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Moose was sliding along the hall. Not actually sliding, I’m using it as a metaphor, you goons. Camera in hand, she was in the vid room.

Red had left and it was empty. Moose closed the heavy door with a quiet thud and walked in. She flipped on the switch and the main computer system turned on.

"Moose Files, Moose Files… Come on! Ah. Here we go!" she grinned and double clicked it open. About thirty or so files lay in the folder and she choose the first one. It was her, but DIFFERENT. No Nano-Pak or anything… She was on that strange green substance called grass. This other "Moose" grinned at the camera and motioned to the surrounding area.

"This-" hand waves, "-Is my college! Well, soon, it’ll BE my college, but for now, I’m just looking. After a while here, I’m gonna go to Florida to my NEXT college for Fine Arts! See?" She led up a drawing of Johnny from JtHM. "Pretty, yes? Anyway… Geez, battery is getting low… See ya!" said the other Moose and the camera flipped off.

After more vids, all containing mostly the same footage, she started confronting the main Control Brain.



"Are these files, um, how should I say this delicately?"

"Oh, gawd, juth thay it!"

"Computer, you sound REAL familiar!"

"Don’t thtrain yourthelf-" Suddenly, the Control Brain (who seems to have earned itself a mean streak) winked off and ZIM stood there.

"Greetings, Tallest, sending Moose footage number-Hey, you aren’t the Tallest!"

"Um, NO."

"Um, perhaps I should just, uh-" But it was already too late. Moose had caught his words and the footage was sent.

You know how anger just suddenly billows up and smacks you in the face sometimes? Like when it just all comes out and destroys whatever is nearest? Well, that was how our Moose felt. A nasty grin spread on her face and she flipped the Transmitter off, to ZIM’s startled look. She stepped to the Control Brain and clicked open the file.

"Moothe, I don’t think-"

"No, you’re right, you DON’T."

"I forbid you to open the Moothe Chronicleth!"

" ‘Moose Chronicles’? You mean that’s what they’re calling it? They’ve been documenting me all this time?!"

"I can’t thay."

"Open the file then."

"Thee thith cable? It ith mine. Thee thith file? It ith mine. I will not open it."

"You are an AI. You are programmed to serve and I want you to serve me by opening the damned files!" The Control Brain was trying really hard not to open them, but carefully put microchips made it. Those thousands jerked it and finally, it gave up and opened the files. All of them Moose’s probe readings of her and those of her computer’s mini camera. They all showed the same person, writing e-mails to a certain little Noodle girl and straining to finish homework to e-mail this Noodle girl. Moose stared at the screen and the Control Brain was already forming a way to keep Moose out of these files.

"Oh, my god! Itth Jhonen Vathqueth!" screamed the Control Brain. Lindsay looked up and to the right and while she was momentarily distracted, the alarm sounded.

The entire Irken Armada stationed on Irk and in the Palace stormed in guns out of holster and ready. Red and Purple got through only to see a very freaked out Moose. Her eyes were wide behind glasses,

"What am I doing here?"

B E F O R E H A N D:

Tallest Mri was getting impatient, to say the least. This was taking too long! Moose should’ve broken into the Imperial Dungeons and rescued them! Why wasn’t she in there getting her siblings out? Why the hell wasn’t Moose down there bringing the True Tallest into power? The Rebellion had failed once, but it wouldn’t fail this time! Mri took her Queen and smashed Cri’s Rook down with it. Cri hissed slightly and smashed into Mri’s Knight with her other Rook.

"WHY ISN’T SHE DOWN THERE GETTING KAO AND AEX OUT AND INTO THIS ROOM?!" screamed Mri and blasted the marble and glass board with a powerful beam of light. "WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?"

Cri pulled a piece of molten glass off her uniform and turned up to her Mistress, "Hmm? Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Say that again." Said Cri. Tallest Mri turned around, slowly, and fixed her eyes on Cri.

"What did you say?"

"I said: ‘Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Say that again, PLEASE.’ "

Mri rubbed her temples and leaned near her assassin. "You may be the only Irken here who can decapitate an entire army in fifteen minutes, but I am your ruler! You should listen to me, not be off in your dream world!" snapped Mri and re-blasted the smoldering heap.

Cri snorted and replied, "You made me this way. You gave me my thoughts, so I can’t help it if I wander off…. Going on a tangent, you know…. Its so HARD," she sighed dramatically, "-To be someone’s own! To not have your OWN power-" Mri was slowly turning once more, breathing audibly.

"Cri, shut up."

"-To forever be imprisoned by the likes of you-"

"Do you want me to kill you as I did my OTHER brother?"

"-To never have freedom- Wait, your OTHER brother? I thought you only had TWO, Aex and P-"

"Never, ever utter that name within my presence!" screamed Mri and blasted a hole through the wall. Cri blinked and quietly returned to her seat.

"My Tallest, I will assist you in anyway possible." Said Cri with as little fear as she could keep out of her voice.

"You had better. I made you and I can kill you if I want-"

"But wouldn’t you kill yourself? I mean, your blood runs through my veins, your thoughts, everything is in me."

"Nah. Wouldn’t kill me. We would have to be connected for myself to die with you."

Replied Mri, and turned silver gaze back to Cri, "Though, its not like that will ever happen. I mean, you couldn’t get me to attach my being to yours!"

Cri nodded slowly, "But you’re willing to pour your essence into Moose?"

"Of course, how else do you get her to break into the Vid File room? She’d NEVER do it willingly!"

