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Moose pounded down the hall and ran straight into Red. He looked down at her, "Um, hello," he said.
Moose looked up at him, "I hafeta tell you something-"
Red looked down at her and sighed apologetically, "I need to go now. I’ll talk to you later!" he said and hovered down the hall. The door slid open at his arrival and Purple stared at a screen inside. "What’s wrong, Purple?" asked Red as he entered.
Purple pointed weakly at the screen, "See those things that look like ships there? Well, they’re Diater ships and they’re blasting off to Lupesia to aid them in blowing us up."
Red’s eyes bulged at that, "WHAT?!"
"Yes, they want to blow us up and claim the galaxy for themselves. And um, wow, yea, that’s it." Said Purple.
Red stared at it again and then sounded the alarm for the Irken Army to meet ASAP in the conference room. The conference hall was bursting with Irkens. Zim and Zix stood at the front with the Tallest. As they started, Moose quietly crept in through the back door.
"Friends, Irkens, country men-"
"Thank you, Diplomat Zix."
"No problem."
"Now, the planet Diater has been launching ships off for the past, how long, Zim?"
"Week or two SIR!" screamed Zix. Zim stared at his sister and then turned it into a death glare. Zix grinned at her brother.
"Drop the 'sir', soldier."
" 'Kay."
"Now, I know you are all frightened by this, but stop panicking. WE CAN DO THIS. We are strong, we will beat them-"
"Um, Red? Purple?" said Kro, tugging on Purple’s arm.
"We might wanna get into out battalions now, these folks are heading our way. We MIGHT wanna shoot 'em down now."
"Good thinking. Soldiers, get to your ships! Let's move!" shouted Red. Everyone leapt up and went running.

Everyone in the cockpit of their various vessels and ready for the Tallest to give the command. Red was about to speak to the thousands of battalions pilots when someone tugged at his arm.
"Red?" It was Moose.
He turned, "Yes?" Moose looked at her feet and then looked back up.
"Do you still love Kao?" Red sighed and tugged his antenna.
"Moose, now is not the time! I have to reassure thousands of Irkens-"
"So I’m not important?"
"I never said that-"
"Then answer me!"
Zix grinned from where she was suiting up and Zim stared at them.
"C’mon, cowboy! You’re ridin’ with me!" said Cri and dragged Zim off.
"If you really want an answer, then..." Red paused, "I don’t know. Sometimes, yes, all I want in my life is Kao. But I’m not sure, Kro seems to think you’d be a good match for me..." Kro whistled innocently by Purple. "I guess I’m falling in and out," said Red.
Moose nodded, "Do you think... I might have a chance? Maybe-"
"Hey, folks! Those monkeys are comin’ down here any second. Like, we might wanna go blow up their butts before we miss ours," said Zix.
Everyone turned and Red sighed, "I guess this will have to wait?"
Moose nodded and he motioned for her, "Let’s go!"

Vid-screens in each ship blinked on and Zix grinned at them.
"Hello pilots! Now, this is Zix reporting in-"
"Get on with it, Zix. We'll be dead before we see them." Crackled Kro’s voice from the radio.
"Shut up, Kro. Now, we have some brand new weapons for use today! Besides the classic level four, class nine laser, we have-" she pulled up a large gun. "The level TEN laser! Yea, yea? This one the scientists were reluctant about, the Power Srit. I know funny name. Wait till you see this baby in action. The lasers will home in on the enemy. And last, but not least, we have given all pilots the Trantalian. It will shoot out 10 mean blasts of laser at the opposing force. Happy hunting pilots! Diplomat Zix out. Hey, do I get to keep these?"
The screens all winked off. Moose sighed at the screen and joined Red in the Massive.
"Let’s go," she said, determined, "I wanna kick those demons to the moon and back!"
The purple/red/magenta ship flew into Space, leading the massive Armada into victory, or defeat. No one was quite sure with the two evenly-matched sides.

