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Ghost in the Shell

Before I begin, I would like to mention that this movie in NO way whatsoever should be viewed by children. It is incredibly violent, contains a lot of swearing, and nudity. However, this movie is still good for us mature folk. It's rating would most likely be R.

The whole story focuses around Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg assassin that has the abilty to turn invisible by stripping off her clothing, which is awesome! As for the plot, she is being stalked by a ghost-type creature called the puppet master, who is erasing the memories of his victims.

There is a lot more to the plot, but telling you about it might get me in trouble with the spoiler police. Anywho, just buy the video like I did, watch it, then watch it again to make sure you didn't miss anything, then watch it again for no good reason...*drool* uh, nevermind......

(Olikrom adds: I feel the writer was being too harsh on the rating. He gave it a 7/10. I gave it a 8.5/10, because It really has a good story to it, but I felt confused at times.)