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Dirty Pair Flash Mission 2

Dirty Pair Flash Mission 2

Don't Park In The Parking Lot, Non-Dairy Creamer, Same Difference, Dirty Pair Without Things Going Boom, What Do These Things Have In Common? THEY ARE ALL OXYMORONS AND ARE COMPLETE OPPOSITES! But That Is What Dirty Pair Flash-Mission 2 Is, Namely, Dirty Pair With Barely Any Explosions! And Also, For Reasons I Can Never Even Begin To Understand, They Tried To Give Mission 2 A Storyline. At Least I Think That It's A Storyline. Let Me Just Say That This Is An Even Worse Storyline Than Mission 1 And Let Your Imagination Do The Rest. But, On The Positive Side, They Put The Entire Mission On Two Tapes Instead Of Three, So You Get More For Your Money. What Else Is Good About It? Well, Some Of The Episodes Are FUNNY! Heck, Who WOULDN'T Laugh At The End Of The Flowershop Episode? The First Time That I Saw The End Of That Episode, I Was Acting Just Like Kei Did, Rolling On The Ground Laughing! (Almost Anyways), And Yes, This Mission Does Have Nudity In It. Which Is Why My Friend Liked It (Not Olikrom), But My Friend Was Into That Kind Of Anime. Whenever I Asked Him To Watch A Show That I Liked (The Slayers, Evangelion, Etc.) The First Question He Asked Was, "Is There Any Nudity In It?" Here Was A Normal Conversation About That-
Me-"You Should Really Watch The Slayers, It's Great!"
Him-"Is There Any Nudity In It?"
Me-"Well, No..."
Him-"Not Interested."
OOPS, I'm Getting Offtrack! Well, I Can't Really Think Of Much Else To Say Except That Even Though This Show Has Some Serious Flaws, It's Still Fun To Watch And It Does Have Some Memorable Moments. (It's A LONG Story, I Might Post It Up Later If I'm Bored) And It May Be Worth Your While. By The Way, The Background Music Is From Cutey Honey, Not Dirty Pair Flash.

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon (
  • Date Reviewed:1-28-01
  • Pros:Can Be Very Funny At Times (The Flowershop Episode)
  • Cons:Not Enough Explosions! Very Bad Storyline.
  • Final Score:
