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One more monster show? Jeez, how many of these dumb things do we need? The show focuses around a girl named Sakura Avalon, who opens up a book and lets a bunch of monsters out of it. However, as opposed to Pokemon, these monsters come from cards. Sakura soon meets up with a flying stuffed animal named Kiro, who is supposedly the guardian of the cards. If that's the case, we're all doomed. WB is going to be showing some new episodes soon, and Kiro eventually turns into a giant flying lion creature. About the cards themselves-they are all named for some sort of element, object, or something else (The wind card, the fly card, the shadow card, etc.) And all the monsters are either female or animal-based! Does that make any sense? No, but nothing about this show does. When Toonami decided to put this show in their lineup, they were taking a gamble. When they changed their entire lineup to DBZ and Cardcaptors, they were making a mistake.

  • Reviewed by: Olikrom (
  • Date Reviewed: 6-22-01
  • Pros:Ummmmmmm.....
  • Cons: This whole show is a con.
  • Final Score:
