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"Where're we going?"
"Where's that?"
"Irk, idiot."
"I KNOW that, but home has been so different for us..."
"Of course."
"Irk? Really?"
"I said that, yes."
"But... We’ll get killed, seriously, Aex. They'll blow us to Uranus!"
"Disgust, Kao."
"Sorry.... Look, you aren't serious."
"When have I lied?"
"To me?"
"Right, we're going home."
"Okay... I trust you."
"At least one of us does."

On the Massive...
"Kro, go call Aex and Kao." Mri was still the victorious winner. And she was milking it for all it was worth. Sitting high atop her throne, she was brimming with primal happiness. Kro shot her a look and wandered to a computer. "Zix."
"Yes, oh Lordess of Lowliness?" snapped Zix, refusing to look at the sovereign. Mri slid down and made Zix look at her.
"So what?"
"So what about your chip? Has it been-" Mri smiled at Zix, "-Malfunctioning lately?"
"Why would you-"
"Per created that! How is it?" Mri shot back, eyes shifting to Zix's arm.
"Fine. Oh, you mean when you CALLED, hmm?" Zix smiled, "Well, I just ignored it as I am no longer a 'Rebel-"
"You took the oath, you signed the papers, you gave me DNA and you had the micro-chip embedded in your flesh!" snapped Mri, leaning in, "I can hurt you-quite a bit-"
"Yea, go ahead!" she replied, sitting down on the step. "Kill me even. Death is better then YOU."
Mri laughed, short and bitter, "Well, we've acquired quite a little mean streak there, hmm? Zix, you're forgetting."
"I don't forget!" Zix said, interested only in the ceiling.
"You forgot what you purpose was then. You wanted love-"
"No, I have Nix."
"You used to go after bigger game then THAT-"
"Excuse me!" Zix fumed, "You vain-"
"Now now!" Mri waved an idle hand, "No need to be so touchy! I can get you what you want. If you want Nix back, I can arrange it. If you want Aex..." She walked around Zix, "I can get him for you. All you must do is ask. Piece of cake."
Zix stood back up and glared, "Irkens are quite real, their feelings are real as well, MRI. I'm going back to my quarters, O Great Ruler." She bowed mockingly and strode from the room.
Mri snorted, "Can you believe her, Cri?" she asked the Blood Doll seated next to her. "Man!"
Cri sighed, "Yes... Terrible."
"Cri, you're such a spoil sport! Enjoy, we've won!" said Mri and laid down, "Everything is all over now!" Cri nodded and wondered if anything would work right again.

"Well, here we are." remarked Moose. "Prison sweet Prison."
"To end up here... All our work." whispered Good Mri and shook her head. Moose leaned back on the wall.
"Hey, the way I see it, we could tunnel our way out with sporks or just sit here and wait." "Got any sporks?"
"I was hoping you had some." Moose replied.
Mri pounded the wall; "I hate this! Leave one dimensional warp, and get caught in another place! Damn!" She slid back to the floor, "And now we don't have a computer to get us out! DAMN!"
Moose sighed, "Well, not much to look forward to, except death. We could get into Ter's computer afterward and live there-"
"Yea, and the Tooth Fairy will come and get us out!" snapped Mri bitterly. "And the Easter Bunny will help us to new bodies, upon which we will destroy her! GOOD THINKING!"
"I don't need this!" snapped Moose and stood and walked over to the other side of the cell, exactly two feet away. She glared at Mri and refused to speak.
"FINE!" shouted Mri and leaned against the bars. "Just sit, and think! I'll stand." Both drifted into uneasy silence, both waiting for the other to talk. Mri broke the silence first. "DAMNIT! You're so ornery!" She cast her hands into the air; "I give up! Moose, I'm-" She stopped and stared at the human. She had fallen asleep and was snoring quietly. "-Sorry." Mri said. She shrugged to an inmate who shrugged back and the Mri sat down heavily and did like a bored Moose.

Space. What an interesting word that is-The place where the stars are born and where they die. If Kao was a philosophical person, she might think how lovely it was. Or she might write a poem or a story on its eternal glory. Seeing as she could care less, this whole idea didn't go over well. She glared at the stars, snarled at the nebulas and growled at super novas. Aex sighed and pushed the Voot into a faster drive and watched the universe spin away.
"What do you think it will be like?" he asked.
"Hmm?" Kao turned back. "You mean-Home?"
"Yea, we've been gone, what do you think it'll be like?" he closed his eyes.
"Homey. Aex, I don't know! Just like Per- Gettin' all mushy at the last moment, You two really are related, aren't ya?" Kao sighed again and continued watching the sights. "It'll be like normal, only no running away... You sure you wanna go back?"
"Of course-"
"Hey!" snapped the radio. Both siblings raised an eyebrow and Aex grabbed the mouthpiece.
"Look, this is Kro. Shut up!" she snapped at someone behind her. "Mri has.... Conquered Irk's rule and requests-" She flinched on the other side. "-Your presence. Please come here. She says love."
Aex smiled wickedly, "And what do you say?" "I say shit," came the sarcastic reply. "Look, just get over here." The radio shut off and Kao leaped.
"We really are coming back home!" she shouted and smiled. "Thank you, Kro!" Aex stared back out and wondered how many of the Rebels had returned. Was Zix with them? He smiled-Those fake little lenses of hers! She tried hard to keep things covered, but she'd be left stripped of power when he finished! Kao sat and thought about finding Red and making him love her again. She thought about Moose and thought about the formula LAZERS+MOOSE=SMALL BLACK SMUDGE ON GROUND.
They drove on in silence.

