hate you."
"Love you too, darling!" called out Red.
shouted Purple at Kro. She gave a wild yell and they blasted off to Fudgeisthaniankidjikanristanconstanpanopalbiscitbangfatangfatangoladarksideofcyuuuteobjectionbyshaki-asrthan for a little fun.
And, hopefully, Chinese take out.