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Image links with a blue border around them are Fanlistings that I run! ^^

Anime / Manga
Otaku! Animey! (artiste) Hentai Fanart Fanlisting

Manga Artists/Creators

Tokei ~ The Yu-Gi-Oh Fanlisting

Again, I have way too many characters that I like... v_v;;
Believe... Yami Yugi Fanlisting Malik Ishtar Fanlisting <--Gotta love that hair! ^_^ [ Loyalty - The Rishid/Odion Fanlisting ] Mako Tsunami Fanlisting Mako Tsunami Fanlisting (couldn't decide which Mako/Kajiki one I liked better... :P) Winged Dragon Of Ra Fan
Yamis//are so suave Legendary Fishermen: Fanlisting for Mako's Relationship with His Father
Yu-Gi-Oh Card Game Fan

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