"They're coming." Kro said it with little emotion.
Mri waved her hand and Kro ambled off, "Mind you-" Mri started, "Stay away from the dungeon. If you want to keep your life." Kro gave her a simpering smile and left.
"Now, Zix, would you call the inhabitants of Irk and tell them who their new masters will be?" Mri asked calmly. Zix bristled and walked jerkily to the computers.
"People of Irk" They stared at the screens in patient wait. Zix flinched, "I would like to introduce you to the Neo Tallest-"
"Mri." Mri slid up and thanked Zix. "Aex and Kao. They will arrive in moments. I do hope you love us as you did your formers! Oh, don’t worry! Purple and Red will be quite safe, never fear! My love, kiddies!" She smiled and Zix tried to say sorry or help, but the computer flicked off.
"Well, your first duty has been fulfilled! Very good." Mri remarked and sent the hacker away.
Mri let herself fall into the chair, "Now what?" Cri asked bitterly.
"Pah-LEASE!" snapped Mri. "Miss Mopey Pants! God, I dunno. Surf the net or something."
"Really? Pooh, I thought you'd attack your lost-love-"
"WE AREN'T LOST!" she growled and drew herself back up. "We've just been separated."
"Whatever." Cri said. "I'm leaving, see ya."
"Touch the prison and I will personally make sure you aren't coming back." Mri remarked, eyes closed. Cri held her hands up and wandered off. Mri opened her eyes and glared at her retreating form and pulled up a screen. It was Mri and Moose in the prison.
"GOD! DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE PAPER!" screamed Mri and pulled her antenna. Moose wordlessly handed her a mini sketchbook and a pencil.
Mri sighed and started drawing. Moose ohhed and started pulling her wrist band off. Then one of the inmates shouted, the vid screen was still on! Moose and Mri froze, eyes huge and trying to hide the evidence of their escape...


"Moose, this your wake up call. Please move your ass." Mri said, squatting to reach Moose’s ear. Moose grunted and rolled over. Mri laughed shortly and grabbed Moose's shoulders, lifted her and bounced her. "STAMPEDE!!!" shouted Mri and dropped her unceremoniously on the ground.
Moose scrambled awake, "AIIE!" The inmates laughed and shut up fast as Moose glared at them. Moose, still breathing heavily, turned her glare to Mri.
"What, was that for?" she clutched her heart, "God! I'm too young to have a heart attack! I can't be having one now!"
"I had an idea."
"YOU?" Moose laughed hysterically, "AN IDEA! You faked a stampede so you could tell me your IDEA!! HA!"
"No, really," Mri waved her hands. "It lies in our bracelet things." She flicked at them and it fizzled.
"OH, AMAZING, MISSUS SCIENCE!" screamed Moose.
"Yes, and remember: I have a Masters degree in science!" Mri grinned and the inmates chuckled again.
"So, what do we do?" asked Moose.
Mri grinned, "I need paper."
"WHY?" Moose stared, and her left eye started twitching. Mri put as thumb and forefinger to chin, "You need to get out more."
"DAMMIT!" Moose started beating her head on the wall.
"Look, these people are killers-"
"Liquidater, BA-BAY!" The calls rang through the various chambers.
"SHUT UP!" Mri shouted and the entire place resumed its silence. "Now, these people are killers and so on. If we show them how to get out, we might-" she gestured. Moose nodded and looked around, the inmates grinned.
"So, what did you need?" Moose asked and looked around. "No keys, the one I found in Cri's pocket is on the dashboard of my truck back home. Can't help you there."
"GOD! DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE PAPER!" screamed Mri and pulled her antenna. Moose handed her a mini sketchbook and a pencil. Mri sighed and started drawing. Moose ohhed and started pulling her wrist band off. Then one of the inmates shouted, the vid screen was still on! Moose and Mri froze eyes huge and trying to hide the evidence of their escape. The vid-screen pulled itself from the wall and Mri's maddened eyes seemed to grow in size.
"My my, busy little inmates aren't we?" asked EM.
"OH NO! My dear half, we were drawing pretty pictures!" said Mri hugging the vid screen.
There was a disgusted noise from the other side and the screen pulled away.
"Nast. Look, if you want to try and get out, go ahead. I have guards waiting for you." EM smiled sweetly and let her image fizzle out. As soon as she finished, the sounds of footsteps echoed down. Mri slumped back to the ground and continued her art. Moose watched over her shoulders and waited for her to finish. Looked interesting.... Pyro Moose might be making a comeback. Things might be looking up.

