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The good Mri was running down the hall with Ter on her heels.
"Okay, you stay by the door," she whispered and coughed slightly from lack of breath, "And when I say go, you type in whatever it is to get her back. Got it?"
"FOUND YOU!" it was Kro. Mri turned and screamed. She turned in mid scream and nodded and Ter who ran forwards to the door and hid.
"You’ll never take me!" shouted Mri. Zix laughed harshly, trying not to laugh for real.
"There is nothing that can help you now!" The walked down the hall with Mri, who was shouting and screaming and Zix yelling for back up and Kro screaming back. It was very funny, because none of this was true, so to see them yelling and carrying on would have sent everyone into mass fits of laughter.

"We have the Moose’s friend now!" shouted Zix and they dragged Mri in like she was a Hefty bag full of vegetable soup.
"Mri?" asked Mri.
"It is me. Or you, as I should say."
"I thought I trapped you-Oh well, no matter, I’ll just get rid of you better this time." said the evil Mri.
(To keep them straight, GM will mean Good Mri and EM means Evil, kay?)
"Oh? And how will you do that?" asked GM raising an eyebrow.
"Why would you care? Besides, I’m not gonna just tell you my plot." said EM. "Kro, is that idiot Ter still alive? I’m going to have some fun today." Kro bowed and left the room for Ter. Mri turned to Moose, "I might just do this to you as well. I don’t need you meddling in this. I don’t know. What do you think, Cri?"
"I think..." Cri smiled evilly at Moose, "We just stick with the torture thing. After she has been tortured we will trap her on the computer."
"Oh, I love how your terrible little mind works!" Mri clapped, "Perfect!"
"Ma’am?" asked Kro.
Mri swung around, "Yes?"
"Oh, the dead munchkin, yes."
"He isn’t dead, he just got knocked out... Can we-?"
"Of course! Bring him at once!" Kro bowed and departed.

She found Ter and explained the new plan of action to him.
"Oh God, wonderful." Ter said and gathered up his laptop.
"Can you still do it?" asked Kro. "’Cause you better be able to. We can’t lose this."
"Trust me, hunny, I know what I’m doin’." He said coolly. From where Mri sat, the sound of someone being painfully driven into the wall was heard.
"Oww..." remarked Zix, "Brutal force," she said to Mri, who nodded. Kro walked in fuming with Ter following, looking hurt with red scratch marks on his face.
"Kro! No attacking the hostages!" said Zix and waggled her finger like a teacher telling you you’re disturbing the class. Actually, they were most likely were disturbed from the beginning, but that doesn’t matter.
"He got a wee bit crazy on me," said Kro. "I did what I had to."
Mri sighed and shook her head, "Now, Ter, I need your help once more."
"See this lady here, the one who looks just like me?"
"Get rid of her. Try out your new program." EM smiled, "Please?"
Ter pretended to think, and finally nodded, "Okay. What do I get in return, though?"
"A place as the most prized Diplomat in the universe."
"Deal. Lemme just set this up..." Ter sat down on the floor and began switching the settings around so the probe, which was attached to the top, would target EM. Yes, Irkens all have probes on their computers, standard bit there!
"Okay. It’s ready. Do you want it drawn out or slow? Oh, could you bring her right there?" asked Ter.
"Why are you doing that? She’s out of direct line of fire!" asked Mri.
"No, no you see, the beam will ricochet off the wall and hit her-"
"Ter, my dear," Mri smiled, "I think you are lying to me. I read the information and it never said anything about this."
"It’ll work better this way, I swear!" said Ter.
"Fine! Do it!" EM stood and got out of range of fire.
"Target homed in on and-"
Something hit the side of the Massive. Another joined it. And another, and another, and another and another and etc.
Zix turned to Moose and mouthed "The storm!" Moose nodded and looked to GM. EM was looking worried and she was snapping at people about what it was. They only shrugged.
Mri turned to Kro, "WHAT IS IT!" she shouted.
"Must be that micro-meteor storm..." said Kro with a shrug. "All we do is move out of the way."
"How does the ship move!" demanded Mri, turning to look at Zix.
"Dunno," Zix said, "Talk to a pilot."
"YOU!" shouted Mri grabbing Nix, "How do we drive!"
"Well, you take the steering wheel and hit the gas and pray someone’ll cover for ya." He said. "Or that someone knows what the heck they’re doin’."
"That’s my Nix!" whispered Zix to Moose. Moose raised an eyebrow and moved away.
"You! Drive!" snapped Mri to the guy next to Nix.
"I dunno how."
"Why not?"
"I’m a Diplomat."
"WHO IS A PILOT?!" "Me." said Nix. No one else said anything. Mri stared at them in shock. GM walked quietly up to Ter and whispered something. He nodded and whispered back. GM nodded and he typed something onto the laptop. A sucking whirling noise started as Mri questioned why Nix was the only pilot aboard. "They’re on holiday!"
"Who did that?"
"Tallest, afore you corrupted ‘em." said Nix.
"Um, Mri-"
"WHAT, TER!" snapped Mri turning around.
Ter smiled, "Bye bye!" He finished the "N" on VINDICTION and Mri’s image faltered. It went static and wonky until finally, the whole thing disappeared.
Kro, Zix and Moose cheered but GM and Ter remained silent.
"Hey, we WON, remember?" said Zix.
Ter looked up at her with huge frightened eyes, "No we didn’t. That was a hologram simulation."
Evil laughing came from behind them and the real Mri strode out.
"Good day, all!" she said and showed her pointed fangs.
"MRI!" shouted Kro.
"Yes, it is me. You didn’t think I wouldn’t catch onto that? Really now, I thought you knew me! At least, Miss Moose. But now, as every joyous gathering comes to an end, so shall your lives." Mri smiled and sat down in the throne the hologram had been sitting in.
"Kro." Several Irkens grabbed her arms so she was immobile. "Invader, cunning and quick. Sentence: Second in Command to the Neo Tallest, Mri. Dismissed."
"Zix." She was already being held. "Diplomat, clever and able to access much on Irk. Sentence: Hacker for the Neo Tallest Mri, until she goes senile. Dismissed."
"Moose." Several Irkens had a good grasp on her. "Earthen Invader, intelligent and hard working. Sentence: Death by torture. Dismissed."
"Mri." GM was being held onto and she struggled. "My good side, whole-hearted and kind. Sentence: Death by torture. Dismissed."
"Ter." He was still at his computer. "Diplomat in training, hard worker and hacker. Sentence: Secondary hacker for the Neo Tallest Mri, until he goes senile. Dismissed."
"NO!" shouted Kro as everyone got dragged off. "You can’t DO this!"
"Right, like I’m gonna just turn right around and say ‘Okay, you’ve been naughty, but I forgive you!’" Mri scowled, "Really, I thought you knew me!"
"I’m gonna-" started Zix angrily.
"I’m the one givin’ orders now. Pipe down before I have you killed along with your ‘back stabbing’ friend there. Oh yes, I could see right through you, little lady." Mri put a hand over her forehead. "I’m tired, guards do send these ruffians into the prisons, till I figure out what to do with them. Except miss Kro and Zixy, here." Several guards obeyed and dragged the hostages off.
Zix and Kro stood, silent as death, waiting.
Mri turned and smiled viciously, "Well, my fine little Comrades! I have something I need your help with!" she rubbed her hands together.
Zix glared and Kro snapped out like living lightning, "What?"
"My dear girls," Mri put her arms over both their shoulders, "why, we have the Life of Death to start! We have to find fuel to burn! The time for the rightful rulers is upon us," and smiled at them, her teeth catching on the light. "Even if you are unwilling, I will make you help. And help you shall."