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Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Evangelion Is Not Just Your Typical Anime, It Is One Of Those Animes That Redefines Its Genre, And Also Affects Anime As A Whole. It Is One Of Those Animes That Gets Compared To All The Time, But Has Yet To Be, And Possibly Never Will Be, Overthrown By Any Anime Of It's Type. In The Case Of Evangelion, It Has Yet To Be, And May NEVER, Be Overthrown By ANY Anime. Evangelion Contains Emotional Characters, Awe Inspiring Art, And An Unbelievably Deep Storyline That Spirals Into A Powerful Display Of Drama And Depression, Exploring The Depths Of The Mind, Soul, And What It Means To Be Human..... And Of Course, There Are Some Kick A$$ Battles And A Penguin Named Pen Pen.

Let Me First Explain That Evangelion Is Not Just A Giant Robot Series (The Evas Aren't Even Robots!), As A Matter Of Fact, You Shouldn't Watch Evangelion Just For The Battles. As Good As The Battles Are, That Is Not The Only Reason To Watch Evangelion. Why Are They Even Fighting? They Are Fighting To Save All Of Mankind, Against The Angels (That's Right, Angels!) Well Actually, The Direct Translation Is Closer To "Disciple", But They Changed It To "Angels" When Bringing It To The US. Angels Have An AT Field, Which Protects Them From Conventional Weapons (Guns, Missiles, Etc.), Even N2 Mines Have No Effect! N2 Mines Have The Power Of A Nuclear Bomb, But Without The Radiation (N2="Non Nuclear"). Wow, How Do We Stop Them? Duh, Make Huge Things Called Evangelions To Fight Them In Brutal Hand To Hand Combat! To Defeat The Angels, That Is Why NERV Exists (NERV="Organization Designed To Defeat The Angels") Only A Few Humans Can Pilot The Evangelions, All Of Which Are Motherless Fourteen Year Olds That Were Born Exactly Nine Months After The Second Impact (Second Impact="Big Explosion That Wiped Out Half Of The Human Race"). Let It Be Known, Evangelion Is Deeper Than That, Much, MUCH Deeper, All That Explains Is Who They Are Fighting And Why. Since I Do Not Wish To Spoil ANYTHING For You, I Won't Explain Any More (And Besides That, It's 2:30 In The Morning Right Now And I Don't Feel Like Typing Any More). Just Trust Me (And Almost Everyone Else Who Has Watched Evangelion), This Series Will Change The Way You Look At Anime (And Heck, Maybe Even Life, But I Wouldn't Go Quite That Far). Just Buy ALL Thirteen Tapes At Once (Like I Did), And Watch Them (Well, That's A Given, You're Not Going To Buy The Tapes Just To Read The Boxes Now Would You?). This Series Is A MUST BUY For Any Human Being, Not Just Those Who Like A Certain Genre, Not Just Those Who Like Anime, EVERYBODY!!!!! It Would Make The World A Better Place. And Give Those Penguins A Copy Too.

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon (
  • Date Reviewed:6-19-01
  • Pros:Why Are You Still Reading This? Go And Buy Evangelion!
  • Cons:There Are None, Understand! (Some People Think That The Ending Sucks, But That's Why They Made The End Of Eva! It's An Alternate Ending!)
  • Final Rating:

    It's Actually (On A Scale From One To Ten), Well, Ummm..... INFINITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
