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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Final Two Episodes

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Final Two Episodes

FINAL GENESIS-The Oxymoron Of Eva. "The final two episodes were very confusing. To me, anyway."
- So Says The Olikrom.

As For JapDemon, He Thinks That It Makes PERFECT Sense. Who Else BESIDES JD, Possibly The Biggest Eva Fan On The Face Of The Earth...Ummm....Universe. However, These Two Episodes (And The Entire Series), Are PACKED With Subliminal Messages. For One Thing, In The Opening, It Says "ADAM", They Show Crosses CONSTANTLY (An Explosion, A Necklace, And One At The End That Burns In A Split Second.). Plus, The Enemies Are ANGELS, And They Fight With EVANGELIONS. And As For The Name "Neon Genesis Evangelion", Would Literally Translate To-"Bright Colored Beginning Preachers"-Wow...What??? I Think I've Confused Myself And You At The Same Time... Let's Move On, Shall We?

These Episodes Have Some FUUUUUUUUNNNNNN SH*T!!!!! Try To Decipher The Hidden Meanings, And Watch For The Subliminal Messages. Now, The Most ENTERTAINING Part Of These Two Episodes Was When They Actually Get Away From The Philosophy And Get On To A Real Episode! (Part Of One Anyways). Shinji Acts Like A Perverted Jerk And It's Great! Like Asuka's Line-"I DIDN'T MEAN TO GET THAT UP!", Oh Wait, There Might Be Little Kids Reading This! Oh Well, The Box Says MATURE AUDIENCES. And Rei Acting Like A Real Human!!! She Tells Shinji-"YOU'RE THE PERVERT THAT LOOKED AT MY PANTIES!!!" Good For You, Shinji. Finally The Ending-Pen Pen Is There! WOO HOO!!! Pen Pen Is My Hero!!! That Didn't Give Away Much, Don't Worry. These Episodes Have A Deep, DEEP Plot About The "Human Instrumentality Project", Once You See The End Of Eva, You'll Understand It Better. And Don't Worry, The Ending Is A HAPPY Ending! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

  • Reviewed By:JapDemon AND Olikrom
  • Date Reviewed:6-19-01
  • Pros:The Ending ROCKED!!!! You Just Need To Be Smart Enough To Understand It.
  • Cons:There Are None, Understand! I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT!!! You Just Don't Understand It, That's All.
  • Final Rating:

    It's Actually (On A Scale From One To Ten), Well, Ummm..... INFINITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