Moose sat in the dungeon. She was awaiting her punishment, although…. She might be found innocent. IF she could find a lawyer, IF she could find a way out, IF she-

"So (cough) why are you here?" asked a calm voice from the darkness.

"Same reason as us, Kao." Replied a deeper male voice. "Not obeying the TALLEST’S every little whim." Moose looked fort someone in the darkness and struggled against the binds.

"HAH! Go on, try and get out! Its been tried before, and everybody died!" laughed the calm female voice and two hands appeared on each wrist and worked the binds off.

"There we go-Holy. Kao, lookit this! She isn’t an Irken! Why, she’s an EARTHEN!" laughed the male voice. A penlight flicked on in the dark and the face of Rebellion Copartner Kao appeared.

"You’re right!" she grinned and her black eyes lit up dangerously. "So they’ve started the destruction, then?"

"What? I am not… Earthen! I am an Irken!" Laughs.

"Honey, if you believe them, you’re just as dumb as all the assholes running about out there!" Kao whispered. "To think you are an Irken! Have you ever removed those lovely leather gloves you got there? No? Why not now? It’s only me an’ Aex in here, no one’s gonna hurt you."

Moose let the gloves fall to the ground.

Aex’s silver eyes gleamed in the pen-light, "So, are your hands green or pink?"

"They… They’re pink…" whispered Moose.

"How many fingers? Three?"

"No... Five... On each hand…" she whispered.

Kao grinned again, "So, you’re not of the Mighty Irken Race, hmm? And the Tallest? Didn’t they say you were Irken?" Moose’s expression blanked and she looked at Kao; "They LIED."

Aex laughed, "Of course! When you are the ruler, you ALWAYS lie! No, me an’ Kao, we tried to fix it, to change it! But the Tallest were greedy, not open to the possibilities! Do you want their rule, now that they have no power over you?"

Moose looked at Aex and that same evil grin lit her face. Her eyes widened and she walked to the door and blasted it apart. Kao gave a cock-eyed grin and nodded and Aex had a hungry look in his silver eyes. Several guards came running up and were simply blasted away and into the walls.

"So… Where are we going, Miss Lindsay?" asked Kao in a calm drawl as more guards were thrown into walls.

"I need to see Tallest Mri."

Aex sighed and rubbed his temples, "You mean she actually-" Kao put her hand across his mouth, "She has a reason for this! All this Essence-swapping and mind erase. There has to be some plan behind it!"

Aex glared at his sister and through her hand came words that faintly sounded like "She had BETTER."

Mri was expecting them. She had been for some time, her brother and sister’s return and then the downfall of the age. Oh, it would be perfect! Cri sat in the chair, unmoving and silent. Her silver eyes glanced back and fourth rapidly, almost as if she knew something her Mistress didn’t.

"Do you think this all is wise? I mean, Essence-swapping is risky business, Mri-"

Mri turned to look at her, "You think I don’t know that?" she asked quietly. "I am not as stupid as you think. Perhaps you want to overthrow me or something, trust me, you have to be ten million times smarter than Tallest Mri to ever outwit me-"

Hello, Sister dear." Drawled a cool voice from the door. Moose stood in front with Kao on her left and Aex on her right. "We’re here for the Neo Rebellion. Think you can gather ‘em up me us?"

Cri sat up in her chair, "Gather WHO up?"

Aex snapped his head around, "Who’s the twerp?"

Cri swelled and walked over to him, "I dunno, who’s the-"

"Now, now! You all act like children! Aex, Kao, met my counter part, Cri. She is my assistant, assassin and Blood Doll."

Aex looked at Cri with interest, "Blood Doll, hmm…? Lucky, lucky, to be paired with the mightiest of all Irkens-"

"She isn’t mighty…" whispered Cri, almost silent.

Aex smiled wryly, "You like free spirit in yours huh?" asked Kao looking her over thoughtfully. "Ah well, can’t say I do. Mine have all been without the will to act upon their own. Yours though… Might try it some time. Free will in a Blood Doll…." Moose watched them, subconsciously taking it all in.

"Cri, go alert the other Followers, please." Said Mri and turned back to a large computer screen.


"Excuse me"

"I said ‘no’." replied Cri simply.

Aex snickered and lightly elbowed his sister in the ribs, "Uh oh, Mri, you’ve given her TOO MUCH free will!" Mri snapped a "shut up" in his direction and walked to her unruly slave.

"You will go now or-"

"Or what? You’ll kill me? I know how hard Blood Dolls are to make, so much time and resource-"

"I can break them, I have the time and the resource. Get now, Bloody Doll!" snapped Mri.

Kao whistled softly and Aex hummed the "Dum, dum, da dum, dum, da, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum" under his breath and Moose watched.

Cri drew herself up and stared Mri in the eye, "Screw you, Mri." Aex sang alittle louder and Kao whistled the tune with him.

Mri took a deep breath and motioned for Moose, who came over willingly. "I’ll miss you, little Blood Doll. I’ll miss you very much." Moose raised her hand and-




"Dum, dum, da dum, dum, da, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum…" Cri lay on the floor, her eyes were wide from the shock of her Mistress killing her.

A silver eye watched Mri from its socket and quietly before death pulled her away, Cri asked quietly of everyone standing there silent, "So, how much sin can you get away with, Mri, and still go to Heaven?" and then, she died. And no one had anything to say about the Blood Doll on the ground bleeding out Mri’s blood.