"I hate it when rats defy the maze." remarked Mri. No one said anything; she hadn't expected them to. Puppets don't often speak. She stood and paced for a while. Their ghastly stares followed her. Mri glared and tuned into Aex and Kao's frequency.
"Hey, guys-" She looked around at the puppets. "GET OUT OF HERE!"
"Jeez, make up your mind!" snapped an agitated voice over the radio. "First it’s come here! Now it’s get the hell away!"
"NO, not YOU! Them!"
"...Them?" Kao asked, "Oh no! HAVE THE VOICES GOTTEN YOU TOO?" Kao laughed on the other side.
"Kao, no more JtHM for you." Mri answered, "Look, I made the entire Massive crew into nice puppets for you. And they're... creeping me out..." Aex chuckled, obviously amused from the other end.
"Mri, you used to face cemeteries with half dead corpses coming out with little emotion! What happened?" he asked.
Mri shivered, "I dunno. Look, get here fast."
"We're coming as fast as we can! We'll be there in a few hours. Possibly less if we can get a faster drive to work..." Aex said and the sounds of electricity and someone being burnt came through. "Yeah, soon. Thanks, K."
"No.... Prob, ow." The radio snapped off.

"And..." Moose gave Mri and blank look.
Mri threw her hands in the air. "I GIVE UP!"
"And..." Moose ducked the swinging punch aimed for her head. "We do what once we get out?"
"We over throw the damned ruler!"
"And you are the GOOD side?"
"Mm hmm." Moose motioned zipping her lips together. She smiled and threw away the key. Mri sighed and began beating her head against the wall.
"Mmmhmm, uh mmm herggg mfffiifle!" Moose said and nodded decidedly. Mri banged harder.

Cri had left Mri, only to find herself in the Vid Room. She clicked around and found some fun stuff.
"Open file, Moose Chronicles." Cri said. The computer blipped a reply (Mri had removed the voice and made it chirp replies).
"Play the first file." she said and clicked the mouse.
"Hey, this is Linds-" She waved. "And this is right after returning from Irk! God, it was COOL!" She grinned, "I met Red, and battled Mri... I killed Cri, but I'm sorry! Oi, that was dumb. Anyhoo, I met Purple, too-"
"Switch. Play the newest footage." Cri interrupted. She jumped slightly when Moose didn't appear, but a small Irken she identified as Ter did.
"This is Ter," he whispered in a rushed tone. "Okay, I'm in my room trying not to be found. This is my plan, we must get Cri to take a skin sample and unlock everyone. Oh shit-Look, I gotta go! Out." his image fizzled.
Cri looked down to the play button, it was still playing. Zix fizzled up, her image static and mussed.
"Zix in. You must find Cri. I don’t know who you are, where you are or anything, but find her. You must get the sample, if you don't the universe will stop-Damn!"
A shadowed figure appeared in the back. Zix hurriedly switched off the switch. Cri's eyes widened as she looked at her arms. She peeled off the glove, her skin... Was Mri's skin... Blood Doll.... She stood up, grabbed the glove and went running.

"Irk One, this is Khaos Aexan, we're requesting a land."
"Affirmative, standardize your business and access your password."
"Understood, Irk One. Password-"
"Chocolate Cheese."
"Password breach."
"Dammit, I know it! Grandma Bob!"
"Password breach."
"Password accepted. Landing Bay double 'O' opened and waiting. Thank you for using Password Buddy, your pal for all passwords! Enjoy your stay!" The computer turned off and let the two in.
Kao smiled "See, I knew it!"
"Kao, lie down before you get killed."

Mri stood and hovered down the bay. They were home! She grinned, this time they wouldn't lose to some half-wit with a key! This time, that key was back at the planet Earth on a dashboard! Mri hugged herself and opened the door to see something she never dreamed of seeing-
Cri raced down the halls, pushing, shoving and cursing her way past. Each puppet moved as she screamed and sqwuaked, a small path formed and Cri bolted down it. She reached the Genetic Lab and pushed herself in. The door budged a squeak and Cri shot through. It was almost pitch-black, with just one bare light bulb in the middle. She pulled the string, and almost forty different lights were switched on. The room was illuminated, almost half the length of a football field. Cri nodded, "Yes, this should work..."
Cri flipped on the main computer, which in turn turned the other mini-comps on. Cri typed in a search for Mri’s genetic code.
"Chirp," the computer said.
Cri cocked her head, "What?"
"No, I need words!"
"Chirp!" the computer responded indignantly. Cri clicked on the search, it had come up empty. Of course, thought Cri, Mri wouldn’t call her code just 'Mri’s Code'; it’d be called something stupid, like-
"Devious Act Number five!"
"CHIRP!" the computer said happily. A file showed up in the search window, which Cri clicked on.
"Computer, what do I do next?" a long list popped out from the printer/copier/scanner/Xerox machine with the instructions. Cri grinned as she read, first take skin sample, feed it into the computer, see if the two samples match, then use the code to unlock the bracelets! Easy. Cri feed her sample in and clicked to see if hers and Mri’s were really the same.
They weren’t. A spiral in Cri’s was someone else’s, someone the computer identified as "Per". Cri racked her brain, but couldn’t remember anyone by that name. She shrugged to the comp and asked what to do now.
"'Nothing. If the two samples don’t match, you can’t do anything.'" Cri read from the printout. "Gee, thanks. Of course, Zix screwed up. Damn." She sat down, "So now what?"