Time passes slowly when something big is going to happen. Always. Moose sat in a chair with Red waiting for anything to happen. Nothing seemed to be, so now seemed like a good time to pop the question. Was he still in love with Kao? Okay, so she knew the answer, but not all of it. He had been cut off appropriately by Zix. Moose cursed her inwardly; she always spoiled things when it got important.
"Red?" she asked.
The monarch looked down at her, "Yes?"
"I know... You kind of answered this, but I’m still not sure. Can you clarify?" her voice wavered slightly.
Red looked at her, then his eyes softened, "What is the question?"
"Are you-" Moose took a breath, "-really still in love with Kao? I know you DID answer it, but please tell me I heard wrong. Please?"
Red stared into the vast nothingness of space, "'There’s been times, I’m so confused, down my road, and it leads to you, just can’t turn and walk away.' It’s from the radio, I was listening to it, Earthen I believe."
Moose nodded, "So, you value my friendship?"
"Yes, like I value Kao’s. She is important to me, but not as you are. After what happened then...," he shook his head, "It isn’t important. You are important to me, probably like you were my sister, maybe even more. I don’t know. It’s hard to say."
Moose looked down, "Thank you. I guess, I shouldn’t hope for things like that."
Red sighed, "I’m sorry, emotions are like this. Brings ya right back to hi-skool, doesn’t it?"
"Yes... Can we change the subject?" she asked, "What about this war? Do we have any edge in it?"
"Well..." Red looked back at her, "We have all of the MegaDoomers, including 4000. We have enough for about 100 Irkens. We have our ships, weapons, probes and other things. But they have the allies that bring power."
"Do you have any?" asked Moose, slightly intrigued.
"The only people in league with us are the Effzoids-" Moose raised an eyebrow in remembrance of the D-Boys from JtHM. "-They fight well and I’ve already alerted them and they said they will help. That’s a small weight off my back, but not by much."
He sighed and one of the Irkens turned, "Sir! The DL's have called in and say they wanna talk to you!"
"The who's?"
"The opposing side!"
"Oh, go on and open communication channels." He replied and the Irken opened them.
They were faced with the President of Lupesia, "Hello, Red. Here we are again. Oh how time FLIES, hmm?"
Red stared at him and nodded curtly, "Yes, one minute you were still a sniveling baby. Are you still today?"
"Cut the small talk, Tallest!" snapped the Pres. "I am here inquiring our choice of action! We are still fighting on the abandoned planet of Crentoid, correct?"
"Yes," said Red, "Anything else?"
The President licked his lips, "Yes, lose to my side and vow your serventry for the next millenium. That was kind of asking, Tallest."
"Shut up, that’s not what I meant!" snapped Red. "Do your allies have anything to say?"
The Pres. gave him a crooked grin, "They would, but somethings are too vulgar even for YOUR ears, Red. President Cazzar out."
The vid-screen flickered out and Red commanded that a pilot named Siz open the communication channels to Effzoid. In seconds, a man (supposedly) was on the screen. Moose fell over like in Anime, this guy looked exactly like one of Nny’s voices from the comic! "Good day, Red. We’re still up for this fight, ne?" he asked.
Red nodded, "Apparently. We are at Crentoid, but you knew that. Can you get there?"
The Pres. gave him a huge, demonic grin, "Of course! I’m bringin’ all of my toys to play with! See ya there. President D out!" The screen again flicked off and Red turned to everyone in the room.
"Get my colligue and his fiancé and anyone else of importance. Quickly people, quickly! There’s a war going on!" he said. Everyone was in the room in seconds. Red and Purple hovered at the front as everyone settled down.
Zix sat down next to Moose and grinned, "Go you, Moose, show your feelings!" Kro smiled too and Moose grinned at Purple, who was staring longingly at Kro. Zim sighed at his antics and loving looks and grew a pained expression when Cri latched onto his arm, giving him the same sappy sweet looks.
"Everyone settled? Good," said Purple and drew out a long pointer stick and a map slid down from the ceiling. "Alright, everyone, the Effzoids have agreed to help us fight against the DL’s, as one of the Pilots said-"
"THAT WAS ME, SIR!" screamed one from the back. "PILOT NIX!"
"A-hem, right, Anyway. Most of you will be piloting Voot Cruisers, Voot Runners or Battalions in this. Some will be piloting MegaDoomers, including a NEW version of the one Zim nearly screwed up the planet on-" Zim laughed nervously as everyone else gave him glares. "-So everyone has something different." Purple finished and handed the pointer to Red.
He cleared his throat and started, "Now, we will be attacking full frontal, no holding back, folks. Try not to use up the ammo in your lazers, You only have so much and you can’t always come back for seconds. I want to tell you, right now, on behalf of myself and Purple, thank you."
Everyone gave him blank looks. "Let me clarify, thank you for being willing to fight alongside the Effzoids. Thank you for making an effort to save our planet. I know that you all know, you may die. If you die, you have done it for the good of every Irken sitting at home by their window waiting." Several people bowed their heads and Cri squeezed tighter on Zim. "I hope, if you want to believe in any religion, that you will go someplace better, and I hope you know, that everything you do, even if you only shoot one round, has helped in some way. Thank you for being a part." He nodded and the map jerked back into the ceiling. There was silence for a moment and then, Moose stood.
She clapped.
Everyone stared, but joined in.
The entire room became a crescendo of noise, hope and power.
And, for a moment, nobody knew what the word "lose" meant.