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"I know, but we can do it!" said Zix, "With the best Diplomat-"
"And the two most amazingest Invaders-" said Kro.
"We’ll do it!" finished Moose. "Jeez that was creepy." "Alright, I’ll go tell Ter what is goin’ on, Kro and Zix, decoy. Good luck!" Mri whispered and went running in the opposite direction.

Kro and Zix slid down the hall. Kro had her lazer out and switched the safety lock off. The plan was they were going to come in, Kro would fire, miss and hit Zix’s antenna. Zix would scream, cause it hurt, Mri would turn and find them and they would be controlled.
"I’m sorry I hafta hurt you," whispered Kro.
Zix shrugged, "Think of how famous we’ll be! It don’t matter." Kro sighed and the two ran in.
"HIII-YA!" shouted Kro and fired. Zix screamed as the blast hit her antenna and both landed on the floor in a tangled up mess. Mri turned and Nix and another pilot swooped down on then and dragged them to Mri (after taking the lazer away).
"WHAT’S THIS? Intruders!" said Mri and grinned. "Working for the Moose, hmm?"
Kro looked at the floor and Zix snapped, "Moose is a freakin’ back stabber! We are here to get away from HER! We want to become your spies...or...something!" Mri looked startled, but it was wiped off her face and a mask of fake pleasure replaced it.
"Of course, you don’t mind me asking, but why is she so back-stabbing?"
"She’s gonna take all the fame of defeating you!" replied Kro. She grinned evilly and said, "But now, she can’t take that fame, for we have come to YOU to become one of yours!"
Mri nodded and told the guards to let go.
"Good good! Come to the right side of the war! Now then, you must pledge alliance, I can’t be too sure that you’re really telling the truth."
"What does that mean?" asked Zix, looking just slightly wary.
Mri smiled, "Don’t worry! Nothing terrible, since you come to me of your own accord, I don’t need to steal you."
"Eh?" Kro said.
Mri nodded, "Before your time. Or while you were still training. Whichever. Essence, I capture it and you belong to me. See?" she gestured to everyone. "But you don’t need that. All I will do is simply give you these."
She handed them bracelets.
"These look like the ones from that manga-comic... What was it?" Kro snapped her fingers. "Sailor Moon or whatever. The one Moose was reading." She put as much scorn into ‘Moose’ as possible.
"Yes," Mri smiled, "They are very similar. They have the same purpose, as in, you disobey me and you go to where there is nothing."
"The Void?" Zix asked.
Mri turned sharply, "How do you know of The Void?"
"I have heard of it," Zix shrugged nonchalantly, "I just never thought it was real."
Mri smiled eyes terribly carnivorous, "More real then you would think...Go now," Mri continued, "I have a feeling your old ally is here and I want to see her face when her two friends drag her in. Get out and find her."
Kro and Zix bowed to her and left.

M E A N W H I L E (Ter's home):

"Hey, wake up." whispered Mri. Ter grunted and rolled over. "Get up or so help me if I don’t delete this program of yours-"
"I’m up!" whispered Ter. "You’re that lady! YOU!"
Mri shook her head, "I swear, you have the sides crossed! The Mri you set free is my other half!"
"Last stage of split personalities the personality ties break way! I am a personality I broke away! Now I need your help to get rid of the evil side!"
"Oooh! How do I do that?"
"With that program of Mri’s." Mri ran through a quick summary of what was going on.
Ter nodded, "Fine... I’ll do it! It’s easy enough to control. I’ll help."
"That’s good," said Mri as they transferred the data, "otherwise, you might be killed soon."

A shout of betrayal rang throughout the Massive.
"Mri! We have found her!"
Zix and Kro dropped Moose near Mri’s feet. Mri grinned, "Terrible isn’t it? To have found ones work undone?"
"You brainwashed all my friends! Give them back!" shouted Moose standing. Mri laughed, accompanied by everyone in the room. Moose turned around, looking paranoid.
"NO! You stole everything I had, so why should I give you what you want!" snapped Mri advancing to Moose. "You took away my home, my dreams MY LIFE! Why should I be nice to YOU?"
Moose looked away.
"See? You don’t have an answer! What are you going to do? Your friends won’t help, I’m not gonna make ‘em! You have no one in the world!"
"SHE HAS ME!" snapped Cri and jumped as if to attack her.
"SEIZE HER!" shouted Mri and Kro leapt over and caught her. "What will you do now? Hmm?" Moose remained silent and Zix applauded her inwardly. What a good show!
"You have two choices, one, give up now and join me or two, I WILL kill you. Your call." Mri said walking over so she was looking Moose in the eyes.
"What, you aren’t corrupting me yet?" snapped Moose suddenly.
"Don’t buy yourself time! ANSWER ME."
"Well, I want to remain true-"
"Can’t!" said Mri cheerfully, "I’ll kill you."
"There are worse things then death." said Moose.
"I will make your death long and agonizing. The screams of your anguish will ring for as long as possible."
"What choice do I have?"
"Then... I must come." Moose was half way to crying.
What fake tears thought Kro, Good job!
Mri grinned, "Yes, we have a deal!" She grasped Moose’s hand and shook it, "Zix, give me a bracelet."
"They look like the ones from Sailor Moon." Moose said slightly skeptic.
"They are, basically. Have the same purpose. You disobey, it kills you. Fun, fun!" said Zix happily as she snapped them on.
"ZIX? You traitor!" shouted Moose.
Zix smiled, "Moose! You back-stabber!" The bracelets snapped on and Moose felt around her wrists.
"A little tight there, eh?"
"Yes, just for you!" said Zix smiling.
Mri sat down, "Anyone with her?" she asked Kro.
"NO!" said Moose.
"Don’t interrupt!" snapped Mri and pressed a button on the control pad next to her. The bracelet on Moose spewed static, which coincidentally, hurt.
Kro glanced at Moose, masking her anger at Mri with fake disgust.
"From that little show, I would say, yes. I didn’t see anybody, but I’m quite positive there are other people here. Shall I take her and Zix with me to find them?" She grinned at Moose who looked at her with hatred. "Yes, go ahead." Mri waved toward the door and the three set off.