"I know how to get out of these... but I need Mri’s genetic code, and even after that, it wants voice recognition. Shouldn’t have vid-recorded that. Someone’s prob'ly real pissed off at me now." Zix shook her head, "I dunno. This is gonna be hard."
Kro growled, "You mean we’re stuck in these?"
"No, it’s just we need Mri to get 'em off." Zix replied. "But, basically, yeah."
"Great! We’re stuck up here, Moose and Mri are about to be tortured, then killed, then minced, miced and diced! And we can’t do anything about it!" snapped Kro. She flopped back on Zix’s bed, "Any plans?"
"Well, we could-"
"Ter, we’ve seen how amazing your plans are." Kro said sternly. "I think you should leave it to those who know what to do."
"NO! Hey, I helped start this, I’m at least gonna finish this!" Ter responded. "Now, we dress up as guards and set them free! If we pretend, we could let them out for torture but bring 'em to a Voot!"
Zix put her hand to her chin, "That idea has merit. We can try, but a few of us will have to stay back as decoy."
Kro nodded decidedly, "I vote for it. I want guard duty, though. I don’t wanna stay here."
"Right, I’ll stay here, prepare a Voot while you and Ter head out." Zix sighed, "This is gonna be one hell of a trip, but I’ll have it done."
Kro motioned at Ter and both stalked from the room. Zix stood and stretched, this would be fun-
"I’m here!" whispered a voice. Zix turned and Cri was poking her head through the door. "I’m helping too. Zix, I wanna let you know-You suck. My code didn’t match." She raised a brow. "Ms. Smarty Pants."
"Okay, look: I’m allowed one screw-up per evil take-over. Um, my guess is you go... Damn, we’re all outta jobs," Zix shrugged, "I don’t know."
"Look, I’ll go distract Mri or something if you get the Voot. I don’t think I’ll have to, the narcissist is watching her reflection," Cri said and the door closed. It reopened a second later, "Look, mad scientists aren’t allowed one, they aren’t allowed any. Nice try," Cri smiled and let the door close.
"Well, NYAH!"

Moose and Mri sat dejected in their cell. It didn’t mater now, there was little to do now. The guards were thick as ever and they had heard whispers of their doom.
"Well, buddy oh pal, we’re dead now," Mri sighed, "Sorry. I really wished we’d been able to get out." Two guards walked up and opened the cell roughly.
"Come on," snapped the left one, apparently a guy. The other crossed their arms over his/her chest and didn’t say anything. Moose stood then Mri and followed the guards.
They walked through the jail, inmates calling their good-byes, half-heartfelt adieus and the others laughing and jeering. They reached the upper levels and a small Irken ran out.
"Come on, this way!" she said.
"Zix?" Moose asked. Zix winked and pulled on the guards, "Let’s go!" The guards looked at each other, then followed. Zix raced through the halls to the outside of the first docking bay.
"Oh man! You guys were great!" Zix laughed, "You totally had me convinced! Nice touch with the stupidity, Kro." The guards swung around to look at Zix, who was laughing her head off. Zix rolled over on the ground, unable to restrain her laughter. The door opened and two Irkens walked in.
"Zix..?" asked Kro, lifting her helmet off. "What the...?" Zix stopped laughing and turned to stare at Kro, then Ter who pulled his helmet off as well.
"Wait, if you’re there, who’re they?" Zix asked. The two guards looked at each other then charged-lazers pulled out.
"Let’s go!" shouted Ter as the guards opened fire Moose and co. ran like there was no tomorrow! Or like when your PE teacher is on you about running the foot ball field three times in a row VS getting an F.
"Oi! This way!" shouted Zix. They scrambled around a corner and through a door. Kro slammed the door shut, several lazer shots made craters on the frame. All of them stared; those shots had nearly ended up in their heads.
"Okay, how long will this hold?" Ter panted.
Zix looked at the door, then at him, "Not long."
"Right, we bolt the other way and get our Voot and get out." said Kro.
"Any other choice?" Moose asked hesitantly.
"You wanna get YOUR brains blasted to the other side of the galaxy, sure!" Mri responded shortly, "No? Let’s get out of here, then!" The team started running as the door buckled and broke a rain of fire hitting their heels.

