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"Poor, poor child...." crooned Mri. "Force fed lies from the Tallest!" Moose was in the chamber again. Cri was sitting on a chair with a riding crop (!) in one hand and idlely flicking the desk.

"Did ya find anything out about 'em? Weaknesses and such?" asked Cri flicking the desk again. Mri turned shadow and twisted around her assassin.

"SHUT UP! Can’t you see the girl is in pain?" snapped Mri. "And that’s MY riding crop!"

Cri raised and lowered one shoulder, "I apologize, Moose. I did not realize." Moose’s head shot up from where she was blowing her nose in a delicate looking hankie (most likely Mri’s).

"Kri?" she asked.

Cri sighed, "No, CRI. Why is that so difficult to understand?" she replied.

"So, you’re in on the false Tallest thing?" asked Moose with a smile. "Ooh! It makes me so mad that they stole the throne from Tallest Mri!"

Cri shot a quizzical look to Mri. "You know, dear, how the Tallest are CHEATING on their rule!" hissed Mri through gritted teeth. "Ooh! That’s right, of course I support our true Tallest!" said Cri staring at Mri with a look of disgust. Mri sighed and took the camera Moose handed her and plugged it into a vid-screen. After several confusing minutes of cable snapping, yelling at vids and forgetting about batteries, IT played.

" ‘Blip, blip, blip. There’s a message! Blip, blip, blip’


‘Bleep already! Oh-oh! Hi, um, ZIM reporting sir's, new video info about her, um, I'll send it in a few. Say hi to Moose for me. Bye.’


‘Oh, Moose… When can you go home?’

‘I've never been to... Earth...’

FIZZLE Blip, blip, blip! End of tape! Blip, blip, blip!"

"What the HELL did you DO to the vid screen? ‘Blip, blip, blip?!’ What the hell-?" snapped Cri staring at it. Mri shook her head and handed the camera back to Moose. "Now, sweetie, I need you to get a WEE bit more on this. Can you do that?" she asked. Moose bowed and four robot legs slid out of her Pak. "See ya!" she called and skittered off down the hall.

"Mri, you’re sick. ‘Sweetie’, ‘dear’… What’s next? ‘Hunny muffin’?" asked Cri. Mri sighed and looked at her, " ‘Sweetie pumpkin’, would go check on Moose for me?" Cri vanished for a minute and large choking noises were heard off stage.

A girl (who we’ve seen SOMEWHERE) comes in dressed like Cri. "Yes, Mri! At your service! And, you know-" she said, with a wicked grin and evil eyes behind evil glasses frames, "-Keep calling Cri those weird pet names. They drive her bonkers! And, we know how much I love my characters…. Now, um, I have a cover I gotta work on, so I’ll see ya later!"

"Hey, if I do what you said, what do I get?"

"The moon, Pluto, no clue. Galactic domination. Why not?"

"I like that last one. Okay, sure. I don’t like it, but okay." Replied Mri with a shrug. The false Cri grinned and raced off the set as the real one returned.

"Who was that?" asked Cri watching her run away into a REALLY PO’d Jhonen.

"No one important, ‘Hunny skittles’." Was the reply. "WHOA! Hey, Jhonen gimme Mr. Snoofuls! NOOO!" Cri shock her head and left to stalk the Moose. I just watched a nature show on the "Wild moosies of North California"! I did not know wild moosies lived in California. No, I did not.