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Gude Crest

Gude Crest

Before I Begin, I'm Pretty Sure That You Have No Clue What This Show Is, Right? Neither Did I Till I Found It For Sale For Three Dollars. Well, Now That I've Seen It I'll Tell You About It (That's What Reviews Do After All). First Of All This Show COULD Have Been A Lot Better Than It Is. As It Stands, Gude Crest Is Just, Well, Average. There Is One Big Reason Why It's Just Average Instead Of A Great Show, It Moves Way Too Fast! There Is Only One Tape To Gude Crest, And It's Only Fifty Minutes Long! During That Short Time, They Just Throw The Characters At You, So You Don't Really Know Much About Them And Don't Really Care What Happens To Them. Then They Move You From Place To Place So Fast, That Sometimes You'll Be Wondering Why The Characters Are Even There! Also, The Plot Suffers From The Shortness Of The Show As Well, Since The Characters Have To Begin The Show By Escaping From A Slave Ship, And In Fifty Minutes Have To, And I Quote, "Destroy A Cult, Topple A Tyrant, And Vanquish A God". Doesn't That Seem A Little Extreme To Cover In Fifty Minutes? If This Show Would Have Been Extended Over A Series Of OAV's, Than It Would Have Been Pretty Good, But As It Stands, It's Just Average. By The Way, The Background Music Is From Final Fantasy 7, Not Gude Crest.

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon (
  • Date Reviewed:6-19-01
  • Pros:I Got It For Only Three Dollars! Oh, The Show...Ummmmm, It's Anime, I Guess That's A Plus.
  • Cons:Way Too Short! Which Makes It Way Too Average!
  • Final Rating:To An Average Show Goes An Average Score-