Evil Mri was standing by the window on the Docking Bay. In moments, her rule would be absolite. As she watched, waiting for her kin to come, the doors opened. Five figures dashed out and the shortest pointed to a Voot. One other pulled out a small remote and the "bleep bleep" of an alarm coming off echoed over to Mri.
"An alarm?" one asked.
"Have to be safe! This is my baby!" The one with the remote hugged the Voot. The other sighed.
"Zix?" Mri snapped into her microphone. "Zix, come in! Who is launching off?" The radio next to her crackled as the last of the group leaped in.
"Mri, this is a free Irken calling in," said a strange voice. "My name is-" There was a pause and some muffled laughter, "-My name is Xiz! This is also-"
"Ork! Why do I have a crappy name?"
"And, Irm!"
"We’re getting off here, so all our love!" said the voice, now shedding the disguise. "Zix, Kro, Moose, Cri, Ter and Mri, off to any where they care! We send our love!" shouted Zix "Over My Head" (from Titan AE, remember?) came blasting through the sound system everywhere on the Massive.
"YOU GUYS!" shouted Mri into the microphone. "How did you get out!"
"Well-" started Moose.
Kro snapped a "Shush!"
"Get on!" snapped Cri.
Zix grinned, "You don’t need to tell me twice!" She didn’t do anything.
"IDIOT!" screamed Kro and rammed her key into the Voot.
"Guess you do, sorry!" Zix said.
It whirled to life, just as the Docking Bay doors opened and a new Voot came in.
"You'll be in ribbons before you're out!" Mri shouted from inside, a maddened laugh echoing. "AEX, KAO! GET THEM! DON'T LAND!" shouted Mri. The new arrival zoomed out as the first started off.
"FASTER, FASTEEEER!!" shouted Cri. Zix growled, "Look, you want faster, you get out there and push!"
"LUDICROUS!" shouted Moose.
"Hey, if you press these-"
"You get this!" Ter finished and pressed a large green button. The Voot trembled and a blast of radioactive orange splurged out from the tail pipe. The Voot jolted forward at breakneck speed; the occupants were pushed to the back of their seats.
"Moose, your area of expertise!" Kro scooted over as Moose sat in the driver’s seat. She cracked her gloves and cranked up the stereo. "Seventeen" by the ever-cool Ladytron blasted out.
Zix nodded approvingly, "That Noodles has damn good music sense!" The Voot turned around and sped back, taking Aex and Kao by surprise.
"So that’s how you wanna do it!" Aex grinned, "Well, I’m game!" He pushed the drive stick into "Over Drive" and slammed forward. In space, an intricate death-dance weaved itself out and around. A spiral climbed, but turned back around. Kro laughed and pulled up the joystick and shot lazers, fast and furious. Kao smiled and pulled her ‘stick up and countered.
"This is fun!" she war whooped and sent an extra long trail of fire to them. Kro raised an eyebrow and let loose the newest addition to the Irken military, the Beta Cannon.
"Little devils, wanna play my game, huh?" Kro asked and Moose sent the Voot in a sickening nosedive, only to re-surface half a mile away.
"They’re going to Irk!" Aex complained, "Not my home you blow up!" He chased, Kao shooting after them the whole way.
"Please remain seated as the Voot will encounter some turbulence as we enter Irks gravitation pull!" Mri mimicked sadistically.
"Now where?" Moose demanded as the Voot 'lit' on fire as they entered.
"Uh, THERE!" Ter pointed. Moose pushed ahead and sent everyone back into their seats. Suddenly, a huge blast of brain-blinding silver with small black strands weaving around it pushed into the Voot.
"WE’VE TAKEN A HIT!" Zix shouted.
"WE’RE GOIN’ DOWN!" "Oh. I didn’t know THAT!" The Voot went hurtling to the ground, spinning away as Aex watched on.

