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This is my little section of the site where I post my confusion about various parts of the show. This is just a list of all the weird crap that I just can't figure out.

Gir's "brain" consists of a piece of bubblegum, a paperclip, and 2 pennies. So how does he think, taste food, etc.?

Where the heck did the Tallest get 2 pennies in the first place??? Field trip to the US??

The Tallest mention sending Zim to the "far reaches of the galaxy" in "Battle of the Planets" and the annoying red robot-dealie in the first episode chants "Galactic conquest is here". So Irk is in the same galaxy we are?

How come Red only wears his all-red robe during the Assigning and wears the red & black one the rest of the time, yet Purple's robe never changes color?

In the episode "Germs," Zim's germ-combating uniform contains a shower-cap. If Irkins can't tolerate water, why on Earth does Zim have a shower-cap??

In "Bolognius," we find out that Irkins can't tolerate meat touching them. But in "Germs," Zim's solution is to cover himself in meat. Huh??

Why did the walnuts go so much faster through the worm-hole than the bus, which had rocket boosters?

In "Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain," Zim puts up with Gir taking over the appliances for 1 year. How come he, and everyone else, are still in the same grade and still in Ms. Bitter's class?

Where did Zim get all that money that he threw in the Crazy Taco guy's face during "Idiot Dog Brain"? (And if anyone says that he still had it from "Walk of Doom," he didn't, because we can clearly see him pay the bus driver with all of his money.)

If Zim could barely fit through the hole in Dib's head in the Halloween special, how did NM Bitters & the Halloweenies, which were a LOT bigger than Zim, expect to get through?

At the beginning of "Dark Harvest," FillerBunny gets hit by a dodgeball and he actually breaks in half. I have yet to discover an animal that will shatter if hit by a ball...