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With a lot of these, there's more than one banner for just one quiz.
That's because some questions on that quiz had more
than one answer that fit me, so I took it again and gave
different answers, and got different results!

I’m a BAT!

I’m a Dilophosaurus!!

What Is Your Animal Personality?


A Sugar Glider is the pet for me! These adorable little guys will climb to the top of your bookshelves and glide across the room. They love fresh fruit and cottage cheese. Keep the refrigerator stocked!

Which uncommon pet is for you?
Take the test!
by Solita

An Exotic Bird is the pet for me! A loyal and witty companion, exotic birds such as the Scarlet Macaw will live with me for up to 70 years! Always there when you need a friend to brighten up your day.

Which uncommon pet is for you?
Take the test!
by Solita

You are intelligent and highly curious, which sometimes makes people think that you are evil.
What fuzzy creature are you?

What Obscure Animal are you?

Take the Purrsonality Quiz!
*LOL* An Egyptian breed! Go figure... ^_^

The Norwegian Forest Cat is strong and independent. She is reserved with newcomers but blossoms in the company of old friends. Confidently defending what is hers, she does not like strangers in her territory. Her luxurious coat is a lot to handle, and necessity dictates regular upkeep. An amazing athlete, the Norwegian Forest Cat thrives on physical activity, and no leap is too great or prey too quick for her to tackle. This huntress is clearly queen of her domain!

Take the Desert Creatures Test!

Your: Cool kitten. Your super cool, cute and popular. your sweet on the guys and totally into fashion. You are naturally a perfectionist and are very artistic.
What kind of cat are you?

If I were a cat, I would be a... Lynx!

Lynxes (Lynx lynx) are compact, agile cats found in great numbers worldwide. Their coats are brownish gray and are covered with irregular spots. They have unique tufted ears and fluffy cheeks.

Being a Lynx, you are a very quiet person. You have many talents yet prefer to keep them quiet rather than flaunting them boldly. Many admire you – and for good reason!

- - Take the Quiz -

If I were a cat, I would be a... Puma!

The Puma (Felis concolor) is an unmarked, tawny cat which possesses, along with great elegance and agility, many commonly used names. The most widespread of its labels are Cougar, Panther, Mountain Lion, and Catamount. They live over a broad range in all of the Americas.

Being the Puma (or whatever you want to call it!), you are a very strong individual and have a great capability of succeeding at whatever you wish to accomplish. You are cunning when in sticky situations and adept at puzzles and riddles.

- - Take the Quiz -

You are a Jaguar!

You're a happy-go-lucky soul, and live life to its fullest. You're creative in your own ways and often rely on the support of all your many friends. (Hey, that isn't a bad thing though!) Why have 2 when you can have 20? ;)

u r a black panther u have the power of the dark you r not as strong as a white tiger but ur cunning makes up for it

The snake
Genera and species: Dasypeltis Scabra
Collective Term:A twist of snakes

Pity the cold-blooded snakes. Without arms, wings or flippers, they are forced to slink through life in a solitary quest for warmth and acceptance. Shy and insecure, they must keep a low profile to avoid the disapproving glances and teasing of others. Of course, their poisonous wit and quick tongues help to keep tormentors at bay.

As a child its small frame was no defense against the taunts of the playground bullies, so its sharply vicious attacks were adopted as means of protection. Snakes have no illusions about getting breaks in life and while they see doors opening for others, they have resigned themselves to staying in their lowly, entry level positions. So don't try and humor the snake, for it has reconciled itself to its subservient position.

With their intimate connection to the earth and their unique perspective on life, snakes have learned to express themselves through their art. Whether writers, moviemakers or painters, they are obsessively meticulous about their craft. Every now and then, one makes an impact on the art world and is thrust into the spotlight. But the snake recoils from the glare of publicity, and its behavior becomes even more erratic than usual.

In winter, the cold-blooded snake is miserable. It just can't cope in the low temperature that seeps in through its thin skin, affecting its mood and sapping its energy. Prone to colds and flu, they are pathetic sights as they snivel and cough throughout the season. But when summer returns with its warmth and light, the snakes' moods brighten and their spirits soar.

Snakes are not fussy about their choice of jobs. As cold blooded personalities they perform best when given warmth and kindness and will accept almost any job, provided they feel secure and trusted. However, if they feel mistrusted, they live up to their reputation and return the disloyalty. Consequently, they are often relegated to menial jobs in the fast-food industry or as unskilled labor.

It's not easy for snakes to disguise themselves. Even their speech betrays their reptilian heritage -- for snakes often have a slight lisp or stutter. This doesn't do much to help their self-esteem and they're more likely to spend their evenings quietly at home, than boogying down in a nightclub.


Careers and Hobbies
Writer                        Artist
Psychoanalyst         Food industry

Swimming                 Philosophy
Sculpture                  Debating

You're a fox!
You live up to your name by being very sly and intelligent. Brainy even. You like
crowds and aren't that comfortable
being alone. That doesn't mean you're looking for a constant companion or mate,
though; you prefer the excitement of meeting new people. Unfortunately, your active
social life leads some people to
call foxes the "sluts of Furry." But hey, that's okay, there's
always someone else who might think different. You like
to live in the now and are in on all the latest fads; you don't just live on
the cutting edge, you are the cutting edge....and maybe
sometimes too sharp for your own good.

Female: Vixen
Refined: Kitsune
Sensitive: Folf

You're a scalie/avian! (Strange pairing, yeah, but after all, birds evolved from reptiles!)
You're quite intelligent and often logical...which
is interpreted by some people as cold and calculating. However, your
logic pales in comparison to your emotional side.
You're not that energetic, but woe to the one that strikes your ire--you can
pack quite a nasty bite. You aren't at your best in a crowd,
and you probably don't have that many close friends either...probably
because of the fact that behind the facade of your
dual icy/firy're a little shy and insecure.

Moody: Dragon
Friendly: Dinosaur
Creative: Lizard
Sensual: Snake
Perky: Gryphon, Hippogriff
Proud: Bird of Prey (Falcon, Eagle, etc.)

Your a lilly. your elegant and independant, like the rose you are well respected and admired by many.
What kind of flower are you?

what's your inner flower?

[c] s u g a r d e w

take this quiz.

You are a city. All hustle and bustle..!

You are an Ocean. You are teeming with life below the surface, but sometimes you just.. go wild and scare the shit out of some surfers.
What Type of Scenery Are You?

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

What Natural Disaster are you? Take the quiz!

  • My #1 result for the selector, Bacteria Selector, is Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    No idea what that one is, but my 2nd one was E.Coli... ^^;;

  • I am Plague. Got Me?
    Take the Affliction Test Today!

    You're West Nile!
    What new disease are you!?