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"The Invader Moose Chronicles" is an awesome fanfic done based on my Invader Moose series of drawings!! This neat-o fanfic-y story was wonderfully done by Noodles! Arigatou, Noodles!! ^_^ And there's even a cover!!!
These will open in a new window to make reading easier!
Note: Has some minor cursing
Also, be sure to check out Noodle's section of the Guest Fanart Galleries for a few other drawings of her's!!

"Inv. Moose Chronicles" cover art - I did this!! *Noodles smacks me in the head* OWWWWW!!! >_0 Okay, actually, Noodles drew the neat-o looking characters, and I added the characters over a cel BG and added the text! NEAT!! (And my first fanart collaberation! ^_^)

"Inv. Moose Chronicles" sequel ("Back from the Dead") cover art - Now, this one, I did draw! ^^ I did the artwork, then sent it to Noodles who added the text! (Lyrics from a song, but I forget which one... 0.o;;)

Part 1 ("...involves crippling your base so you can only"-- *cough* Sorry...)

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Invader Moose Chronicles Sequel
Back from the Dead

Part 1: Moose's Return

Part 2: Journey to Lupesia / Aex & Kao's Return

Part 3: Mission Gone Awry

Part 4: Cri Returns

Part 5: Secrets Revealed

Part 6: The Battle Planned

Part 7: Betrayal!

Part 8: Moose vs. Kao, a Fight for Love

Part 9: Red's Decision / The Battle Ends

Part 10: Triumphant Return / Epilogue

Invader Moose Chronicles III
Over the Horizon/The Life of Death

Part 1: The Demon's Resurrection

Part 2: Kro's Death Cyber-Journey

Part 3: The Plan Commences

Part 4: Sentencing

Part 4: The Final Confrontations