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Mri still had power over her. Even if she was dead, her Essence had taken up Moose and wasn’t ready to let go. So she had to fight, 'No,' her mind was saying, 'No, I think I'll rest a bit or something, let’s not.' But resting wasn’t what Mri’s Essence wanted, she wanted to win Moose over and see her die. In this world, not Irk or Earth, but a different world all together, they were fighting. Mri’s Essence and Moose’s Essence. Mri was attacking Moose from every angle and Moose was trying to defend herself. It seemed Mri was a little more insane then anyone gave her credit for.

"You can’t win by defending yourself!" called Mri’s Essence, "Fight, Moose! Come ON!"

Moose shook her head; "No, I don’t want to, I just want me back!" said Moose.

Mri grinned carnivorously, "Anger of Angels who won’t return." She said and threw a laser blast at her. "Come on, Moose! What’d ya got?" screamed Mri and threw another blast at her. Moose felt in her pockets, a key and a laser. She pulled out the laser and fired.


"Uh oh! Outta ammo, Moose! Shoulda checked before you came here!" laughed Mri.

Moose pulled out the key, what good would a key do?

"God Almighty, Moose! For cryin’ out loud, look at her with your MIND, not your EYES!" screamed Kao from the outside world. Moose closed her eyes, if she got killed, well... Mri voiced a shout of annoyance as Moose ignored her. A laser shot and missed, due to Mri’s shaking Essence.

Nothing was coming to mind. "Ow..." Whispered Moose and looked at her hand. It was bleeding, not from the laser, but from the key. It was sharp, with its skull hand holding the top and its pointy edge at the bottom tip-

Well, duh.

This was her means of attack.

'Here goes nothing,' she thought and thrust the key forward. She felt the tip get caught on something and she sliced up. There was a scream of anger and shock and Mri wrenched it from her body.

But the damage was done.

Now, all you readers are thinking "What, that little key has killed Mri? How does this work?" I’ll explain. Mri is no longer alive; she is fighting with her Essence. Essence, if you didn’t know, is very weak stuff. I mean, it’s inside you all the time, so it doesn’t NEED to have a strong outer shell. So, attacking one with a blunt pencil would’ve worked as well, it’s simply a matter of aim, strength and strength of the Essence in question. Mri’s Essence fell to the ground and watched the blood flow from her body. And her Essence whispered out laughing, just like Mri’s life had.

Mri, in a sense, had just died a second time, laughing.

Moose was suddenly aware of the battle raging around her. Aex sat watching and screaming at his troops and Kao was still holding her sister. Moose stood up quietly and walked into the battle. Kao stared after her and dropped her dead sister and followed.

She cast a quick glance to her brother, "Party time’s over, Aex," she thought sadly, "Looks like we’re headed back to the prison again." Moose made her way through the crowd to the platform and Kao waited for Moose to sign. The battle stopped around them, neither side sure what to do, kill her (if she was on the opposing side) or let her live? Aex was yelling at his troops, screaming that this was their moment! Red and Purple told their men (and women!) to hold their fire.

Moose reached the platform and walked up, Kao snuck up behind Aex. Red openly stared at Moose when she came up and Purple was making little gasping noises. Moose smiled at them and turned to Kao, about two football fields away.

Kao reached up, "Sorry, big brother," she whispered and did the "Vulcan Death Grip" on his neck and he slumped over. She sighed quietly and sat down next to him and let several Irken Elite (smart enough to start rounding up all the Rebels) handcuff her. The rest of the Rebels left quietly, some of them hadn’t wanted to fight, they had been forced. Others screamed to let them go and still others lay on the ground, unmoving and silent. Moose smiled at her once rulers, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"... So we’re sending her back?"


"WHY? She’s the best!"

"Purple, you know we can’t let her stay here. We giving her memory back and then we’re sending her back."


"Period, end of discussion."


"Some good things come to an end," there was a small sigh and Red kept going, "Okay? I know you like her and all, but she can’t stay here!"

"OKAY, Red, Oh-kaaaaay!"

"Is that a threat?"


"Purple, ‘Okay’ has never been a threat, no matter how many A's you put at the end," said Red, and turned back to the screen. "Purple, how do you want you're, um... How do I put this delicately-"

"You want Mri, my ex. She said she wanted to be cremated..."

"Yeaaa... I’m sorry, Purple. I didn’t want that to happen..."

"It’s okay, I mean, who was I kidding? Mri was great and all, but, she had too much insanity in her that just wrecked it. God, I'll miss her though..."

"Don't worry, I’m sure we’ll see her again..."

"What about Cri, I mean, she WAS Mri’s Blood Doll..."

"Let’s burn them together."

"Sounds good... I can remember when she showed me Cri..."

"Me too, so, we better get ZIM up here, huh? Get Moose her memory and such..." said Red and smiled a good bye as Moose blanked out again-


Moose stared out at the sky. So the carnival had ended, all her fun had left. She clicked on her e-mail button and saw a new message:

" 'Dear Moose-Beast,

The Tallest (well, really Purple) wanted me to inform you that if you ever want to come back, my house is open. I really DIDN'T want my house to be open, but Tallest's orders. They're in need of a new Invader… Although no one is as good as ZIM!

-ZIM' "

She stood up and turned off the reluctant Eddie Murphy (the computer, you goon) and picked up a bag and walked over to ZIM’s house for one last adventure on Irk. And maybe, some answers to those nagging little questions, like why her right leg was numb at four in the afternoon each day...