The Voot hit the ground and sent a light shock wave pulsating.
Kao looked down thoughtfully, "That’s funny. Air bags didn’t go off." There was a poof noise and the Voot rolled back over, air bags crammed in.
"There they go!" Kao clapped. "Okay, let’s have a duel!"
"Honestly, Aex, don’t you watch those Earth flicks? CLINT EASTWOOD, BABY!" Kao shook her head. They landed by the broken down Voot and pried open the Irken AA Plastik (approved by the Council for New Technology).
"Come on out, my little friends!" Aex pointed a small lazer down at them, "We have a duel goin’ down!"
"Duel?" Cri asked weakly, pulling herself up.
"Yes, don’t you watch those Earth flicks? CLINT EASTWOOD!" Aex replied, "Now move it!"
"Now, Miss Moose, it was you who let us out first, then almost killed us, then sent us away, then had us come back then-"
"ENOUGH!" Kro growled. "We get it!"
"Shut up!" Aex snapped bringing his face merely inches from Kro’s face, lazer pointed to her chest. "Or else we’ll let you go where only Mri has been!" Kro began to hock up a loogey, but Aex hit her with the lazer butt. Kro swallowed in pain, but glared anyway.
"Anyway, Moose, we will have ourselves a Clint Eastwood-esque duel." Kao said, handing her a lazer. "Aex versus you. You friends are my hostages. And look-! The street has been cleared." Indeed, everyone had moved, watching from behind windows. Moose nodded and fired experimentally at the ground. A scorched mark was left.
"Back up ten paces," Kao commanded, holding her lazer out. "Turn away, then fire. Who hits the ground first is the loser. Who ever doesn’t, the winner."
"Go." Moose and Aex turned and walked. Mri screamed and pointed at Aex, Kao turned. Moose sped up and ran into a small building. Aex turned and fired in that general direction, whilst our team yelled happily. "MOOSE! Either you come out here, or you’re friends will die for you!" Aex shouted angrily, firing into the sky. Moose rubbed her head and looked around.
"YOU HAVE ONE MINUTE!" Aex started. Moose smiled, Irken Extra-Strength titanium...
"And I am here," Moose stepped out, lazer pulled up and ready.
"Ten steps, only, turn and fire on my mark," Kao snapped and they did so.
"One, two, TEN!" Kao counted. Aex hit Moose squarely on the chest, and Moose was propelled backwards. She landed on the pavement with a thud. She groaned, and was still.
"It is done. Aex is the winner." Kao said happily.
"Moose..." Zix said sorrowfully.
"MOOSE, GET UP AND FIGHT!" shouted Kro. "YOU AREN’T DEAD, I KNOW IT!" Aex walked over to Moose, nasty grin on his face.
"Who knew? I did," he snarled. "Human flesh is only a shell. A weak, tiny, little shell! I-" He leaned over "am forever. To hell with Mri, I will lead Irk to conquest!" Suddenly, Moose was up and on top of Aex.
"SHUT UP!" she screamed. "The Tallest will live!" Zix let out a wild war whoop as Mri punched Kao. Kao gulped and was caught by Kro, who slammed her in a headlock.
Ter pulled her lazer away and held it level with her head, "Make one word/movement and I will kill you," he whispered.
Aex wiggled out and punched her. Moose fell back and kicked at him. Her boot hit his wrist, which made an eerie snapping noise and his lazer fell to the ground. Moose sprang up to it and held it under her boot. Aex let his right hand fall limply to his side, and snapped at her with his leg.
"Don’t try, Aex." Moose snapped coldly. "You’ve lost, GAME OVER, MAN."
"As our hostages, you will return with us." Ter said as they pulled them over to the remaining Voot. As it lifted, the Irken people watched them, not sure of these strange heroes...

