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Moose stepped out and Cri followed. "I’m still going to avenge Mri..." she whispered and left.
Red and Purple glided down, "YOU’RE OKAY!" shouted Purple and was about to hug her when Kro pulled him back. She whispered something and he nodded and put an arm around her. Moose stared at the faces of Irkens; Cri had walked to Zim and was hugging him. She turned to look at Red, who was watching her.
"Hi," he said.
Moose turned and began walking away, "Goodbye to you." She started running.
"Why are you running?" called Purple.
"Ask Red, he’ll tell you," she shouted back and one silver tear flew behind her.

"Well, are you going to let her leave?" asked a quiet voice beside him. Zix was standing there.
"We had a talk, her and me, and she said she loved you more then ANYTHING in this universe. Are you going to let her leave?" she repeated.
Red sighed, "I have no idea."
"Well, let me put it this way," it was Kro speaking, "You don’t meet a girl like that all the time."
"What about Kao? She saw me and her-"
"Do you have the courage to say anything about it?" asked Zix, "If you don’t then run back to Kao. If you do, I think she’s going home soon."

The ship rocked and Red was thrown to the side of the hall. He got back up and cursed the war and went on. He was going after her. He had decided, Kao was wonderful, she was spectacular, but what had happened before... He kept running and saw Moose walking further ahead.
"MOOSE!" She turned and then turned back away from him and kept walking.
"WAIT!" God blessed, he thought, she waited. He glided to her, "I’m sorry. I figured out how I really wanted all along."
She turned away, "Really. When do I get the marriage invitations?"
"Never! Unless, you like me enough to marry, in which case the Diplomats would have a FIT..."
"Are you sure?" Moose was unsure, this was getting terribly old. "After that kiss with Kao, jeez, why aren’t you staying with her? She’s perfect, why don’t you?" She started walking, "You have everything, so why don’t you keep it all?" She walked away from him and the Massive shook once more.
Red yelled, "Well, fine! Be that way! I don’t care, I’ll stay with Kao! That’s right... I’ll stay with her...," His voice dwindled down to a whisper. "...and I’ll be perfectly happy without you."
He turned and heard her quietly tell him, "You might as well wish for the stars to kill the sun."

Both left, and both felt sad. Okay, they both thought, so he/she was being a butt head, but I still like him/her! Moose walked back through the corridors and reached the main room.
Red hadn’t gotten there yet, she noted and so she sat down in a chair. Zix walked over to her, "What’s up? You look worse then a cupcake when it’s being served in front of Purple-"
"-No offense, Purple. What’s wrong, Moose?"
"Red’s still being a jerk."
"Ah, did you tell him you liked him?" asked Zix.
"Well, I kind of IMPLIED IT..."
"Look, Moose,” said Zix, "Men can be dumb. Women can be too, but that isn’t the point. You have to tell him! He isn’t psychic, is he? Psycho, maybe, but not psychic. Tell him, stop throwing temper tantrums. You aren’t two, are you?"
Moose looked at her friend, "What do I say? 'Red, I’m sorry about being such a jerk, please tell me its okay'?"
"It's a start." Said Kro coming over. "When I first met Purple, I was all over myself trying to be with him."
"It was so sweet! Love notes in the locker (she risked her life to get into the guys gym room), chocolate, love ballads-"
"That was you, I don’t sing," replied Kro. "Anyway, but you have to pursue! What was that quote? Something with foot prints..."
"'You don’t make footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt. And who wants to leave butt-prints'?" suggested Moose.
"YES! That is it!" Zix snapped her fingers, "Go talk to him! LEAVE SOME FOOTPRINTS! NO MORE BUTT PRINTS FOR MOOSE!"
"Um, okay, Zix, thanks I’ll go talk to him! Now I see how you and Zim are related..." she ran off thinking about a song she had heard called "The Best of Me" by Starting Line. Go listen to it when you read this, it is a really good song and the almighty author commands you. Nyah.

The Massive trembled and the computer was yelling for everyone to take cover.
"Dear God!" yelled a familiar voice, "The computer's gone hip-hop!"
"RED, IS THAT YOU?!" called out Moose.
"WHY ARE WE SHOUTING! We’re only two feet away from each other." said Red.
Moose attacked him and threw her arms around his neck.
Now, children, we do math right now (you’re all thinking, what is Noodles smoking?) No, friends, I do not smoke junk like that! If you’ve visited Moose’s Art Galleries recently, you’ll know how much she weighs, (I forgot, so nyah!) and how she was saying how if Red could hold her on his shoulders, then jeez, we gotta know how!
Now, I have no clue, so don’t ask me. But the point is, down went both of them! WHEEE-OOO, kersplat! Now, everyone knows how embarrassing it is to fall in front of your crush/lover/etc. Now, how about falling on top, next to or whatever your twistedlittle mind can think of?
Oh yea, guess how embarrassed these two felt!
"Sorry, here lemme-"
"Damn, this isn’t working, is it?" laughed Red. Moose nodded and then a huge laugh came from behind them.
Both looked up and saw Kro and Purple standing there. "Um, its not like it looks-"
"BIG, BIG misunderstanding!" said Moose leaping off Red. "I fell and-and-uh..."
"Oh, don’t try and fool us!" said Zix, who had mysteriously showed up, "We KNOW what you were-"

shouted Moose and made shooing motions with her hands. Purple whispered something into Red’s ear, who socked him in the stomach (NOTE FROM MOOSE: Apparently, Red doesn’t know what "ecchi" and "hentai" are, so Purps had to explain). Kro winked at Moose and left, dragging a throbbing Purple behind her.

