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Digimon has tried for years to separate itself from Pokémon. However, I know that Digimon came first (remember Tomagotchi?). The show isn't really as good as the game, because in the game you had to raise them yourself. In this, all you have to do is tell them to "digivolve" and they do it. I'm really fond of the mega forms they have in the show, because they are not in the game. All the episodes follow the same premise: fight a new monster, and it gets defeated by a good one. Not much of a storyline. However, I despise the fact that they make the good monsters look weak. I mean, when they fought Myotismon, they had 6 Ultimates who didn't stand a chance against one Ultimate. It's suckiness writ large. I will, however, give credit to the new "Armor" forms, since they are not really digivolves at all. They can beat Ultimates with one hand tied behind their backs. Right now, I'm throwing darts at my Pikachu dartboard, and I'm thinking of any excuse to make Pokémon look worse, even if it involves making Digimon look better. Hey, if JapDemon can write a bad review, than SO CAN I!!!!!!

  • Reviewed by: Olikrom (
  • Date Reviewed: 1-25-01
  • Pros: The mega forms
  • Cons: The overkill of the suffix "mon"
  • Final Score: "Guy uses monsters to fight monsters" is a category!-