"Mri, we’re coming back." Aex’s voice.
Mri smiled, "Are they eliminated?"
"Good, the bay is open for you and Kao."
"Thanks," the transmission died. Mri watched as the Voot returned, but more then two people were in there. Aex and Kao walked out, hands above head. Kro followed, double lazers pointed to their backs. The rest of the Voot’s occupants followed each watching Mri warily. Mri smiled, this was a new twist to an old game!
"Drop your weapon," Zix said and watched as Mri lightly tossed her weapons to the ground. "Thank you. We won’t harm them too much now."
"Really?" Mri asked, "Tell me."
"Fine," Moose stepped up to her, "Mri, we want you to release hold on every single person on this ship."
"Can be arranged."
"We want you to leave, to never come back."
"We want your names to become curse words."
"I always wanted that."
"Then, we will allow Aex and Kao to leave with you."
"Of course, let me get rid of these nasty little bonds, yes?" Mri smiled, "I’ll need a comp."
Ter leaned to Zix; "I don’t trust her."
"Neither do I, but we have to now. The fate of everyone is dependent on her."
Ter sighed and leaned back, "Zix, there’s a comp in the Voot, right?"
"Yeah, you thinkin’ what I am?"
"Let’s go." Zix and Ter went back in the Voot, ready to catch Mri if she "stumbled". Mri got her comp and wrote in her codes, then spoke into the microphone.
"She’s living up to her word," Zix muttered, "For the love of the All Mighty Space God..." Mri let her Essence binds withdraw from everyone and pulled her Essence into a tight ball inside her. Except one strand, which was sent through the link to Zix and Ter’s computer...
Both were hit with a black tendril in the eyes. They didn’t see Mri send an auto destroy signal to the Massive’s main computer, they didn’t see her push the time limit down to about five minutes. They only knew that nothing was wrong and to get out. The stepped from the Voot, Mri’s words tumbled through their mouths, "She’s lived up to her word. Free them." Aex and Kao were released as several Irkens raced in.
"QUICK, TO THE VOOTS!" shouted one. The little group rushed to a Cruiser and leaped in.
"Zix, Ter! What’s happened?" shouted Cri.
"Nothing, everything is fine." Ter said.
Zix continued, "They are only worried about Mri leaving."
"WHAT?" GM asked, "They can’t be, Mri just pulled her Essence back!"
"Not all of it!" EM laughed, "My lovely good side, I despise you very much, but now you are even MORE stupid!" The small group hurried together, pressing around each other to make sure nothing Mri did hurt anyone else.
"Look, what did you do?" Moose snapped. "No mumbo-jumbo! Facts!"
"I pulled my Essence from everyone else and sent strands into them! Think of them as puppets," Mri smiled, "My little play puppets."
"Let them go!" shouted Kro hotly.
"Fine, I’ll recapture everyone else so they can die aboard this!"
"It’s about to blow up, duh." Mri said, looking at them like they were stupid.
"Well, where are they all then?" Cri yelled, "You’re bluffing Mri!"
"Would I bluff?" Mri gestured, "They’re all coming now. Except two."
"Let me guess," Aex remarked dryly, "Red and Purple."
"Very good!" Mri clapped, "Smart little Brother!"
"Shut up," Aex held his lazer up, "I don’t want that. You call off the auto-destruct command, and I won’t blow a hole through your head."
"My, violent little nipper, ain’t you?" Zix smiled dryly, "That’s why I used to love you."
Aex raised a brow, "No time for flash-backs, Zix. I have larger worm-holes to manipulate."
"Aex, if you want to kill me, go ahead," Mri smiled and shook her head, "I’ll go back and take up residence inside the computer where some idiot will open my file up in an attempt for friendship."
"No, Mri, I won’t do that," Aex’s eyes seemed almost to be glowing with absolute dislike, "I’ll make it so that you can’t even wiggle in hell."
"And you’d do this to your sister? OUR SISTER?" Kao snapped, "Aex, wake up!"
"Kao, keep out of this or you’ll leave Irk first." Aex shouted.
"Fine, kill both of us! But whose gonna fix the command?" asked Mri.
"Zix will," Aex responded calmly, "You die, your holds are gone. She will be fine."
"Aex, don’t kill me," Mri said, "Think of Per..."
"He’s insane, but still alive!"
"He’s on this ship! You have nearly three minutes to hold this off!" She was crazy, Aex decided, she was on a suicide mission to hell. Aex looked at her, then down at his lazer. His hand started going down and Kao sighed.
Mri started, "So you’ve come to your senses-"
Aex hadn’t.
He swooped back around and pulled the trigger. A perfect, unwavering straight line of pure energy rushed out and hit Mri where her heart was beating. She looked down, laughed quietly, then insanely then her laughter trailed. "My love... to my murderer..." Mri gurgled and her body went limp. Her Pak fizzled quietly, then blew in a mass of electricity and static. She fell back and Kao watched her go down. Her Pak let out a tidal wave of energy that made Mri’s body jerk and twitch for a moment, before it settled into deathly silence.
Moose stared, her only foe... So quickly gone? So quickly destroyed?
A bad part of Moose had the guts to think "Why didn’t I think of that?! Damn!" She turned back to reality, where the murderer stood taller, with an eternity stretched in front of him.
"AEX!" Kao shouted and ran to her brother. He didn’t even bother to hold her off, he let her attack. She punched and kicked and threw herself in a rage. He turned to Kao, held her shoulders and studied her face.
"Don’t worry, she’ll be back." He assured her and pushed her away. He clicked a different setting on the lazer.
He looked at Zix, his eyes were half closed, "Memories repeat, I’m in the background..." he told her and brought the lazer to his chest.
He left the Massive with his trademark grin, and welcomed the darkness and light. Kao looked at him, then at everyone else.
"Let’s go find the Tallest, I know where they are." She said deadly. "Zix, don’t bother." Zix, mind restored, turned from where she was trying to call off the auto-destruct. "It was a bluff. She made the alarms flare up. Let’s go."
"Aex..?" Zix questioned softly.
"Leave him," Kao didn’t turn around, "I’ll take him and bury him myself. Don’t bother. Leave him, please. For my sake."

A quiet party of three walked along the Massive. All the lights were off, only monitors flashing doom. Kao the procession down the halls and into the dungeons. Moose shuddered and Kro looked around with distaste. Kao, dead eyed, walked up to the last cell. Two forms were inside, both still. She held up a lazer and fired the lock. The inmates remained silent as the door swung open. Kro walked in first; walking to the form she knew and loved. Purple seemed to be asleep, but one hard thwack from Kro would wake him up. She leaned down, but instead of attacking, she whispered into his ear.
He jumped, but smiled when he saw who it was, "Thank the All Mighty Goddess of Love-"
"Don’t bother, she’s on vacation," Kro smiled none the less. "I’m happy to be together again, too." Moose walked to Red, and tentivly reached out.
"Touch me and die," he said, eyes still closed. The hand slapped him harshly and he opened his eyes.
"I should’ve known." Red smiled. "I missed ya, sweetie-"
Moose growled softly, "Don’t get so mushy! Ick! Nice to see you as well, sweetie."
"Sweetie? At least it isn’t Foofkins, that’s ultimate torture," Red said, "Is that Kao...?" Kao looked at him, worse for wear and waved weakly. "Now, Kao-"
"Don’t bother. Live your final fantasy to the fullest, Red," she said sadly, "I want no place in it." She stood and looked at the inmates. "My chapter is done. Aex is gone, Mri is too and Per will never be regular again. I got to watch this book end, and now," She smiled, seeing something else, "I want to go somewhere where I can be happy."
"It," Moose said, "Can be arranged."
Kao looked at her and shook her head, "It can’t. You can’t. Let me find my own home and place." She bowed, "My good wishes mean nothing, so I send you none. Hold on to the day, Moose. We can’t go on, Red." She swept herself away from the dungeon.
"There is no more to do," Purple said quietly, "Let’s go back up."