Zix left, whistling some tune that sounded like the first theme from "Full Moon", "I Love You" (which is a cool song sung by The Scanty). Red shook his head and then a transmission from Pres. D-Boy came through, "Tallest, we seem to be doing well, um, DL’s are starting to retreat and-CRAP! That wasn’t a hopeful noise on my part!"
"Um, President D-Boy, what is going on?" asked Red. The Massive was thrown violently and both lost their footing again.
"Ugh-Damn you enemy! Apparently, they’ve got reinforcements! What should we do?"
"We can retreat, fight on, or call in more back up!" replied Red.
"I SAY BACKUP AND- DAMN YOU, LEAVE ME ALONE (they heard several things that I shouldn’t state if I wanna keep this to "minor language")!" he snapped.
"Are you okay out there, President?" asked Moose.
"Yea, I’m fine! DAMMIT!" snapped the President, "Get those reinforcements out here though, things are starting to look pretty bad!"
"Okay, Tallest Red OUT!" said Red and the Pres. did the same.
Red hovered down the halls and Moose ran beside him, "So we’re calling the back up?"
"Who are they, don’t tell me-another girl of the past?" said Moose with a grin.
"Okay, who then?"
"Lemme flash these names by you: Zix, Zim, Cri, Kro, Purple, Red and Lindsay Moose. Sound familiar?"
"Oh, God..."
"Yes, you and I will pilot a Voot, Purple and Kro, Cri and Zim and Zix is a skilled pilot and will tackle one by herself."
Moose raised an eyebrow, "You think she’ll agree? I mean, she’s a pretty paranoid person..."
"Then you die with honor!" said Purple, trying to make her shut up.
"Aw, it wouldn’t be so bad if she died." said Kro, "I mean, what good is she?"
"Shut up, Kro! You aren’t helping!" said Moose. Kro shrugged and hid behind Purple as Zix got ready to attack her.
"So what do we do? Voots only fit two people at most!" said Red.
Suddenly, one of the Massive’s pilots came over, "Tallest, I heard your distress and I am not needed over there, shall I pair with Zix?"
"Do you mind, Zix?" asked Purple.
"No, waz your name, soldier?" she asked.
"Pilot," he said in a James Bond kind of voice, "Pilot Double-O Seven."
"COOL!" said Moose, "If that really your number?"
"Nope," said the pilot, losing the neat-o voice, "It’s really 700. I’m Nix." Nice how Irken names all seem to ryhme, huh?
Zix shook his hand energetically, "Nice to meet you! Now, let’s go bust some bad guys!"
"I hope you mean blow them up in a variety of funny ways, not make them into sculptures." said Nix.
"DUH! We blow them up! Who has time for art-"
Moose is seen with a sketch pad drawing, "Um, no?" she suggested and put it away.
"-Okay, that was weird. BUT, LET’S GO!" said Zix assuming a neat-o pose.
Nix clapped, "You go!" Zix bowed and the two went to a Voot and got in.
Red turned to Lindsay and smiled, "So, let’s be on our way then, ne?"
"We’re all talking like that crazy President, ne?" said Kro and suddenly screamed, "NO! I’M TALKING LIKE HIM! DAMN!!!" She threw herself in the Voot and Purple jumped in after her. Lindsay got in and Red followed, and soon everyone was racing down the runway to the eternal night and victory (we hope).

The events that follow are long and tedious. When the four Voots crashed into space, they were ambushed, naturally. The fought back, naturally. Both sides called in back up and it came. Finally, the DL’s began to win. They were throwing every attack they had, and it hurt the Irkens and Effzoids bad. But, all three leaders urged each other on until they began to win. It flip-flopped like this until both sides realized the other was attacking the main ship of the group. The DL’s began to retreat and one tiny Voot glowed (for one second) deep silver and midnight black.

Wild laughter coursed through everyone’s radio (our side and enemy alike) and they all heard Kao scream in a maniac voice "IT’S ALIVE, IT’S ALIIIIIVE!" And a long silver/black lazer shot out and blew up thirty DL ships. Each Voot pilot tried to copy this; and after nearly blowing the ship, they got a red/purple beam to blow up the opposing side. The DL’s retreated faster. Finally, everyone attacked the FlagShip. No one knows how they all decided on this, only that they all hit it. The FlagShip blew, along with over 52% of the enemy. EI won, and the DL’s retreated and vowed never to mess with the insane society again. All of the Voots returned except two:
Red and Lindsay’s and Aex and Kao’s.