There are many things that happened after the fall of the Neo Empire. The Tallest were greeted warmly, and happily, and Irk was restored. Kao slipped away, too heart-broken for words. It wasn’t that she was in love with Aex or Mri or something; only that she held onto them because that was all she had. She is discovered many years later in a small bookshop that houses new authors. And many explosives. She seemed somewhat happy there. Ter received an award for the program Mri gave him and was made a Diplomat. He then blew up the computer (after saving a copy of the program) and banished Mri away forever.
Kao did take Aex’s body away. No one knew what happened to the body, although some say they saw a jar with ashes sitting on Kao’s desk. She doesn’t explain it to anyone. Nobody asks.
The good Mri worked on Kro and Purple's Joining (like a human wedding) as the Joining Planner, later doing that as a job. She had a good future. Moviemakers decided to make a movie called just that with a kick ass soundtrack from Mri. Purple and Kro were Joined, in Earthen Standards, on the first of April. It rained on Earth, but was sunny on Irk. Purple and Kro lived happily and Zix gave Kro as a Joining gift, a pair of stilts.
Zix was not present for most of the party afterward.
Zix remained a Diplomat and after that, rode a hover-board to work each day. At the local hover-park, she was known only as "Negative Sanity". She needed no other title for her moves.
The emergency room had a fit over her, and now she gets her own reception on her right antenna. Her dream was brought to life and Cri thanked God.
Cri was happy as well, she took up art and as an April Fools joke; painted the Massive black with hot-rod flames and a biker Irken decal. This was on Purple/Kro’s Join, and she made a large sign on it saying, "The Best of Luck-You’ll Need It!" Needless to say, the Tallest weren’t pleased, but gave her a pardon as it was all for the "joy" of art. Kro nearly shot Cri out of an air lock, but Purple caught her and dragged her off. Cri thanked her lucky stars, but was locked in the broom closet only hours later. Zix and Nix will also get Joined and will be very happy. They will plan to honeymoon on Earth in a gamblin’ city called Las Vegas. They will plan to return after about a year. Or two. Maybe three. Four if they feel like it.
Who you want to know about is Moose. She went back to Earth, but came back after only two months.
"Zix," Moose was watching the sky. Zix sat next to her on the swell, "Yeah?"
"Can you erase memories?"
Zix blinked, "Yes, why?"
"Just wondering..." Moose didn’t look her in the eyes. Zix shook her head and closed her eyes.
"What?" Kro said it quietly. Not believing, like she’d been told she’d just committed mass murder.
"I can’t stay and I can’t remember all of this," Moose’s face was desperate. "I’m guilty from all the killings, the deaths, watching you all get hurt and knowing it was my fault."
"But you can’t!" Kro said, her eyes watering. She wiped them annoyed and made a fist. "You can’t leave! Good and bad-"
"I need to go home," Moose placed her hand onto Kro’s fist. "My family is home waiting for me, I have a life to continue there."
"We’ll miss you," Kro said and looked at her for a minute before succumbing to the tears.
"I’ll miss you all too, Kro," Moose held onto her for as long as possible.
"I’ll never marry," Red told her.
"You will," Moose said, leaning back on his chest.
"I won’t," Red said determined, "I’m going to stay single all my life! I’m not gonna find another girl-"
"Red, you will want to," Moose told him, "Don’t be guilty. I’ll find my guy on Earth, most likely. Please don’t feel bad."
"I can’t help it," Red curled around Moose and held her.
"Nyah," Moose stroked his head, "Call me, space cowboy."
Moose sat upright in a chair. Several small cables were attached to her forehead and her eyes were closed.
"I’ll miss you all," she whispered.
"We know," Ter said and patted her hand.
"I love you," Red said and hugged her. "I’ll always love you, even if you can’t..."
"Don’t say it," Moose cautioned, "Cause you’ll break it."
"Never," he whispered in her ear. "Good bye and good luck."
She was drifting out of consciousness now...
"Sing it, girl," Zix said, voice fading out.
"I’m naming my kid after you," Kro whispered "Lin. A proper name."
"Kids?" Purple said. "Since when were we having KIDS..."
"Since I said so!"
And then she was out...

What a weird dream, Linds thought as she awoke in her bed. Such a long one too... Detailed... Sad... Happy at times, too. She sighed, thinking of the voice. The chimed together now, like some kind of poor DJ mix. She rubbed her head and swung herself out of bed. She changed her clothes and found food. After eating, she decided a good walk would clear her mind. She wandered off along the roads and came across those weirdo kids again. With a jolt, she felt like she knew the green skinned boy... But probably not. She watched as he sent a glance to her, and ran. An alarm went off. Linds watched him go and took a moment to think.
With a grin to rival the Cheshire Cat’s, Lindsay went running after him.
This could be an adventure.


"You keep on knocking-Better ask yourself why..."
"Pushing the Sky"
Cowboy Bebop